Architecture & Town-Planning
Architektúra & Urbanizmus
The biannual Architektúra & urbanizmus provides a forum for the publication of research papers on architecture and town-planning. The attention is concentrated on the theory, history, philosophy and culture of architecture and town-planning of 20th and 21st century, as well as on the problems of their artistic and technical aspects. The published papers deal with the relation of architecture and town-planning to art, technology and environment. They also present research results of architecture and town-planning sociology and psychology, social ecology, environment technology and of other theoretical disciplines which contribute to the development of the theoretical knowledge in architecture and town-planning. The papers further deal with methods of appreciation and criticism of architectural and town-planning activities, as with appreciation of outstanding architects, architectonic works and periods. Papers on architecture and town-planning education, book reviews and information on scientific meetings are involved. The biannual is published by the Institute of Construction and Architecture of the Slovak Academy of Sciences in cooperation with the Art History Institute of the Academy of Sciences of Czech Republic.
Indexed in Thomson Reuters Arts and Humanities Citation Index a v Current Contents – Arts & Humanities, in SCOPUS the Elsevier Bibliographic Database, in Journal index of the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) and Central and East European online Library (CEEOL).