The Limits of the Commitments. The Background of the Intellectual Mobilization of Dezső Kosztolányi
Az elköteleződés határai. Kosztolányi Dezső szellemi mobilizációjának háttere
Keywords: enthusiasm; intellectual mobilization; private life; personal sacrifice; Dezső Kosztolányi; Géza Csáth; Világ;
Can we talk about war enthusiasm when people only enthuse in public, but not in their private lives? Based on the hypothesis of this present study, by the involvement of certain private documents, the manners and signs of private devotion will be recognizable. Through these explicit manifestations and the attitudes towards their personal sacrifices, the extent of their devotion can be clearly measured. This research is based on the depth, nature and motivations of a possible variant of the intellectuals’ devotion: beyond Dezső Kosztolányi’s public revelations, I am studying the attitude of his private opinion, while using one of his cousins, Géza Csáth as a control person. Over and above, I also discuss a daily newspaper’s (called Világ) changes in attitudes towards the world war.