Posthumous tribute to a distinguished lady of Romanian biology, full member of the Division of History of Science / CRIFST: Dr. Alexandrina Negrea (August 23, 1930 - May 2, 2011)
Omagiu postum adus unei distinse doamne a biologiei româneşti, membru titular al Diviziei de Istoria Ştiinţei/CRIFST: dr. Alexandrina Negrea (23 aug. 1930 – 2 mai 2011)
Keywords: life and works; Malacology; Ecology; Taxonomy; Zoogeography; History of sciences;
A short review of the life and scientific contributions of the distinguished Dr. Alexandrina Negrea. She started her carrier in the ”Grigore Antipa” National Museum of Natural History (1953–1954) as a guide for visitors and entomologist. Between 1955–1957 she transfered as a researcher to the Marine Biological Station of Constanţa and the Hyrobiological Research Station in Brăila, where her husband (Dr. Ştefan Negrea) became founder director. Starting with 1957 Dr. Aexandrina Negrea worked as a researcher, specialized in Gastropods to the ”Emil Racoviţă” Spelaeological Institute from Bucharest. As a Senior researcher II she worked up to 1st June 1997. In 1971 she passed her PhD with a topic about ”Dynamics of Gastropod populations from Crapina-Jijila Complex ( flooding zone of Danube river)”. As a specialist in Molluscs she described nine new species a new genus of Gastropods. Also she advised interested young people how to work in this group of beings, co-operated with foreign specialists and activated in several professional associations.