Aleksander Wat: A Form of Life. A Study on Writing, Experience, Presence
Aleksander Wat: forma życia. Studium o pisaniu, doświadczeniu, obecności
Keywords: Aleksander Wat; experience; creative process; writing; a form of life
The book "Aleksander Wat: A Form of Life. A Study on Writing, Experience, Presence" concentrates on the issues of special creative writing experience founded on the union and consonance of existential and textual structures. Literature is understood as a formation and a form of life. The first chapter is an attempt to describe a modern literature experience. The primary perspectives concern the writing experience and its influence on the shape and presence of subjectivity. The considerations included in the next two parts are based on a very meticulous reading and interpretation of the two most important works of Aleksander Wat ("JA z jednej strony i JA z drugiej strony mego mopsożelaznego piecyka" and "Pieśni wędrowca"). The last part summarizes the author’s main reflections.