Morocco and ECOWAS: A strategic adhesion with big potential for Moroccan SMEs
Morocco and ECOWAS: A strategic adhesion with big potential for Moroccan SMEs
Keywords: SMEs; Morocco; Internationalization; ECOWAS
The SMEs (Small and Medium-sized enterprises) are an essentialcomponent of the world’s economy. They represent more than 95% of the globalexisting companies and they largely contribute to the jobs creation inside manycountries. In Morocco for example, the SMEs represent the large majority of activecompanies in the market (95%) and contribute to 40% of private investments andto 30% of exportations.The aim of this paper is to perform a systematic and recent literature review todetermine the different theories of the internationalization of SMEs. The selectedtheories are treated from three major perspectives (traditional perspective, network perspective and emergent perspective).In addition, this paper discusses the Moroccan recent politic of integration in Africaand the eventual adhesion of the country to the Economic Community of WestAfrican States (ECOWAS). This adhesion will offer more opportunities to theMoroccan SMEs in West Africa.