Keywords: Maiia Harbuziuk; Shakespeare; «Hamlet»; Ukrainian theater studies
This text celebrates the legacy of Maiia Harbuziuk, a distinguished Ukrainian theater critic and scholar who recently passed away before her time. The article highlights her significant contributions to theater studies and her unwavering commitment to promoting Ukrainian theater on the global stage. The author reflects on Maiia Harbuziuk’s academic achievements in the field of Shakespeare studies, including her work on the Ukrainian reception of Hamlet. She discusses the scope of Harbuziuk’s work—academic research, cultural exchange, and the organization of a Ukrainian Shakespeare Festival among many others—in all of which Maiia Harbuziuk excelled, leaving an indelible mark on Ukrainian culture and the world of theater.
More...Keywords: Ioan Ardelean; geographer; Alba County;
More...Keywords: 16th RELIK 2023 Reproduction of human capital - mutual ties and connections annual international scientific conference;Prague, human resources
The report presents the proceedings of the 16th RELIK 2023 Reproduction of human capital - mutual ties and connections annual international scientific conference, which was hosted on 23-24 November 2023 in Prague by the Department of Demography of the Faculty of Informatics and Statistics, University of Economics. Contributions from young scientists from both Czech and foreign universities, including the presentation of interesting studies and analysis on human resources and the work climate, made up an important part of the conference.
More...Keywords: In Memoriam; Milan Boškoski; History; Macedonia;
In Memoriam Milan Boškoski (1953 – 2023).
More...Keywords: Obituary; Cornell Fleischer; History; Ottoman History; Turkish History;
In memoriam Cornell Fleischer (1950 – 2023).
More...Keywords: Theatre Festival; Bucharest; Book launches; Masterclasses; Thematic discussions; Collaborations; In memoriam George Banu;
Teatru de la București s-a desfășurat pe parcursula unsprezece zile (20-30 octombrie 2023) avându-idrept curatori pe Mihaela Michailov, Oana CristeaGrigorescu și Călin Ciobotari. Oferta festivalului afost deosebit de bogată: lansări de carte, masterclassuri,comunicări tematice despre colaborarea dintrescenografi și ceilalți artiști implicați în realizareaspectacolelor, momente in memoriam George Banu,dezbateri, expoziții, o secțiune on air cu spectacoleși emisiuni realizate de Radio România Culturalși Radio România Actualități, ateliere, spectacolelectură,instalații și nu în ultimul rând spectacoleselectate din teatrele din țară dar și câteva producțiidin străinătate. Din multitudinea de propuneri măvoi referi doar la trei spectacole - Mass de FranKranz, Băieții de zinc după Svetlana Aleksievici șiExod de Marius Ivaškevičius
More...Keywords: Slovakia; Parliamentary Elections; Post-Authoritarian; Ján Kuciak
Early parliamentary elections in Slovakia, held in September 2023, returned to power political forces that seemed to be politically non-revivable after the events of 2018 (the murder of the investigative journalist Ján Kuciak and his fiancée Martina Kušnírová, mass civil pro-tests and the subsequent resignation of Prime Minister Robert Fico), but especially after their electoral defeat in 2020. However, a combination of several internal and external factors contributed to the fact that these forces became considerably more radical and mobi-lized in 2020 – 2023. They used the dissatisfaction of the population with the rule of the previous coalition of center-right parties and managed to obtain sufficient support to form a new government. The victory of the national populists in 2023 and the first steps of their government created a real risk of losing some accomplishments of the democratic transi-tion after the collapse of the communist regime.
More...Keywords: Nobel prizes; economics; 2023
The so-called Nobel Prize in Economics (The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel) for 2023 has once again been awarded to a single person after six years. She is the third woman in the prize’s history – the American economist and historian Claudia Goldin (*1946), whose home base is Harvard University in Cambridge. It is the seventh Nobel Prize in Economics for Harvard University. The number of economics Nobel laureates has reached ninety-three since 1969. US affiliation is stated or co-stated for seventy-two laureates.
More...Keywords: Romanticism; Russian Literature; Dystopia; Teaching Challenges; Academic Dialogue; Literature Integration;
The article discusses the continuation of the dialogue in Russian studies through various conferences and academic discussions. It highlights the importance of Romanticism, particularly in Polish and Russian literature, due to its national revivalist and political significance. The paper also delves into the teaching of Russian literature, exploring themes of dystopia, apocalypse, and post-apocalypse as forms of dialogue in language, literature, and politics. It reflects on the challenges of engaging students with literature in an era where reading habits are declining. The conference "Dialog kultur" is mentioned as a platform for exchanging ideas on these subjects, with contributions from various scholars who discuss the integration of literature into Russian language teaching and the use of literary texts in educational settings.
More...Keywords: Serbia; electoral authoritarianism; hybrid regimes; state capture; elections;
The December 2023 Serbian parliamentary and local elections unfolded against the tragic backdrop of two mass shootings in May, triggering a public outcry and widespread protests that demanded increased security measures. Serbia’s political landscape, characterized by a democratic façade but inherently unfair conditions for inter-party competition, defined the elections’ outcome. The ruling Serbian Progressive Party (SNS), led by President Vučić, was drawing on its incumbent advantage to realize its predominance in media representation, misuse public funds, and manipulate voter registers. The SNS secured an absolute majority with 46% of the votes. However, allegations of electoral irregularities marred the elections. Instead of resolving societal conflicts, the elections deepened existing tensions. Addressing these allegations transparently and accountably will be crucial for restoring confidence and fostering political stability in Serbia.
More...Keywords: obituary; Vitomir Belaj; ethnology;
In memoriam Vitomir Belaj (1937. – 2023.).
More...Keywords: obituary; Aleksandra Muraj; ethnology;
In memoriam Aleksandra Muraj (1937. – 2023.).
More...Keywords: In memoriam; Irena Marija Norkaitienė; Philology;
Ireną Mariją Norkaitienę mena daugelis Filologijos fakulteto dėstytojų ir darbuotojų, ją kaip dėstytoją prisimena ir didelis buvusių studentų būrys, tiek germanistų, tiek ir kitų specialybių studentų, kuriuos ji, dirbdama Užsienio kalbų institute, mokė vokiečių kalbos. Atsisveikindami prisimename Irenos Marijos Norkaitienės gyvenimo faktus, įvykius, susijungusius į viso gyvenimo liniją, taip pat parengtas knygas – vokiečių kalbos gramatikas.