Keywords: romanticism; landscape; nature; universe; revolution; Schelling; Friedrich; Runghe
One of the most comprehensive ideas of Romanticism is the idea of nature as organic unit. According to the epoch that carried in itself the most various revolutions: politics, industrial, spiritual, the new picture of nature appeared as a product, or as a stimulus for developing the most of them. To explain the complex concept of the nature in this epoch I was led by the hierarchy created by romantics themselves, according to whom, the artist, as the most self-conscious part of the universe, becomes part of nature and at the same time is being apart from it while creating work of art. I will try to follow this very idea through my chapters: from the hierarchy of nature and universe to the hierarchy of art. And in the end, I will finish my exposure by examining various landscapes as a result of romantic experience of nature.
More...Keywords: Uralic; 3rd person verbal marker; definite conjugation
There may be three conjugations in Uralic languages: indefinite, definite and reflexive. The primary determinator of the choice between the indefinite or definite conjugations in Uralic was intransitivity/transitivity - intransitive verbs were used without and transitive verbs with the 3P marker. A consonant alternation of the 3P verbal marker Finno-Permic and Hungarian s ~ Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic t is usually explained in Uralistics by the change of s > t. But typologically the change s > t is a rare case. László Honti has recently considered it as possible to suppose, in case of this congruity, the descent of both of those sounds from an earlier common source - an original voiceless dental fricative. The source for the 3P verbal marker was a demonstrative (definitive) suffix, identical to the 3P possessive suffix, or possibly two different demonstrative suffixes - in Finno-Permic *-s'V and in Ob-Ugric and Samoyedic *-tV. Discussing the choise of the indefinite and definite conjugations we need to point out that there is no common set of rules valid for the whole Uralic language group. Discrimination of indefinite and definite conjugations and a concomitant reference to the number of an object (in Mordvin, Ob-Ugric and Northern Samoyedic) as well as to the person of an object (in Mordvin and partly in Hungarian) are a phenomenon that is inherent to the whole of Northern Siberia.
More...Keywords: Mari language; Finnish; negation; morphology
Mari — like most of the cognate Finno-Ugric/Uralic languages — is using negative auxiliary as means of negation. Yet on the surface it differs very much from its close cognate, Finnish. The reason for this difference can be found in the shift of the stress from the first syllable to the last one containing a full vowel, which took place under the ifluence of the neighbouring Turkic languages (Tatar, Bashkir and Chuvash). The shift of the stress triggered vowel-rotation by which the two conjugational type can be brought to a common denominator. By the same reason, in historical pespective a common origin can also be found for the two past tense markers (-j and -š) of Mari.
More...Keywords: Serbia; Croatia; EU; Blocked; Jurisdiction; Petrov; Oreskovic
Zagreb calls for respect for human rights and other conditions to be met.
More...Keywords: Eternal recurrence; transcendentalism; categorical imperative; will; death of God;
The eternal return may be interpreted as a transcendental notion and, therefore, as a possible condition for the other key concepts in Nietzsche’s philosophy. Based on this, I intend to link the eternal recurrence of the same to the Kantian theory of perception as described in Critique of Pure Reason , and to the categorical imperative. Before doing so, this paper will emphasize that the eternal return was made possible by conveying the message of the death of God. Hence, there are three hypotheses which need to be discussed: 1. The eternal recurrence of the same is possible in Nietzsche’s philosophy only by admitting that God is dead. 2. The eternal return is a necessary condition for lived experience. Here, I will consider the common aspects of the eternal recurrence and the a priori intuition of time presented in Kant’s transcendental aesthetic as a priori forms of the intuitions belonging to the subjective constitution of the human mind. 3. The eternal recurrence holds the value of a categorical imperative. The aim of this paper is to argue the fact that the eternal recurrence of the same is a universal and necessary condition for the lived experience It is, therefore, a transcendental principle in Nietzsche’s philosophy.
More...Keywords: Insurance ; victims ; compensation; notification; procedure
Many times, insurance companies and agents, during the administrative procedure opened by the individuals who have suffered damages after car accidents, do not fulfill their legal obligations towards the compensation requests filed or do so in a poor fashion. As a result, car accident victims are forced to sue the insurers to receive their damages, also having to add the expenses inherent to court trials to their losses. This text aims to analyze the stages and the content of the administrative procedure, respectively what the obligations of the insurance companies and agents are in regard to the victims’ rights to claim compensation and the legal consequences of not fulfilling their legal requirements.
More...Keywords: post-modernity; religious values; morality; promoting Christian values;
The collapse of the New York Stock Exchange during the interwar period, the completion of the Second World War, with all its atrocities have determined a series of mutations in the social-cultural sphere, especially from the perspective of values. The post-modernism generated mistrust in the meta-narratives of modernity. The transition to post-modernity came with a change in the worldview and the contemporary world, as the old meta-narratives were deconstructed. The meta-narrative deconstruction, the post-death of God and the twilight of the debt marked the beginning of a new period where the old values are replaced with some new values tailored on the contemporary society. In this paper we wish to discuss a number of issues raised by the trans-humanist current, since they conflict with the moral and religious beliefs. As part of our approach we will deal with some aspects: the eternal life (immortality), the genetic editing and the moral perfection (moral enhancement). Our argument is that it is wrong and immoral for the man to intervene in the divine work in order to change the human nature as man as a rational being must assume the condition of being mortal and obey to the divine will, without trying to modify this status in any way.
More...Keywords: counterfactuality; counterfactual conditional judgment; ethical norms; higher education; means and goals; future; pluperfect;
Usage of the counterfactuality as a term for marking the modality to some event becomes a new trend in social sciences. Recently this term was popular almost exclusively in psychology — especially in study of cognitive processes; but now it receive wide spectrum of interpretations: from economic to philosophical one. Most of such interpretations is concentrated near the problem of somebody’s attitude to situation that he or she was involved in. Meanwhile the term “counterfactuality” marks the real influence of the person on the course of events rather than his or her pure mental states. The person could change the future events due to his or her activity about these events: these changes rarely could be exactly the same that were calculated; desirable or even acceptable for this person; but these changes are for sure the consequence of his or her decision — direct or indirect; substantial or accidental; necessary or extraneous; evidently relevant or seemingly unrelated. For the philosophy the situation with ethical optation and its consequences is significant. Typical for analytic philosophy is the reconstruction of positivist logic of counterfactuality as possibility. According to this positivist point of view; we should not accept any human discovery; any creation because of their improbability — the sentences about them were simply the consequences of false sentences. More important is the fact that the consequents of the counterfactual conditional judgments are always true. Nobody can take the antecedent of the counterfactual conditional judgments as false from the point of view of human will; i.e. from the point of view of our intention and results of its implementation in our activity and our creations. These consequences are real because men act according to their definition of situation: their belief motivates them and push them to make real things that were unreal before. Reality of mind becomes real materially due to human activity. This is the way of design of future human nature on the basis of future human image.
More...Keywords: conditionality; paratactic structures; Romance languages
The main focus of the present article is to show how conditional meaning can arise in constructions other than the prototypical clauses introduced by ‘if’ or other conditional conjunctions, namely in coordinate constructions. We discuss the properties of these constructions against all the main elements of prototypical conditionality. In order to illustrate how these constructions invite a conditional interpretation we use examples from some Romance languages (Romanian, Spanish, French) attempting to see if our observations have cross-linguistic value.
More...Keywords: imperatives; let’s; corpus; British English; American English;
The paper gives short information about imperatives gradually drawing the attention to one of the ways for expressing negative imperative meaning. Nevertheless, two possibilities are in the centre of the research. As let’s seems to occur rarely in negative structures, the questionnaire given to a group of college students shows that they have doubts which of the variants is the correct one. The answer could be found in grammars and the results from the corpus linguistics investigation done with the help of BNC, COCA, and WordSmith Tool confirm it successfully.
More...Keywords: choice of style; ethnography; fundraising; text-structure; practitioners;
This exploratory study presents four fund-raising texts for an analysis. Two are written as appeal letters and two as leaflets. Their purpose of writing is to persuade an audience of Hong Kong residents to donate money for charity organizations. A qualitative approach informed by ethnography is adopted. Interviews with two organizations are conducted and verbal reporting of practitioners is used. In this study, one focus is on the schematic structure of texts and fund-raising texts are recognized as a particular of genre. The ‘Problem-solution discourse pattern’ can be applied to the fund-raising texts even though practitioners did not acknowledge they use any linguistic models. As for the textual moves, ‘situation or problem’ is always placed at the beginning of the text because it is crucial to let readers know what the main theme is. Then there are diff erent combinations of the second move including ‘response, solution or problem’. The final move is always ‘response’ and two meanings of ‘response’ are refined to different parameters: (i) tangibility: tangible and virtual solution, (ii) time frame: proposed and reference solution, and (iii) depth of target-achievement: ultimate and specific solution. Another focus of this study is on the choice of style. As persuasion of readers to donate is crucial, adding involving devices is to engage readers and make them ‘particular’, which increases the possibility to solicit response successfully. Involvement devices include using you and imperative clauses. Finally, with reference to the issue of whether ‘textual structure tells us the reality’ or ‘the reality creates the structure’, practitioners are not concerned too much with text structure. Practically, the reality to them is embodied in the structure.
More...Keywords: marriage contract inheritance contract;contractual succession;institution complex nature;legal regulation;
Legal regulation of contractual succession contains a marriage contract providing inheritance. This contract is referred to in legal acts as a marriage contract, secured by mortis causa factor.This factor, which according to its legal nature exists as a general clause, is included in the marriage contract in the form of the essential parts of the contract of inheritance. As a consequence, inheritance under marriage contract is carried out on the two above mentioned legal bases. The first basis is the marriage contract as such. The second basis is the essential components of the inheritance contract. These two bases are conflicting in their legal nature. The purpose of this article is to analyze the legal aspects related to this form of inheritance.
More...Keywords: French; websites; readability; cohesion; interaction;
As Internet carries on its growing in an unceasing manner, more and more students are guided by their teachers to access language learning websites to support self-study. The present study examined some linguistic and interactional properties of French learning websites in terms of readability, referential cohesion and interaction. These properties were comparatively analysed with French language textbooks and workbooks. The results showed that the websites were close to workbooks in terms of the number of words and clauses used to teach/learn grammatical subjects. In order to examine readability and comprehensibility, the websites were analysed for lexical density, clause length and referential cohesion. The results revealed that they used less readable and comprehensible texts about lexical density and referential cohesion while they designed readable and comprehensible text regarding clause length. The websites were also analysed for involvement strategies and the use of imperative verbs to look for their interactional features. The results indicated that they showed strong interactional properties through involvement strategies but presented low density of imperatives. The findings of the present study also revealed that the texts of the websites were rather denatured electronic texts which seem to be a simple transmission of information in printed sources as such into digital environment.
More...Keywords: subjunctive mood; Hungarian as a foreign language; comparative study; descriptive grammars; semantic functions;
The subjunctive mood (subjuntivo) is an integral part of Spanish. It is also a pivotal element of Hungarian. Acquisition of its use is a big challenge, both for learners of Spanish and Hungarian. In comparison to Spanish, however, the status of the subjunctive in Hungarian is a highly debated issue and, consequently, the intricacies of its semantics may be underappreciated and result in being neglected in many reference grammar books. In the study, we propose a typology of semantic functions of the subjunctive that takes into consideration the perspective of both language systems, which can be useful in learning and teaching Hungarian as a foreign language.
More...Keywords: Civil legal norm; special norm; general norm; dispositive norm; prohibitive norm; classification; Civil Code;
The article aims at an analysis of the civil legal norms classified according to several criteria. After a short introductory part in connection with the civil legal norm, the main aspects regarding the classification of legal norms are presented, distinguishing between general civil legal norms and special civil legal norms, dispositive civil legal norms and imperative civil legal norms, civil legal norms of public order and civil legal rules of private order.
More...Keywords: Egyptian; dialect; literary Arabic; set expressions; modal;
The present paper deals with of grammatical means expressing the speaker’s attitude to the utterance, in particular, set expressions. The analysis has been carried out on the basis of the Egyptian Arabic dialect. Verbs ba’a-yib’a-ib’a, ’ām, ’āl, particles ma, a-, wara, ’uddām, pronoun huwa are discussed, in particular, their modal semantics is studied, in which meanings unknown to literary Arabic are identified; a formal analysis is offered.