In the presidential elections, with the convincing victory of DOS candidate Vojislav Koštunica over Slobodan Milošević, already in the first round, the old regime was left without legitimacy, which rested to the greatest extent on the personal authority of the leader. The peaceful removal of Milošević by "ballots" also had a huge symbolic significance, so it is not surprising that the regime's attempt to falsify election results with the help of election commissions and the Federal Constitutional Court is not surprising. Citizens throughout Serbia responded to these attempts with mass protests. The protests culminated on October 5 in the action of the DOS under the slogan "Serbia in Belgrade", when about a million people from all over Serbia flooded the Parliament of the FRY, Belgrade streets and squares, and a large number of them also entered the buildings of the Federal Assembly and the Radio and Television of Serbia, which symbolically confirmed the people's victory. The next day, October 6, the Constitutional Court of the FRY annulled its previous decision and recognized the victory of Vojislav Koštunica in the first round of the presidential elections.