Energy Security In International Environmental Law
Energetska bezbednost u međunarodnom pravu životne sredine
Keywords: Energetics; Security; Environment; International Treaties; Status of The Republic of Serbia
This paper analyses the relevant provisions of the Energy Charter Treaty, the Energy Charter Protocol on Energy Efficiency and Related Environmental Aspects, the Convention on Nuclear Safety, and several environmental treaties which could be relevant for energy security issues, as well as the provisions of the Treaty establishing the Energy Community in Southeast Europe. It could be said that there are the notion of energy comprises different elements of security in the framework of sustainable development, but the security of supply has been particularly emphasized. Different issues related to energy security are raised in the context of a wider interpretation of the place and role of energy sector in the environmental field, and the contribution of that sector to the actual state of the environment. In this context, the issues of climate change, the reduction of greenhouse gases, the improvement of energy efficiency and the development of alternative energy sources have predominated. Regulating the status of the Republic of Serbia in the relevant international environmental treaties contributes to improving its position in the field of energy security.