Keywords: Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine; Anti-Terrorist Operation; Joint Forces Operation; hybrid warfare; Russia’s full-scale war against Ukraine
Russia’s premeditated armed aggression against Ukraine began on February 2014 with a military operation by the Russian Armed Forces to seize part of Ukraine's territory – the Crimean peninsula – and then provoke a war in Donbas. On 24 February 2022, Russia launched a full-scale war against Ukraine after that the Russian President announced the start of a so-called „special military operation” under the pretext of carrying out the so-called „demilitarisation and denazification of Ukraine”. The Armed Forces of Ukraine, territorial defence forces and Ukrainian citizens thwarted the Kremlin's plans to launch a „blitzkrieg”, seize Kyiv and key cities and change the government in Ukraine. This study presents some aspects of Ukrainian legislation related to the war against Ukraine since 2014.
More...Keywords: reviews;
More...Keywords: book review; Rafiq Navruzov;
Rafiq Navruzov, Cultural paradigms, Adam Marszałek Publishing, Toruń 2023, pp. 256
More...Keywords: European Court of Human Rights; jurisprudence; december 2023; january 2023; february 2024;
Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights: December 2023 – February 2024
More...Keywords: conference report; Convention of the Polish linguistic society in the year 2023;
W dniach 18–19 września 2023 roku odbył się LXXX Zjazd Polskiego Towarzystwa Językoznawczego, zorganizowany na Uniwersytecie w Białymstoku. Głównym organizatorem Zjazdu była prof. Urszulu Sokólska. Obrady odbywały się w budynku Wydziału Filologicznego UwB przy placu Niezależnego Zrzeszenia Studentów 1. Na wniosek Zarządu PTJ LXXX Zjazd został dofinansowany ze środków Ministerstwa Edukacji i Nauki w ramach programu „Doskonała Nauka – Wsparcie Konferencji Naukowych”. Ponadto patronat nad Zjazdem PTJ objęli: JM Rektor Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku – prof. Robert W. Ciborowski, Dziekan Wydziału Filologicznego – prof. Jarosław Ławski, Prezydent Miasta Białegostoku – Tadeusz Truskolaski oraz Marszałek Województwa Podlaskiego – Artur Kosicki. Zjazd w Białymstoku otworzyli: prof. Tomasz Mika – przewodniczący Zarządu PTJ oraz prof. Urszula Sokólska z UwB
More...Keywords: Supreme Court; judicature; criminal proceedings; civil proceedings; resolution; judgment
The judgment of the Polish Supreme Court of December 20, 2023 (case file no. III CZP 41/23) is of particular importance for legal practice. The Court indicated that in the case of notifying the party or their representative about the impossibility of preparing a justification for the contested decision, appealing against this decision is not conditioned upon the effective submission of a request for justification and the delivery of the decision along with the justification. In the judgment of December 14, 2023 (case file no. III CZP 32/23), the Polish Supreme Court stated that in divorce cases, both those not concluded by July 3, 2021, and those initiated between July 3, 2021, and April 14, 2023, the first-instance court shall adjudicate with a single judge unless the president of the court orders the case to be heard by a panel of three judges. If such a case is heard by a single judge and two lay judges, the proceedings are null and void (Article 379 point 4 of the Polish Code of Civil Procedure).
More...Keywords: Activities Of The General Directorate Of Archives;
Drejtoria e Përgjithshme e Arkivave në bashkëpunim me Bashkinë e Kuçovës, paraqiti sot ekspozitën “Borgio Ciano-Kuçovë, një histori për t’u kujtuar”.
More...Keywords: conference report;
2nd Congress of Language Historians, Katowice,June 27–28, 2023
More...Keywords: Valei Kelmakov
Obituary from Natalia Kondratieva and Olga Strelkova.
More...Keywords: Hamlet; dramaturgy; directing; post-modern theatre; performance analysis; Czech theatre
The paper focuses on five Czech productions of Hamlet that attracted the most critical and public attention between 2000 and 2023. Namely, the productions directed by Miroslav Krobot (2006), Jan Mikulášek (2009), Daniela Špinar (2013), Michal Dočekal (2021) and finally the most recent version by Jakub Čermák (2022). All five performances could be seen as contemporary reinterpretations of a classical text using a (post-)modern stylistic approach, as examples of post-millennium Hamlets. The paper discusses dramaturgical choices (such as the conceptualisation of the ghost, the mousetrap scene, or the character of Fortinbras) in order to identify and analyse possibilities for interpreting Hamlet as a political drama in the context of Czech performance tradition and the current political situation. The results show that performances generally present variations of Hamlet as a family drama, foregrounding different issues of memory and body, while the political reading is obsolete.
More...Keywords: constitution; referendum; state sovereignty; constituent power of the people; form of government; presidential republic; mixed republic;
The purpose of the article is to analyze the causes and consequences of the constitutional referendum held in Uzbekistan on April 30, 2023. The referendum, which was held under the slogans of adapting the Constitution to the requirements of the “New Uzbekistan” and strengthening the protection of human rights, had quite ambiguous consequences. Along with a certain improvement in the legal status of the individual, the referendum “zeroed” the entire tenure of the President of Uzbekistan Shavkat Mirziyoyev and began counting the term of Mirziyoyev’s presidency from the moment of the official announcement of the voting results. The referendum preserved the existing form of government in Uzbekistan, which is characterized by the dominant position of the president in the state mechanism. Thus, the referendum guaranteed the further preservation and strengthening of authoritarian tendencies in the development of the political system of Uzbekistan.
More...Keywords: Czech Oral History Association; conference report;
Conference Report: Divided, yet still together at COHA 2023 (FF UK, Bratislava, 9–10 February 2023) // Zpráva z konference: Rozdělení, přesto stále spolu na konferenci COHA 2023 (FF UK, Bratislava, 9.–10. 2. 2023)
More...Keywords: war refugees; conceptualization; media;
The aim of the article is to investigate the differences in the linguistic way of presenting refugees in Polish media. The basic issue influencing the analysis is conceptualization, which is one of the funda- mental concepts in cognitive linguistics. The research material consists of 1,324 contexts of the phrase war refugees. The collected material was selected, arranged thematically and assigned to one of three dis- tinguished categories (“Invasion Army,” “Lukashenko’s Tourists,” “Real War Refugees”). The conclusion of the analysis is to describe the changes that have occurred in the Polish media discourse on war refugees.
More...Keywords: fiscal changes; Romania; work responsibilities; holidays;
A sosit din nou decembrie, luna mult asteptata a sarbatorilor si a mini-vacantei de iarna. O perioada de deconectare de la responsabilitatile de serviciu, de planificare a timpului liber cu familia sau cei dragi, in general, acel moment din an cand majoritatea oamenilor isi canalizeaza energia catre activitati recreationale si de odihna si mai putin catre cele profesionale. Totusi, pentru o parte dintre noi, atentia nu e indreptata doar spre agenda personala de vacanta, ci si catre agenda Guvernului, fiind de notorietate faptul ca autoritatile obisnuiesc sa adopte modificari fiscale semnificative in perioada Craciunului sau a Anului Nou.
More...Keywords: migrations; refugees from Ukraine; labour market; war in Ukraine; cross-border flows;
The issue of migration is now a very important challenge faced by countries with different socio-economic development. The degree to which they cope with this problem depends on many factors. The considerations in the article focus on three cross-sections: migration from Ukraine after 2014 and the migration of war refugees particularly as it pertains to the PolishUkrainian border. The work is based on literature studies and analysis of statistical data. The hypothesis is based on discovering the special role played by the institutional environment as well as macroeconomic factors as criteria determining migration from Ukraine in the analysed period of 2014–2023. The main objectives of this analysis are to present the scale of the phenomenon in different periods and regional sections, as well as how regions differ in terms of their attractiveness and the degree to which their labour markets are prepared for the absorption of labour in the European Union. The presented analyses are run within the project NAWA project entitled Challenges for the labour market in counties in the Polish-Ukrainian borderland with regard to the influx of war refugees from Ukraine. Assessment of the situation, conclusions for Polish regions, entrepreneurs, and county labour offices.