Transnational Marketing Journal (TMJ)
Transnational Marketing Journal (TMJ)
Transnational Marketing Journal (TMJ) is dedicated to publishing high quality contemporary research into transnational marketing practices and scholarship while encouraging critical approaches in the development of marketing theory and practice. TMJ promotes and show-cases current research into marketing practices and challenges crossing national borders. Transnational Marketing Journal aims to publish high-quality papers on transnational marketing, the emphasis being on current interests, marketing practice and theory development. The journal offers an outlet for research and scholarship in this growing field in marketing research. The focus of Transnational Marketing Journal is on empirical findings, methodological papers, theoretical and conceptual insights as well as debates and reviews in all areas of marketing regarding marketing practices across borders, reaching multiple countries. A rather critical stance towards marketing theory and practice distinguishes the journal from others. Multidisciplinary contributions are particularly welcome as well as cross-disciplinary debates. Transnational Marketing Journal invites papers in all areas of Marketing with an emphasis and relevance to cross border practices, issues, challenges facing marketers and researchers in the field. Border Crossing Transnational Working Papers was launched in 2013 and co-edited by Ibrahim Sirkeci (Regent's University London) and Maktoba Omar (Coventry University).