The legal position of healthcare workers who have been legally convicted of a criminal offense and healthcare workers against whom criminal proceedings are being conducted in the procedures for employment in public healthcare institutions
Pravni položaj zdravstvenih radnika koji su pravosnažno osuđeni za krivično djelo i zdravstvenih radnika protiv kojih se vodi krivični postupak u postupcima prijema u radni odnos u javnim zdravstvenim ustanovama
Keywords: public health institutions; healthcare workers; legal position; criminal offense;
The employment system in public health institutions in the Federation of BiH has been the target of well-founded criticism for its lack of transparency for a long time. The recent reform of labor legislation has brought, among other things, an obligation for public health institutions to recruit all new employees through public advertising. This opened a number of new dilemmas, including the issue of the legal status of health workers who have been convicted of criminal offenses, and health workers against whom criminal proceedings are being conducted, when they appear as candidates in recruitment procedures in public health institutions. The analysis of this problem, which included labor and criminal legislation, regulations on personal data protection, but also regulations in the field of health professional law, showed that in the applicable legislation there is no valid legal basis for collection of data on the previous convictions of the candidates or on the criminal proceedings against the candidates by public health institutions in employment procedures.