“Higher Spiritual Culture”. The program and activity of the Polish Theosophical Society in the Cieszyn Silesia
„Wyższa kultura duchowa”. Program i działalność Polskiego Towarzystwa Teozoficznego na Śląsku Cieszyńskim (1919–1931)
Keywords: Polish Theosophical Society in Cieszyn Silesia; Andrzej Kajfosz; cultural history; history of cultural institutions; history of Polish culture; history of theosophical movements
The book is dedicated to the study of program and activity of the Polish Theosophical Society in Cieszyn Silesia during the years 1919 – 1931 (the period of its most intense, also publishing, activity). The society, for the most part of its existence, was situated on the Czechoslovakian side of the border, and formed by the local historical and cultural conditions; due to that it formulated a distinctive program of which central part was the idea of “higher spiritual culture.”