Keywords: enthusiasm; intellectual mobilization; private life; personal sacrifice; Dezső Kosztolányi; Géza Csáth; Világ;
Can we talk about war enthusiasm when people only enthuse in public, but not in their private lives? Based on the hypothesis of this present study, by the involvement of certain private documents, the manners and signs of private devotion will be recognizable. Through these explicit manifestations and the attitudes towards their personal sacrifices, the extent of their devotion can be clearly measured. This research is based on the depth, nature and motivations of a possible variant of the intellectuals’ devotion: beyond Dezső Kosztolányi’s public revelations, I am studying the attitude of his private opinion, while using one of his cousins, Géza Csáth as a control person. Over and above, I also discuss a daily newspaper’s (called Világ) changes in attitudes towards the world war.
More...Keywords: cubicularii; Bálintffy family of Marosjára
The paper continues the inquiries concerning the cubicularii, started by Zsolt Trócsányi – expert researcher of the central government of the Principality of Transylvania –, through the presentation of the lives and careers a family which held the office almost in a hereditary manner: the Bálintffys of Marosjára. Although Trócsányi knew certain members of the Bálintffy family (landowners in Marosjára, Torda County) – a father and two sons –, but since they used different (family) names, he did not manage to connect them. Owing to the investigations of the author, it was revealed that the family’s rise was launched by Bálint/Valentinus litteratus from Marosvásárhely, who came from a commoner family– called Kötélverő/Köteles, later Vásárhelyi – which had been granted nobility. First, he became a notary at the Minor Chancery (cancellaria minor), then, at the peak of his career, he served as the praefectus of the treasury. The second generation is represented by his two sons, Kristóf and István, who converted to Catholicism. They both became cubicularii, but, despite possessing the same title, they fulfilled absolutely different roles. István – who had been a student at Vienna, then died at a young age – dealt with several of the Prince’s confidential affairs, while Kristóf can be considered as a true expert of finance: the peak of his career was the office of generalis perceptor. Their favourable marriages also helped them become established in the central government: Bálint/Valentinus litteratus and Kristóf both married within the “guild”, marrying the sisters of his colleagues from renowned, wealthy burgher families of Kolozsvár (Balásfi, Bornemisza), becoming related to the Lisbona family of mining contractors. Thus, they came to possess not only the land in Marosjára but also real estate and capital in Kolozsvár and Gyulafehérvár. The career of this highly promising dynasty of state officials was broken by Prince György Rákóczi I, who started proceedings against Kristóf – confidential adherent of Gábor Bethlen – under the pretext of “misappropriation”. Out of the three sons of Kristóf (deceased during the proceedings), two were pushed out not only of office but of the country as well. The case of the Bálintffys does not only exemplify the origins and career of people in finance management, it also clearly points out that the term cubicularius indicated different offices. The clarification and precise definition of its range of functions require further research.
More...Keywords: Királyfalvi János; career;bibiliography;
The aim of this paper is to present on the basis of archival sources the two-decade long career of protonotarius János Királyfalvi spent in the service of central government institutions of the Transylvanian Principality. The study focuses especially on those aspects of his career, which will facilitate the compilation of the archontology of chancellery staff. Királyfalvi began his career as a scribe in the princely chancellery in 1581, from 1588 to 1591 he appears in sources as secretary, and in 1589–1591 as assessor of princely Table. From 1592 he held the so-called director causarum office, and from 1600 until his death occured in the spring of 1603 in Prague, he functioned as protonotarius. A part of his possessions acquired throughout his career were in the Fehér county, another part in Szeklerland. Considering that he operated mainly in the capital of the Principality, he tried to acquire estates nearby Gyulafehérvár, where otherwise he possessed a house. By his wife, Borbála Szász, he had two children, but they did not followed their father’s example, namely they didn’t held offices in the institutions of central government.
More...Keywords: sustainable development; eco-friendly lifestyle; green products; direct survey; Polish market; green consumer; barriers to purchase
Purpose: The green market is growing rapidly, especially in developed countries. While in Poland the consumption of green products is not growing as fast as experts of this market predict. In this context, in the paper the results of studies that examine the attitudes of consumers towards green products and identify barriers to their purchase are analyzed. This research examines the propensity of consumers to buy environmentally friendly products by means of socio-demographic indices.Design/methodology/approach: For the purpose, the direct survey method and Focus Group Interview (FGI) have been applied. The survey was conducted between 1 December 2015 to 31 January 2016 using the direct survey method. The sample covered 390 adult consumers living in south - eastern and southern Poland. Four sessions of 1,5 hours each were conducted between May and June 2015. Each group consisted of 6 people.Findings: These studies lead to the conclusion that Polish connote positively the care about environment and ecological products. The primary motivation for green consumption is health. Environmental protection plays a supporting role. The barrier to the development of green consumption is the general and fragmented consumer knowledge of green products, their labeling, certification and control. This affects distrust and their skepticism to green claims. Under these conditions consumers do not want to accept higher product prices. In addition, weaknesses in the marketing chain make green products invisible to consumers. In the Polish market products prosumption and purchases of non-certified goods from the trusted source are gaining importance.Research/practical implications: This study provides a valuable contribution to addressing the needs of producers and sellers in the market for green products. The results of the research can help managers identify important information about the process of making purchase decisions by consumers towards environmentally-friendly products. An aid in the development of marketing communication strategy and the improvement of existing marketing strategies.Originality/value: A theoretical contribution of this study is to enrich the analysis of consumer behavior in the market for green products in the context of a developing country by identifying barriers to their purchase and a better understanding of the predictors of consumer behavior on the market for green products.
More...Keywords: augmentation; diminutiveness; synthetic formation; derivatives; Russian; Bulgarian
The paper deals with augmentative suffixes in different languages, focusing on Rus-sian and Bulgarian. It discusses the category of augmentation in comparison with the category of diminutiveness, pointing out the specifics and the characteristic features of the former. The paper focuses on the synthetic formation of augmentative derivatives by giving examples in English, Ital-ian, Spanish, Greek, Russian and Bulgarian.
More...Keywords: children; sport; motivation; participation.
The purpose of this study was to examine the participation motives of children from different sports and examine the reasons why they are continuing or quitting the athletic activity. The study was conducted on 66 girls and 31 boys practicing various sports in Bacau. The average age of the participants was 10.5 years. We constructed a questionnaire to identify the children’s motivation to practice sports, their maintaining interest in practicing sports and the motives they have to quit or change their sport. The subjects were practicing the following sports: badminton, basketball, handball, tennis, combat sports, swimming, dance, volleyball and track and field. Boys spend more time vigorously exercising and competing in competitive sports than girls. The results of the study show that the girls are oriented toward sports that do not expose or harm their body and prefer individual sports or collaborative sports. It can be concluded that based on the average values of each of the participation motives, “to be appreciated by friends and family” and “to be part of a group of friends” were the most important reasons for the subjects. The motives of dropping out of sports appear to be: lack of positive role models, lack of access, safety and transportation issues, social stigma, decreased quality of experience and cost.
More...Keywords: motivation; satisfaction; educational reform; evaluation of students; satisfiers in education.
This paper’s main task is to analyse the most important needs of a group of students and, with regard to the didactic activities within universities, in what ways should we correctly report the professors’ motivators to those needs to determine satisfaction in learning. The basic premise of this discussion is that students are not sufficiently challenged by the instruction they receive, resulting in lower levels of achievement by many students. By setting more rigorous standards for students, it is hoped that the general level of student achievement will rise, thus better preparing students for post-secondary educational opportunities and employment. By changing the nature of the instruction that students receive, the assumption is that students will not only learn more, but they will be more actively engaged in their learning, thus retaining a higher proportion of what they learn. The research instrument contains a total of 13 items, variable in terms of typology, constructed to investigate satisfaction, perspective and opinion on the appropriateness of the decision to pursue a maritime career. The questionnaire was administered via computer with students from all years of study at Constanta Maritime University. Analysis was conducted on a total of 179 students at Constanta Maritime University. The paper’s conclusions, identified from the research, focus on adapting the curricula content to the students’ needs.
More...Keywords: Balkan Pact; Belgrade; Bulgaria; directive № 19; Kyoseivanov; Prince Paul; Sofia; Stojadinović; Tsar Boris ІІІ; Yugoslavia;
The article examines the Bulgarian-Yugoslavian relations in times when the political layers on the Balkans are seriously shifted. Under the pressure of Nazi Germany the Versailles peace system collapses everywhere in Europe. On the Balkans the countries in the region try to defend their interests, maneuvering between the demands of the major European Powers.
More...Keywords: transgressing the normative;Edwin Morgan;Message Clear
Edwin Morgan’s poetics of the language-game can be seen as functionalised in many contexts: historical, cultural, social, political, and aesthetic. A genuine Scot, known for his subversive political and social views, Morgan often engages in linguistic transgressive play in order to undermine the presumptions of the mainstream discourse but also to question the veristic rules of poetry writing. Insisting on expressibility and recognising a grounded, limited subjectivity as all that is on offer in socially structured practice, Morgan works at and against frontiers of the possible, transgression of limits being integral to his forms of attention. The paper attempts to analyse Morgan’s concrete poem “Message Clear” which undermines cognitively privileged habits of observation, preferred value systems, and dominant cultural assumptions. The analysis focuses on the poem’s “verbivocovisuality” (Joyce) and morphodynamics, which not only question the one-way linear flow between poet and reader but also point to the idea of “freeplay” (Derrida).
More...Keywords: Information and communication technologies; education; ICT tools; teaching-learning-evaluation process
Information and communication technologies (ICT) have penetrated into all the fields of activity of a contemporary society, including in everyday life of people. This has led to the use of ICT in education, in order to increase the success of students in studies. This article is about ICT tools used for organizing the teaching-learning-evaluation process at the Information and Communication Technologies course that is part of the USARB’s non-IT specialties study programs.
More...Keywords: Australia-migration; boat people policy; border control; detention; forced migration; refugees;
“Migration is an expression of the human aspiration for dignity, safety and a better future. It is part of the social fabric, part of our very make up as a human family.” (Ban Ki-moon) Forced migration is the coerced movement of people from their country of nationality or habitual residence. The phenomenon presents challenges which affect the individual, their receiving communities, and then become a highly-politicalized issue which transcends borders. Although Australia has historically been built on migration flows, its island-nature underpins a national psyche of rigorous border control, clearly contrasting the European situation where flows of people have been a constant theme throughout history. We explore Australia’s approach to dealing with those forced migrants who have arrived by boat without a valid visa (thus, "unauthorized maritime arrivals"), detailing a) the impact of policies and law, b) the practical disorder following certain policy application, c) the financial and human cost, d) the juxtaposition of Australia’s current policy, which acts to deter "unauthorized maritime arrivals" while simultaneously increasing the number of authorized refugee arrivals in response to acknowledged human crises. Finally, we explore the repercussions that arise when a human issue becomes a political tool.
More...Keywords: Bibliometric mapping;informal economy;shadow economy;underground economy;
This study’s main objective is reviewing the scientific terminology used in connection and with regard to the shadow economy. In subsidiary, the current research establishes the most explored and researched subject areas in connection with shadow economy and it compares different terms and phrases used in research studies on shadow economy, underground economy and informal economy, as per the Web of Science database. To this extent, VOSviewer – a computer program that was developed for constructing and viewing bibliometric maps was used. The main finding was that, the terminology used with regard to the shadow economy revolves around terms and phrases such as consumption, governance, financial crisis, crime, informal economy, unemployment, inflation, tax evasion and others. The most researched subject areas in connection with shadow economy, based on the terms and phrases mapped are the following: the size and development of the shadow economy, the determinants of shadow economy, the cause and effect analysis, measurement methods and counteracting measures. Other aspects of the shadow economy that appeared to be heavily researched are tax evasion and informal entrepreneurship.
More...Keywords: sensory marketing; scent marketing; ambient scent; consumer behavior
The present paper reviews recent academic research on sensory marketing and examples of its applications in tourism. In addition, the paper summarizes novel findings in the subarea of scent research (e.g., on product and ambient scent) and discusses their implications in the context of tourism. Finally, the paper suggests paths for future research on sensory marketing in tourism with particular focus on the underdeveloped subarea of scent.
More...Keywords: sustainable local development;critical thinking;initiative;innovation;entrepreneurial spirit;
The development of the entrepreneurial spirit among future employees is extremely important for a sustainable development. The creativity, the sense of initiative and the entrepreneurial spirit will help the current graduate, future employee, to develop their critical thinking, to be creative, innovate in their field of activity, be productive, flexible and autonomous and also capable to manage a project, within the limits of their skills. This research introduces the most important results concerning the entrepreneurial spirit among future employees for a better integration on the labor market and a significant contribution to the sustainable local development. The data were collected through a questionnaire applied on a representative sample of teachers in the pre-university education who carry out their activity in theoretical, technology and vocational high schools in the county. They served in outlining an overview on the impact that development of the entrepreneurial spirit has on the prospects of sustainable local development through current graduates, future employees. Regardless of their level of education, the teaching staff represents the main transmitter of training and development of the entrepreneurial spirit within the lifelong learning cycle.
More...Keywords: ionizing radiation; health care;
The use of ionizing radiation for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes has been constantly increasing in the world. In order to diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that use ionizing radiation be approved for use, they must show sufficient utility of the relationship of the total potential diagnostic or therapeutic procedures, including the direct health benefits for the individual and the benefit for society as a whole, and the potential damage that could be caused to the individuals health. Some methods have shown positive impact on the final outcome of the diagnostic and therapeutic treatment of some patients. According to data from 2009, about 75% exposure to medical radiation comes from computer tomography and nuclear medicine procedures. The study “Projected Cancer Risks From computed tomographic Scans Performed in the United States in 2007” estimated that in the United States 29,000 new malignancies are developed as a result of 70 million CT examinations in 2007. (The increase in risk compared to the general population of about 0.041%). Similar studies in Bosnia and Herzegovina have shown an increased risk of projection of about 0.05%, taking into account the dose which patients are exposed to. In conclusion we can say that the reduction in the average effective dose and a consequent reduction in the risk to the patient can prevent the consequences in terms of the development of a large number of malignant diseases and achieve significant savings in the health system, which far exceeds the cost of installation dose management software.
More...Keywords: Childhood cancer survivors; longitudinal study; quality of life; depressivness; posttraumatic stress; posttraumatic growth;
The Brno Quality of Life Longitudinal Study of Paediatric Oncology Patients (QOLOP, N = 225) is a prospective longitudinal study of the quality of life of children and adolescents after treatment of pediatric cancer, which was started in 2006. This paper summarizes the main results of the second stage of this study. Three studies that dealt with longitudinal trends in quality of life, changes in the level of depressive symptoms and predictors of posttraumatic stress and posttraumatic growth, showed that more important than objective medical data (type of diagnosis, severity of late effects) are personality characteristics (negative emotionality) and parenting factors, i.e. factors that are not primarily related to the disease and can be suitably influenced.