Sarajevo Business and Economics Review (SBER)
Zbornik radova - Sarajevo Business and Economics Review (SBER)
Beginning with issue no. 31/2010 Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Sarajevu has changed its title into Sarajevo Business and Economics Review (SBER) / Zbornik radova. Beside that, SBER will be published twice a year and its ISSN has been changed to 1986-5473. The Collection of Papers of School of Economics and Business/Zbornik radova Ekonomskog fakulteta u Sarajevu (ISSN 0581-7439) has been published annualy between 1966-2009. Each issue includes many original scientific papers, reviewed and professional papers. Since its foundation, all of the associates involved in publishing: authors, reviewers and editorial board have been devoted to continuous improvement in quality of papers published in Proceedings.