SEER - South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs
SEER - South-East Europe Review for Labour and Social Affairs
The SEER tries to stimulate the exchange of information among researchers, trade unionists and people who have a special interest in the political, social and economic development of the region of south-east Europe. The SEER tries to draw attention to new research results and the latest analyses about the ongoing process of political and social changes in the south-east of Europe. The SEER tries to create more understanding for the importance of the elaboration of democratic structures in industrial relations. The SEER tries to combine contributions from different disciplines and »political schools« into an information package of interest for policy makers, researchers, academics and trade unionists from various backgrounds. Publisher: Hans-Böckler-Stiftung and the European Trade Union Institute Editor: Peter Scherrer Associate Editor: Calvin Allen Editorial Board: Dr. Jens Becker, Johann-Wolfgang-Goethe University, Frankfurt/Main Dr. Béla Galgóczi, Institute for Social Studies, Budapest Reiner Hoffmann, Director of the European Trade Union Institute, Brussels Dr. Dobrin Kanev, New Bulgarian University, Sofia Dr. Darko Marinković, Megatrend, University of applied sciences, Belgrade Dr. Igor Munteanu, Viitorul Foundation, Chișinau Dr. Kemal Öke, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Ankara Dr. Ekaterina Ribarova, Confederation of Independent Trade Unions of Bulgaria, Sofia Prof. Bruno S. Sergi, University of Messina & CERC-University of Melbourne Ljiljana Vidučić, PhD Associate Professor at the University of Split, Croatia Prof. Dr. Edward Zammit, University of Malta, Msida The Hans-Böckler-Foundation is the DGB (German Trade Union Confederation) organisation for employee codetermination, research and study promotion. In all its fields of activity it is committed to codetermination as a principle for designing a democratic society. It promotes this idea, supports all representatives in the codetermination area and advocates the broadening and extension of codetermination rights. If you want to know more about the Hans-Böckler-Foundation please write to the editor or see the home page under: