Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics
Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics
Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics (JEF) is a multidisciplinary forum for scholars. Addressed to an international scholarly audience, JEF is open to contributions from researchers all over the world. JEF publishes articles in the research areas of ethnology, folkloristics, museology, cultural and social anthropology. It includes both studies focused on the empirical analysis of particular cases as well as those more theoretically oriented. JEF is a peer-reviewed journal, issued two times per year. JEF is the joint publication of the Estonian National Museum, the Estonian Literary Museum and the University of Tartu. The journal was established in 2007 by merging three former periodicals dedicated to the study of ethnology and folkloristics: Pro Ethnologia (19 volumes in 1993–2005), published by the Estonian National Museum, Studies in Folklore and Popular Religion (3 volumes in 1996–1999) and Studies in Folk Culture (5 volumes in 2003–2005), published by the University of Tartu (Department of Estonian and Comparative Folklore and Department of Ethnology).