Regional support and technologically advanced investments: assessment of the impact of the ‚Program of supporting investments with significant importance for the Polish economy for 2011–2023’ on investors’ decisions
Wsparcie regionalne a inwestycje zaawansowane technologicznie: ocena oddziaływania „Programu wspierania inwestycji o istotnym znaczeniu dla gospodarki polskiej na lata 2011–2023” na decyzje inwestorów
Keywords: foreign direct investments; Poland; public aid; location theory
Motivation: In 2011, the Council of Ministers introduced the ‘‚Program of supporting investments with significant importance for the Polish economy for 2011–2020’. Its main objective is to encourage foreign investors to locate high-tech investments in Poland. At the same time, it includes location criteria to encourage investment in less developed regions. The motive for choosing the topic is to explore how both of the aspects of the Program affect the location decisions of foreign investors. Aim: The aim of the articles is an attempt to assess the impact of location factors related to the specificity of investment types supported by the program and direct incentives included in the program on investors’ decisions. Materials and methods: Information about projects was obtained from publicly available sources as well as from the institution involved in servicing foreign investors. The acquired data was related to each other and analyzed using the econometric software. Results: The analysis indicated the varied impact of the program on investments in particular types of projects depending on the location, but to a limited extent.