The identity discourse at work in the CPNT movement press (Hunting Fishing Nature and Traditions)
Le discours identitaire à l'oeuvre dans la presse du mouvement CPNT (Chasse Pêche Nature et Traditions)
Keywords: Discourse; Social Identity; Social Representations
We know that the social identity of the subjects is dependant on social representations, themselves resulting from communication processes. In order to illustrate the links between SR and Social Identity, we chose to study a particular discourse: the discourse of the political movement Hunting, Nature, Fishing and Traditions (CPNT) about Europe. The study of the propaganda of movement CPNT will allow us to bring out the representations of Europe existing within this political group as well as the links between these representations and the social identity which they contribute to develop. Thus, we made the study of a corpus of 21 numbers of CPNT Infos representing two years of publications (2001-2003). This analysis, using software ALCESTE, was realized in order to reveal the lexical worlds within the discourse of this movement. The results reveal that the discourse of movement CPNT about Europe was the support of SRs with an identitary function. Moreover, we observe that this discourse was modified by other SRs or beliefs of group. Finally, we revealed the markers specific to a such discourse.