Bibliography of Publications by Professor Jerzy Wilkin (1947–2023)
Bibliografia publikacji Profesora Jerzego Wilkina (1947–2023)
Keywords: bibliography;
More...Keywords: bibliography;
More...Keywords: Security; regim; students; Iasi;
Security against students Iasi, May 18-19, 2023
More...Keywords: Silvia Marinescu-Bîlcu; Romanian archaeologist;
More...Keywords: Danilo Basta; Collected Works; Scientific Portrait;
На самом почетку, реч захвалности желим да упутим угледној и цењеној Задужбини Илије Коларца, која је данас, захваљујући уредничком разумевању, отворила врата своје одавно чувене Мале сале да би се у њој могли да изговоре меродавни и веродостојни судови о мојим Сабраним списима. Исказујем ту топлу реч захвалности и као неко ко је у прошлости неколико пута био почаствован да са овога места одржи предавања, рецимо, о појму права код Фихтеа, о Хајдегеровој епистоларној филозофији или о Милану Гавриловићу. Сама могућност да се овде говори увек је била велико признање.
More...Keywords: the Social Policy 2023 international conference;Prague University of Economics;Czech Republic;cost-saving measures
The report presents the proceedings of the Social Policy 2023 international conference which was hosted in Prague on 9 November 2023 by the Department of Economic and Social Policy of the Economics Faculty of the University of Economics. This, the fifth such event was subtitled Space for cost-saving measures. The main speakers at the conference were economist Ing. Miroslav Zámečník and doctor and social services manager Doc. Iva Holmerová, Ph.D., both of whom addressed the issue of savings in the social and health sectors.
More...Keywords: Merger control; Merger guidelines; Clayton Act; Competition law; Antitrust law;
The aim of this article is to provide a short overview of the 2023 US Draft Merger Guidelines and some interpretations of its impact on merger control practices. The US practice shows that merger control standards have been changed several times, in accordance with the need to increasingly consider economic efficiencies and the consequences of making wrong decisions, which could reduce innovation and other behaviours of undertakings that lead to an increase in economic efficiency and improve competition. Due to the fact that guidelines can influence how judges evaluate challenges to mergers, it remains to be seen how the final guidelines will enable the courts to understand and support the agencies’ views on antitrust enforcement.
More...Keywords: Obituary; Vera Vasić; Linguistic; South Slavic Languages;
In Memoriam Prof. Dr. Vera Vasić.
More...Keywords: XXXVI International Scientific Conference DIDMATTECH 2023; contemporary education; information technologies;
Report on the conference “XXXVI Międzynarodowa Konferencja Naukowa DIDMATTECH” held at Radom on September 13-14, 2023.
More...Keywords: Bibliography; Reviewers; The Linguistic Guide;
List Of Reviewers Of “Poradnik Językowy” (“The Linguistic Guide”) In 2023.
More...Keywords: Survey; Nubia; Sudan;
The general aim of the archaeological survey in Miseeda was to understand the archaeological context of the church at site MAS021. The survey is part of a larger project entitled “The Good Shepherd of Miseeda. An imagein the context of the changing cultural landscape of theThird Cataract of the Nile” directed by Dobrochna Zielińska (Faculty of Archaeology, University of Warsaw). A total of 294 archaeological sites covering the periods from prehistory to the modern times have been recorded (13 verified sites and 281 previously unknown sites).
More...Keywords: GLOBSEC; Ukraine; Western Balkans; security; Europe; dialogue;
This is a conference report on the GLOBSEC 2023 Bratislava Forum, a conference that focused on preventing global instability and addressing the security challenges posed by the Russian aggression on Ukraine. The report summarizes the main topics and outcomes of the conference, such as the need for strong and tangible security guarantees for Ukraine, the new initiative of the European Commission to strengthen the relations with the Western Balkans, and the call for a more united and resilient Europe. The report also highlights the importance of dialogue and cooperation between the public and private sectors, as well as the role of the Bratislava Forum as a platform for discussion and diplomacy.
More...Keywords: Scientific Activity; Kórnik Library; 2023; scientific conferences; participation;
Udział w konferencjach naukowych…Magdalena Biniaś-Szkopek...
More...Keywords: Cultural heritage; cultural property: law; preservation of cultural goods; book review;
Review of: 1) Post-trauma and the Recovery Governance of Cultural Heritage edited by Toshiyuki Kono and Junko Okahashi, ISBN 9783031049460, Springer Nature, Singapore 2023, pp. 281, Published: 5 December 2022 2) International Law of Underwater Cultural Heritage. Understanding the Challenges Kim Browne and Murray Raff, ISBN 9783031105685, Springer, Cham 2022, pp. 726, Published: 1 January 2023 3) Implementing the World Heritage Convention. Dimensions of Compliance Evan Hamman and Herdis Hølleland, ISBN 9781789904918, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham–Northampton 2023, pp. 300, Published: 17 January 2023 4) 15 Years of the UNESCO Diversity of Cultural Expressions Convention. Actors, Processes and Impact, edited by Beatriz Barreiro Carril, Andrzej Jakubowski, and Lucas Lixinski, ISBN 9781509961443, Hart Publishing (Bloomsbury Publishing), Oxford–Portland 2023, pp. 296, Published: 23 February 2023 5) Cultural Heritage in International Economic Law Valentina Vadi, ISBN 9789004347816, Brill-Nijhoff, Boston–Leiden 2023, pp. 532, Published: 30 March 2023 6) Art and Human Rights. A Multidisciplinary Approach to Contemporary Issues edited by Fiana Gantheret, Nolwenn Guibert, and Sofia Stolk, ISBN 9781802208146, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham–Northampton 2023, pp. 388, Published: 9 May 2023 7) Intellectual Property Law in Africa. Harmonising Administration and Policy Caroline B. Ncube, ISBN 9781032315324, Routledge, Abingdon–New York 2023, pp. 248, Published: 29 June 2023 8) The Routledge Handbook of Heritage Destruction edited by José Antonio González Zarandona, Emma Cunliffe, and Melathi Saldin, ISBN 9780367627287, Routledge, Abingdon–New York 2023, pp. 476, Published: 10 August 2023 9) The Parthenon Marbles Dispute. Heritage, Law, Politics Alexander Herman, ISBN 978150996719, Hart Publishing (Bloomsbury Publishing), Oxford–Portland 2023, pp. 272, Published: 21 September 2023 10) Cultural Objects and Reparative Justice. A Legal and Historical Analysis Patty Gerstenblith, ISBN 9780192872104, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2023, pp. 320, Published: 5 October 2023 11) Confronting Colonial Objects. Histories, Legalities, and Access to Culture Carsten Stahn, ISBN 9780192868121, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2023, pp. 592, Published: 13 October 2023 12) The 1972 World Heritage Convention. A Commentary edited by Francesco Francioni and Federico Lenzerini, ISBN 9780198877448, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2023, pp. 480, Published: 17 October 2023 13) Indigenous Cultural Property and International Law. Restitution, Rights and Wrongs Shea Elizabeth Esterling, ISBN 9780367182007, Routledge, Abingdon–New York 2024, pp. 266, Published: 23 October 2023 14) Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. A Practical Interpretation of the 2003 UNESCO Convention Janet Blake, ISBN 9781800371903, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham–Northampton 2023, pp. 466, Published: 14 November 2023 15) Caring for Cultural Heritage. An Integrated Approach to Legal and Ethical Initiatives in the United Kingdom Charlotte Woodhead, ISBN 9781108696463, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2023, pp. 420, Published: 30 November 2023 16) Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Development and Human Rights. Towards an Integrated Approach edited by Laura Pineschi, ISBN 9781032413570, Routledge, Abingdon–New York 2023, pp. 466, Published: 4 December 2023
More...Keywords: Czech republic; presidential election 2023; Petr Pavel; andrej babiš; the political system of the Czech republic;
the election of the President of the Czech republic has only been held directly since 2013. this system of holding them allows a wide range of diverse candidates to run and promotes greater democratisation of the political system.In the final run-off in 2023, nine people were in the running, with three counting until the end: Petr Pavel, andrej babiš and Danuše Nerudová. Pavel won strongly in the second round, defeating former Prime Minister babiš. the turnout was over 70%, a figure never before recorded in an election of a Czech head of state.the election was a clash of two visions of what foreign policy the Czech republic should pursue. Pavel is a strong advocate of rapprochement with the West, advocating support for Ukraine in its war with russia. babiš took a different position on these issues and his unfortunate statements before the decisive vote decided his defeat. The elections highlighted once again and confirmed the political division in society. Pavel enjoyed the greatest support in the capital, large cities (except ostrava), and generally among supporters of the ruling coalition. the former prime minister, on the other hand, was supported by voters from regions negatively affected by the political transition and by opposition parties.
More...Keywords: Serbia; elections; 2023; democracy; Vucic
On 17 December 2023, Serbia went to polls to elect the new parliament as well as city and municipal governments in more than 60 municipalities across the country, including the capital city of Belgrade. Political competition was massively restricted in the run-up to the early elections. On election day itself a massive manipulation and voter fraud was re-corded. As both international and national election observation missions concluded, the elections were neither fair nor free. The following article provides an analysis of the situation in Serbia prior to elections and discusses the results, consequences as well as chances of the opposition to challenge Aleksandar Vučić’s regime. A particular emphasis is placed on the reactions from the EU and Member States. Confronted with questions around elections and already under certain pressure after the violent attack in Banjska, Kosovo, in September last year, the regime shows increased signs of nervousness, which opens up new chances for anti-regime oppo-sitions and movements.