Musical culture of Lutherans in Cieszyn Silesia in the first half of the 18th century. Vol. 1: Historical outline
Kultura muzyczna ewangelików na Śląsku Cieszyńskim w pierwszej połowie XVIII wieku. T. 1: Rys historyczny z wybranymi materiałami źródłowymi
Keywords: music; baroque; Protestant; Lutheran; Silesia; Cieszyn (Teschen)
The discovery of unknown musical manuscripts in the archives of the Church of Jesus in Cieszyn (Teschen) in 2008 was an impulse to conduct comprehensive scientific research. In the light of these studies, the eighteenth-century Cieszyn appears to be one of the main centers of Protestant musical culture in Silesia, radiating throughout Upper Silesia and its neighboring regions.From 1710, despite many difficulties, Cieszyn cantors managed to create a thriving vocal and instrumental ensemble and provide a musical setting for celebrations and services at a high artistic level. The so-called "Cieszyn cantatas", the surviving works from the then repertoire, are living testimony to this fascinating chapter in the history of music.