Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature
"Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature", quarterly (ISSN 0137-4699, e-ISSN 2450-4580) is an international peer-reviewed journal aiming at publishing literary, linguistic, translation studies and foreign language teaching research in all modern foreign languages. The journal advisory board and the reviewers’ board are made up of distinguished international scholars, who specialise in all the disciplines within the journal’s scope. "Lublin Studies in Modern Languages and Literature" accepts original research articles that conform to the journal’s policy that represent high academic quality. Contributors come from
research institutions from all over the world. The journal adopts the double-blind review policy and does not accept any form of ghost-writing or guest-authorship. The journal’s publication record dates back to 1972, since 2013 it has been published online, fully adopting open-access policy with all the articles freely available on the Web at as well as in international indexing databases: ERIH
PLUS, Central and Eastern European Online Library - CEEOL, EBSCO Publishing, Index Copernicus, BazHum, CEJSH. The archive issues of LSMLL since 1976 till 2013 are available in full-text at