Keywords: Bulgarian-Greek academic cooperation; Balkan Studies; bilateral relations
The article offers an evaluation of the half century of Bulgarian-Greek bilateral scholarly cooperation in the field of Balkan studies. The beginning of this exchange is related to the establishment of the Association internationale des études sud-est européennes (AIESEE), founded in 1963, which encouraged the emergence and development of research centers in the region, the Institute of Balkan Studies at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences being one of them. The article traces the joint academic events of the Institute with various Greek research and educational institutions such as the Institute for Balkan Studies (IMXA) in Thessaloniki, KNE (Center of Modern Greek Studies), the Universities of Athens, Florina, Komotini and Ioaninna as well as the Institute of Mediterranean Studies in Rethymno (Crete). Attention is also paid to the joint forums, the collections of studies with participation of academics from the two countries and the wide spectrum of themes that engage the two parties. The article also shows how these established academic practices have often turned into a good base for the cultural and diplomatic relations between the two states.
More...Keywords: Modernization processes; Balkans;
An important contribution to the study of modernization processes in the Balkans.
More...Keywords: Economic history; Balkans;
A very precious and useful handbook for economic and monetary historians of the Balkans.