Palmyrene Studies 14. Observations on the topography of Palmyra
Studia Palmyreńskie 14. Observations sur la topographie de Palmyre
Keywords: ancient Palmyra; architecture of Palmyra; urban development of Palmyra; topography of Palmyra; water supply in Palmyra
An important question in Palmyrene archaeology (and archaeology in general) is whether the relative, a fortiori absolute, chronology of monuments certain. There is a considerable number of inscriptions from the site, most of them well dated, but these are honorary dedications engraved a posteriori on existing monuments seldom allowing direct dating of specific buildings. For the most part, they provide a probable commissioning date rather than the date when the foundation stone was laid or the work completed. The dating of monuments through an architectural analysis and reassignment, if possible, of well-dated texts relating to their construction or inauguration is, therefore, a priority. The author’s observations made over long years spent in Palmyra, and the re-examination of old data, lets him propose new hypotheses concerning the chronology of certain structures and monumental complexes and, hence, to contribute to the discussion on the urban development of Palmyra.