Why do we need a reform of the National Employment Agency?
De ce avem nevoie de o reformă a Agenției Naționale de Ocupare a Forței de Muncă?
The need to reform ANOFM is a priority both on the Government's agenda and in the strategic planning documents. This is by no means accidental considering that statistical and sociological data definitely suggest the existence of challenges and imbalances in the intermediation of labor market demand and supply, and ANOFM is the state institution mandated to ensure the correlation of labor demand with labor supply. The given analysis evaluates and argues with evidence about the need to reform ANOFM emerging from 3 perspectives i) institutional vulnerabilities, ii) the perception of unemployed beneficiaries about the interaction and services provided by ANOFM, but also iii) how the activity of ANOFM correlates with social realities - economic from the territorial units they cover. At the same time, based on the analysis of the situation carried out, recommendations are also presented for the successful and impactful implementation of the given reform.