Demografska obilježja Bjelovarsko-bilogorske županije u međupopisnom razdoblju 1991. - 2001. godine nastala kao posljedica ratnih zbivanja
The last census in the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia was conducted mid 1991, and the “critical moment” of establishing the state took place on 31st March 1991. The results of this census demonstrate the pre-war demographic features present within the transitional administrative and territorial division, which was confirmed by the later introduced, and partly changed, county organisation of the Republic of Croatia (in 1992). The period between censuses was marked by the aggression on the Republic of Croatia and the occupation of a part of its territory. The result thereof was a changed population structure, which became evident in the 2001 census data; this was the first post-war census conducted in Croatia. Further demographic oscillations occurred as a result of the operations by which – in the wider territory of north-western Croatia – the temporarily occupied parts thereof, primarily the Bilogora area, were liberated; due to the non-efficient international peacekeeping forces, preconditions for the continuance of the liberation of the occupied territory, which were realised in the 1995 operations, had been created. The objective of this paper is to present – based on the cartographic presentations drafted by using the Geographic Information System, as well as by the means of the cartographic visualisation methods and the statistical data analysis methods based on two censuses – the special arrangement and the interdependence between the demographic features of the population in the Bjelovar–Bilogora County and the Great-Serbian aggression together with the effects thereof on the demographic situation following the end of the Homeland War.