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In the final chapter of Imagining the Balkans (1997), while advancing arguments on the concept of the Balkans as an Ottoman legacy, Maria Todorova writes: “Turning to the Ottoman legacy as perception, it has been and is being shaped by generations of historians, poets, writers, journalists and other intellectuals.” In the Bulgarian edition (1999), Todorova adds a paragraph with names of writers to which she was referring – Ivo Andric, Dimitar Talev, Dobrica Cosic, Nikos Kazandzakis, and Anton Donchev. Especially the Bulgarian figures lead us to the role of the historical novel in shaping this legacy. [...]
In the paper I am going to address the following questions. How was the story presented at the politicized market (conservative, liberal, socialist press) by male writers and how was it interpreted by their readers? How did men from the elite understand honour? What were the social functions of the duel? Why did some contemporaries make attempts to incorporate duelling into a particular way of life and why did these efforts fail? What did the duel reveal about the drive of Bulgarian society towards modernization? What did it reflect in terms of the traditions of Bulgarian society, its cultural norms and forms of behaviour, desires and anxieties? If Kevin McAleer points out that at fin-de-siècle, the Germans were Europe’s most tenacious and serious duelists the historian feels compelled to distinguish the Bulgarian kind of duel from other national styles at the time.
This paper analyzes the unpublished overview of Bosniak literature written by Enver Čolaković. Written during the time of the Independent State of Croatia (NDH) within the project entitled “Croatian Muslim Monographs”, this study, content wise, had to adhere to the rigid national-ideological framework of the cultural policy of that time. However, the author, insisting on his Bogomil roots, Bosnianhood and Bosnian identity of the Bosniak literature managed to achieve, to the extent it was possible, a counterbalance to the nominal Croatianhood and the officially promoted “Croatian-Muslim literary canon”. The quality of his work can be seen in the fact that Čolaković wrote not only literary-historical overview of the Bosniak literature, but also provided its general periodization, and established, according to his personal ideas and literary-esthetic predilection, anthological-chrestomathic order of writers and works of Bosniak literature.
Kada je kuga stigla u London 1665. godine njegovi stanovnici izgubili su prisebnost. Savjetovali su se s astrolozima, šarlatanima, konsultovali Bibliju. Tražili su po svojim tijelima znakove bolesti: otekline, plikove, tamne mrlje. Preklinjali su za proročanstva, plaćali da im predviđaju budućnost, molili se bogu, zapomagali. Zatvarali su oči, pokrivali uši, ridali na ulicama, čitali uznemirujuće pamflete. Vlada je, želeći da suzbije paniku, pokušala „da spriječi štampanje takvih knjiga jer su prestravljivale narod“, zabilježio je Danijel Defou „Dnevniku kužne godine“, priči koju je napisao u isto vrijeme kada i „Potrebne mjere zaštite protiv kuge“, 1722. godine u kojoj su ljudi strahovali da bi bolest na nekom trgovačkom brodu mogla ponovo preći preko Lamanša, nakon što je proputovala od Bliskog istoka do Marseja. Defo se nadao da će njegove knjige biti korisne „i nama i potomcima, iako bismo mi trebali biti pošteđeni ove gorke čaše“. No ta je gorka čaša bila već izvađena iz vitrine.
Bauk kruži Evropom (i čitavim svetom, kad smo već kod toga)–bauk korone. Sve sile stare Evrope (i sveta, naravno) sjedinile su se u svêtu hajku protiv tog bauka, to jest virusa Kovid 19. Ovde možemo stati. Stariji čitalac, recimo nastavnik, odmah je prepoznao referencu na „Manifest komunističke partije“, revolucionarno štivo iz druge polovine 19. veka, autora Karla Marxa i Friedricha Engelsa. U fokusu mlađeg čitaoca, recimo srednjoškolca, ostaće pak aktuelni virus i globalna panika u koju je potonula planeta. Drugim rečima, srednjoškolac bi uvodne rečenice mogao čitati kao opis zbivanja u svetu danas, i ne bi pogrešio, iako bi to čitanje ostalo lišeno njihovog pamfletskog predloška. Pođimo od epidemije, a stići ćemo i do manifesta.
Setting forth from the assumption that encyclopaedia-production in any country reflects the time in which it emerges, the objective of this work is to explore any possible divergences in the treatment of the life and deeds of Borojević among the encyclopaedia entries of various nations. Stated differently, the objective of this research is to ascertain whether there were encyclopaedia entries that were influenced by or were in correlation with the origin of the national encyclopaedic source, with the specific encyclopaedia-production of a given nation. In this context, emphasis will be placed on an inter-lexicographic biographical comparison of national biographical lexicographic entries and an examination of any differences in interpretation in the approach to the material, which may have been caused by the heterogeneity of national lexicographic sources and approaches. The basic hypothesis lies in examining the assumption that the framework of national lexicography focuses on a specific vision, and the objective of this work is to detect these views as encapsulated in biographical lexicographic entries as research units during the period from the 1920s to the present. In methodological terms, the work presents an attempt to ascertain the approach and analysis in articles about Borojević and, in this sense, the focus is on a more factual description of encyclopaedia entries than an analytical and critical approach to their sources, without moving beyond the factual generalizations contained in the encyclopaedic entries. The overview of encyclopaedia entries is based on the assumption that encyclopaedia entries reflect the spirit of the time, and that the idea that lexicographical entries personify the spirit of the time within all limits of national/state or ideological provenance must be either confirmed or refuted.