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Da bi se na pravi način spoznala sadašnjost nekog mjesta i da bi se mogla kvalitetno planirati njegova budućnost, neophodno je dobro upoznati svu prošlost koja je za sobom ostavila različite tragove. Ponekada i ono što izgleda sićušno i nevažno, ili zaboravljeno i ostavljeno, može u izvjesnom trenutku doživjeti ponovno vrednovanje i iznova značiti i postati dio života. Danas, u modernom dobu, kada su tehnologije postale dovoljno razvijene da više nikakav arhitektonski oblik ne predstavlja građevinski problem, ljudsko divljenje i poštovanje okreće se prošlosti i onim, nalik skromnim i jednostavnim, ručnim tvorevinama davnih neimara i umjetnika.
Ulcinj kao urbana cjelina, u periodu turske vlasti razvijan pod orijentalnim uticajima, dobijao je izgled orijentalnog naselja, utoliko brže ukoliko su porast i dominacija muslimanskog i albanskog stanovništva u njemu bili veći. Osvojeni Ulcinj od strane Turaka, našao se, u administrativnom pogledu, u sastavu sandžaka Skadra. Turska administracija se služila turskim i drugim istočnim terminima, koje je ona sa sobom donijela, za oznaku vrste naselja, odnosno njenih pojedinih djelova. Staro ulcinjsko utvrđenje, označavano je kao kale, odnosno kalaja (grad-tvrđava).
Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC) is one of the newest hierarchies in the Orthodox world. Its' appearance is largely a reflection of the processes in Eastern Europe after World War II related to the dominance of atheistic regimes over religious institutions. MOC was founded by Church-People's Assembly (CPA) convened in March 1945 by the Initiative Committee.
The article discusses the second phase of using the army in the conflict between thegovernment of the Agrarian Union and the IMRO.
The article summarizes the main opinions on the Macedonian issue spread between the twoworld wars among French political observers and experts on the Balkans.
The analysis examines the nature of the political system of the Republic of Macedonia - it presents the level of its democracy (polyarchic) in comparative historical perspective(within the last decade).
The article presents the legal and purely professional activity of one of the founders of the IMARO - Dame Gruev.
This study traces the development of relations between the Internal Macedonian-Adrianople Revolutionary Organization (IMARO) and specifically one of its creators - Damyan Gruev and the winners of the Serbian national idea in Macedonia, carried out in the form of educational and armed propaganda at the end of XIX and early XX centuries.
Prva organizovana amaterska pozorišna predstava u Pljevljima izvedena je 1899. godine. To je bio “Školski nadzornik” po tekstu Koste Trifkovića. Premijera je izvedena u prisustvu znatnog broja zvanica, uglednih građana i predstavnika vojne i civilne vlasti, trgovaca i zanatlija pljevaljske čaršije. Održani su i prigodni govori. Ovom programu prisustvovao je i Sulejman Haki-paša, mutesarif pljevaljski, koji je bio veoma cijenjen kod ukupnog pljevaljskog stanovništva. Ovog upravitelja, zbog dvadesetogodišnje korektne vladavine pljevaljskim vilajetom, 1898. godine odlikovala je Kraljevina Srbija Takovskim krstom. On se često interesovao i o radu Gimnazije, pa i za kulturne tokove u gradu.
The basis of this article is the written in Macedonian magazine review, just tenyears ago. The reason for the continuation of research deepening into the subject is the Jubileecommemorative celebrations in Bulgaria and Macedonia, the living public interest andsignificant European dimension of Balkan ethno-cultural and historical heritage.
The article analyzes an aspect of the Sofia foreign policy to Yugoslavia and its successor in 1991, the Republic of Macedonia, which was not previously the subject of special research attention - the question of the rights of Bulgarians in Vardar Macedonia.
The failure of the Ilinden Uprising in the summer and autumn of 1903 caused severe ideological and organizational and institutional crisis in the IMARO. The establishedafter the suppression of the rebellion atmosphere of elemental reform generated centrifugal irreversible processes, which naturally led to the establishment of different often opposing factions and groups within the Organization.
The article interprets the Macedonism as anti-Bulgarian psychological phenomenon.In considering the psychological system of the Macedonism, the focus is on the nature of Macedonist psychology, subjects of this type of psychology and main psychological techniques of Macedonism.