Keywords: Polish Film; Polish Cinema; Film studies; Polish film scholars; Kwartalnik Filmowy; Instytut Sztuki Pan; Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences
Special English language issue including articles by Polish film scholars on Polish cinema. The first special issue of “Kwartalnik Filmowy” in English was prepared in the framework of the “National Programme for the Development of the Humanities”. We would like to treat this publication as an opportunity to share internationally the noteworthy research tendencies in Polish film studies concerning our national cinema, to indicate interesting phenomena in this cinema, and to present “Kwartalnik Filmowy” as an important, nationally unique field of reflection on film, which encompasses all academic centres of film research in Poland. The first section is devoted to new interpretations of Polish film masterpieces. It is said that every generation writes its own history of the cinema. Thanks to temporal distance, these works can be liberated from their old circumstantial political and cultural contexts, so that new values can be found in them. Today, Polish documentary cinema is sometimes more exploratory than fiction cinema. This is testified by papers presented in section two of the present volume. The last section of the present volume is devoted to experimental tendencies and explorations in search of a new language in film. For us, the electronic issue of “Kwartalnik Filmowy” is also an important experiment and an attempt to reach a wider audience. We count on your feedback and hope for a fruitful dialogue and other forms of cooperation.
More...Keywords: Chechenya; Eurasia; national liberation; Islamism; Russia
This ample study approaches the changes occuring following the Soviet breakup in the Eurasian areas where national liberation and islamism started to occupied the stage that far occupied by Soviet communism.
More...Keywords: the theatre experience of Eugene Ionesco;
The posterity of Eugene Ionesco.
More...OUVRAGE PRÉCIEUX ILLUSTRANT LES RELATIONS BULGARO-RUSSES SOUS LE GOUVERNEMENT DE STAMBOLOV (Попов, Радослав . Русия срещу Стамболов или Стамболов срещу Русия . София 2000); WHAT IS IT TO BE A WOMAN AND A MAN IN THE BALKANS (Gender Relations in South Eastern Europe: Historical Perspectives on Womanhood and Manhood in 1 9 th and 20 th Century, Belgrade–Graz 2002); Crampton, R. J. THE BALKANS SINCE THE SECOND WORLD WAR. London–New York, Longman, 2002; Първанова , Зорка . МЕЖДУ НЕОСЪЩЕСТВЕНИЯ ХЮРИЕТ И НЕИЗБЕЖНАТА ВОЙНА . София 2002; Стоилова Тамара . ТРЕТИЯТ РИМ . МИРНИТЕ РЕШЕНИЯ НА РУСКАТА ИМПЕРСКА ПОЛИТИКА В ЮГОИЗТОЧНА ЕВРОПА ПРЕЗ Х V ВЕК . София 2001; Мутафова , Красимира . СТАРОПРЕСТОЛНИЯТ ТЪРНОВ В ОСМАНОТУРСКАТА КНИЖНИНА Х V-Х V В . В . Търново 2002; Фотић , Александар . СВЕТА ГОРА И ХИЛАНДАР У ОСМАНСКОМ ЦАРСТВУ Х V-XV ВЕК . Београд 2000; Response to the review by Nikolai Aretov on the book “St Mount Athos and the Bulgarian New-martyrdom” (Sofia, 200 ) by Konstantinos Nichoritis*; THE BALKANS: Mapping Identities (8 TH - 2 ST C.) First International NEXUS Conference (Sofia, 18-20 October 2002); SECOND INTERNATIONAL TURKOLOGICAL SYMPOSIUM MOSTAR – 2002; ANNIVERSARY OF THE OUTBREAK OF THE BALKAN WAR; JUBILEE CONFERENCE ON THE EPARCHATE OF VARNA AND PRESLAV; A CONFERENCE ON ANTI-SEMITISM IN THE BALKANS Mont Athos et de Chilandar. Vesko Obreshkov
More...Keywords: bibliography
A list of Polish publications on international and European law in 2006-2008.
More...Keywords: Croatian nationalism; Ustaša movement; Ustaša principles; Independent State of Croatia; racial theories; racial legislation
In this article, which is written in a polemical tone, the author is making an eff ort to problematize a point of view from which the ideology of Croatian nationalism, the Ustasha movement and the Independent State of Croatia are even today being obsereved by a part of historiography. According to the author, the ideology of Croatian nationalism has not suff ered much vital modification since the mid-19th century until the end od the Second World War, rather it has kept itself occupied with justifying the right of Croats as a multiconfessional European nation to establish an independent state. Not just political manifestations, but also literary and cultural achievements of the nationalist ideology protagonists clearly speak in that direction. Th e geopolitical position of Croatian lands, as well as the infl uence of foreign powers have not made the achievement of such a right of Croatian people and the evolution of Croatian nationalist ideology possible. As a result, that same nationalist ideology sometimes takes on foreign ideological and political infl uences which are visible only on its surface and purely out of tactial reasons. Th e Ustasha movement, being one of the manifestations of Croatian nationalism, is also characterized by ideological eclecticism. Thus, diff erent and sometimes contrastive statements made by the leading persona of Ustasha movement regarding their attitude towards the ideologies dominating Europe in the time after the First World War are therefore understandable.
More...Le cheminement littéraire de Kušan compte quelques pages qui méritent d’être observées de plus près: l’une d’elle, la plus durable, mais inséparable de l’ensemble, s’ouvre avec La tour, chronique pour passer le temps, où il démasque et démystifie totalement, à sa façon ironique et sarcastique, toute la misère et le mensonge d’une époque idéologisée qui connaît aujourd’hui, avec ses acteurs, un implacable échec.
More...Keywords: Czech art; 19th century art; illustrated magazines; illustration; reproduction
Illustrated magazines are specific phenomenon in the 19th century culture. Especially between the 1860s and 1890s they published an enormous number of pictorial materials of diverse content and quality. The text deals with Czech artists whose work significantly influenced the visual aspect as well as the content of the magazines. Some of the names mentioned are František Bohumír Zvěřina, Adolf Liebscher or Luděk Marold. The final part of the text is devoted to the relation of image and text that created very complex interrelations within the magazine structure.
More...Keywords: Orphic diet; vegetarianism; Pythagoreanism; taboo foods; sacrifices; mysteries; Graeco-Roman religion
The paper discusses the dietary prohibitions implied by Orpheus’ poems, the so-called Orphica, attested since ca. 444 BC; the interrelations between the Orphic diet and the taboos observed by early Pythagoreans (520–360 BC); the reasons why the adherents of Orphic movement used to abstain from meat, beans, and eggs; and the virtual Orphic menu.
More...Keywords: Bibliography; Vrhbosnensia; 1997-2016;
Bibliography of the journal Vrhbosnensia (1997 - 2016)
More...Keywords: ordoliberalism;neoliberalism;extremism;religion;European union;austerity;
Scholarly perspectives on Johan van der Walt's book 'When one religious extremism unmasks another'
More...Keywords: Constanin Stere;works;
Grupajul de texte constituie o restituție documentară necesară contu-rării în tușe fine a personalității complexe a profesorului universitar și omului politic Constantin Stere. Ideea constituirii dosarului a aparținut colegului Bogdan-Petru Maleon, iar selectarea materialului și transcrierea lui a fost posibilă prin efortul echipei de la Muzeul Universității: Vasilica Mîrza, Petronela Gabriela Moisii, Petronela Raluca Podovei și Ionuț Nistor. De-a lungul timpului, au văzut lumina tiparului contribuții însem¬nate, în ampla operă dedicată lui Stere. Între ele, volumele conținând articolele din presa vremii și scrierile juristului ieșean: C. Stere, Scrieri: articole, studii, cronici şi comentarii estetice, literare, filozofice, social politice, vol. V, Chișinău, Hyperion, 1991; Constantin Stere, Publicistică, vol. I, II, ed. Victor Durnea, Iași, Editura Universității „Alexandru Ioan Cuza”, 2012; Constantin Stere, Curs de drept constituțional, pref. Raisa Grecu, Chișinău, Cartier, 2016 etc. Grupajul nostru propune un unghi diferit de abordare. Am încercat să-i cuprindem activitatea din anii Marelui Război pornind de la scrierile celor care l-au cunoscut. Am oferit, astfel, posibilitatea cercetătorilor de azi să-l recepteze pe Stere din paginile scrise despre el, ieri. Selecția textelor nu a fost deloc simplă, căci personalitatea puternică și controver-sată încă din epocă a provocat, a stimulat scrisul, dezbaterea, polemica. Din cele câteva zeci de articole de presă și de analize publicate în periodicele vremii am selectat 37, care îl surprind pe universitarul, omul politic și scriitorul Constantin Stere. Nu i-am privilegiat pe simpatizanți și nici pe contestatari, echilibrul între cele două perspective fiind necesar, dar foarte greu de menținut în tumultul pasiunilor stârnite de Stere și în multitudinea notițelor, impresiilor, pozițiilor exprimate public. Am inclus în grupaj articole publicate în presa cotidiană locală și națională, necroloage, fragmente de studii și cărți apărute în timpul vieții sale. Am selectat, deopotrivă, scrieri asumate de nume importante ale vieții politice și culturale românești, dar și texte semnate cu pseudonim sau de personaje mai puțin cunoscute astăzi. Totul pentru a reda cât mai fidel spiritul și dezbaterea epocii, pentru a recompune o imagine complexă a universitarului, omului politic și scriitorului Stere. Am păstrat grafia epocii și particularitățile de scriitură ale fiecărui autor. Am oferit explicații termenilor arhaici sau pentru câteva persoane menționate în grupaj, utilizând note infrapaginale ordonate numeric și am păstrat trimiterile de subsol ale autorilor, pe care le-am notat cu simbolul *. Ordinea textelor este cronologică, surprinzând, de fapt, evoluția „cazului Stere” până la moartea sa, în 1936.
More...Keywords: Game Theory; international relations; the players;
In the past two decades, the surge of interest in modeling national security, regional alliances, international political economy and domestic politics - to name just a few - using the tools of Game Theory has met both with considerable optimism and with sobering pessimism from quantitative and qualitative political scientists everywhere. The present paper aims to herald a comprehensive systematization of game theoretic analysis, which has been typically confined to choice case studies, and to post-hoc analysis of world events. A better typology of the approaches and testable controls that have emerged within Game Theory may shed additional light on international relations and allow for its entrance into more respectable circles of world studies theorizing.
More...Keywords: evolution of chemistry; history of chemistry;
This book aims to observe the evolution of chemistry as a science. Its main goal, however, is not to give the reader a regular popular science account of the history of chemistry. The history of chemistry is only intended to serve as a background material for the analysis of problems which emerge at the intersection of the history, methodology and philosophy of science, presented in the format of popular science. These questions concern the nature of science, the preconditions for the emergence of science, its timeline, the rules and regularities of the development of science.
More...Keywords: power; dissent; post-totalitarianism; responsibility; technological civilization;
Inevitably, when revisiting a work I translated many years before, I am struck by things I might have done differently. My regrets run the gamut, from nuances of meaning missed or fudged, through omissions I can no longer properly explain, to outright, face-grabbing errors. This is true of all the novels, plays, and short stories I have translated. It is also true of The Power of the Powerless. Because I’m usually my own harshest critic, I’m never dismayed when people, as several of the contributors to this volume have done, point these lapses out. On the contrary they serve, in an odd way, to confirm the basic soundness of the work. [...]
More...Keywords: Hussein Suhrawardy; Muslim League; Partition; Bengal; the politics of caste and communalism; Indian National Congress; Hindu Mahasabha; tebhaga; decolonization; Great Calcutta Riot
Up to the present day Suhrawardy remains a controversial figure in both parts of Bengal, with Hindus often seeing him as their fierce persecutor and Bangladeshi Muslims hailing him as their country’s forefather and preacher of communal unity. This article analyses his actions during the period of his Prime Ministership (1946-1947) looking for the sources of the above dichotomy. It argues that although Suhrawardy displayed a mild communal bias at times, circumstances made him inconsistent, being as he was trapped between right wing of Muslim League, the Hindu masses unwilling to trust him and (until the end of 1946) Congress ambitions to inherit the whole Raj. The need to act quickly due to Viceroy Mountbatten’s haste, as well as the PM’s lack of social skills were other factors contributing to failure of his last initiative – United Bengal Scheme – despite his genuine efforts towards Hindu-Muslim settlement and agrarian reforms.
More...Keywords: Romania; economic history; political history; agriculture; collectivization; 1949-1962;
La chronologie de la collectivisation porte sur quatre niveaux d'action: l'espace de la décision politique reflétée dans le discours ou la directive; l'évolution des mécanismes juridiques et administratifs, ainsi que des institutions ayant dirigé le processus de la collectivisation; la dynamique des rapports entre les structures collectives et le fonds de la propriété privée dans l'agriculture; les réactions de défense des communautés paysannes devant les pressions de la collectivisation.