For the Authority of Teacher
O autorytet nauczyciela
Keywords: authority; teacher; classical culture; Western Civilization
The author undertakes such problems as whether teachers are to have any authority, what kind of authority can be possessed by them, and what the authority of teacher can be conditioned by. He points to assignments of teacher and asks whether he or she can complete them at the present times. In his opinion, teachers do fail to or do complete their assignments rather rarely, not because of their reluctance, but because they do not understand the ideological context of their working. For the educational system is settled in a manner which deprives teachers of their authority. The author claims that teachers can become authorities only if the relation between them and their students has a personalist character, i.e. when both them and their students are recognized as personal agents. In the light of classical metaphysics, while teachers share the equal ontic status with their students, they differ from the students in the development of their personal potentials. Teachers, as eminently developed persons, can become authorities, as they are qualified to assist their students in their personal development. The author concludes that to recover the human face of the world it is necessary to retrieve the authority of teacher.