The utopian model of science and its implications
Utopijny model nauki i jego implikacje
Keywords: utopia; science; Western civilization
The author justifies that a model of the higher education, which is presently ongoing, has its origins in a poietic utopian conception. As in the utopia the science is at service of the state, is not free, but has to serve specific purposes. There are quite common opinions that the educated people will lead their country to a prosperity, and consequently to a happiness. First, it contains a logical error of the lack of consequence (non sequitur), because from a fact that the public is more educated in the utile areas, it does not proceed that it is happier. Secondly, the practices of instrumentalizing the science, and limiting its development to selected (needed by the state) disciplines, impoverish the science as a whole. In addition, a utopian paradigm of the science depreciates not only science, but also academic degrees and titles. As the author points out, the development of utile sciences should harmonize well with the development of properly understood humanities, because it is not enough to know how, but it is necessary to know why (dia ti).