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Gane Todorovski is an irreplaceable virtuoso with verses, and the thing that makes him special is his perfectionist style. The poet pays a great attention to the words, he develops them and improves them, enriches them with new meanings, making combinations of them in various relations and in this way giving them new possibilities. In the center of the poet’s untamable restlessness is the game with the common word and its constant dressing in unusual outfits. He constantly tries to engage us with the verses. He is a magician who plays with the poetry and above all with the language, who doesn’t reveal his own secrets which are a constant provocation for the critics. In the poetry, he is driven by the desire to achieve with words the same effect that the music achieves with notes. His ideal goes towards classical harmony, word composition and creation of accords.
Le développement de l’histoire littéraire macédonienne et des processus généraux créatifs qui se sont créés au cours da la période avant la chrétienté et la période du Moyen âge, ne peuvent pas être comprises strictement si on ne considère pas ses liens directs avec la littérature byzantine. Soit inversement, on ne pourrait pas avoir une image complète de la littérature byzantine si on ne ne prenait pas en considération certaines influences sur son contexte évolutif de la littérature macédonienne et des autres littératures slaves du sud. Ces liens et influences directs étaient imposés par la réception de l’œuvre littéraire des écrivains byzantins, parmi lesquelles il y avait des écrivains qui résidaient et qui travaillaient en Macédoine.
19th century is the century of the resistance, of the falls and risings, century of the burst of the Macedonian spirit, despite the many names that made huge investment in the Macedonian history and culture, is marked with the name Prlichev. The Macedonian literature was affirms by his poem Serdarot and in the same time he secured hears entrance in the Balkan literature. So after hundred and fifty years, since the poem was published, it is pleased to read and re-read the text. Even after so many years sound from the poem echoing, mother’s cry experience called us, the peoples cry hurts as. The messages from the poem obligates as. The obligation is not come only from the Prlichev’s poem, its come and from the all things that obligated Prlichev: the past, the fights, Kuzman Kapidan, mother Neda, the Macedonian people, the honor and the identity, the God’s words – watch out yourself.
Istanbul, the birth city of the poet, is a metaphorical symbol of Matevski’s poetry. As Istanbul magically connects and brings together the differences, Matevski’s poetry opens for us the oxymoronic worlds, which neither can, nor want to lock themselves in any frames, both national, ethnic or stylistic. It is a poetry of self-knowledge in one turning time, during the adoption of modernism. But Matevski has emerged as a poet who breaks up, or even better who suspends, the established tradition, without being confronted. The subjective-sentimental view of the world through pessimistic-confessional sensations, which are features of the dominant intimate lyrics of that moment, are incorporated into poet’s experience. In it, the nature is a kind of mediator, which turns personal feelings into super-personal, symbolic image. Hence thoughtfulness and sense of fair vision overcome the frames of the intimate poetry. It is that semantic-contemplation side of the poetry of Matevski that marks the Macedonian modernism, which follows the European symbolists and surrealists. That poetry does not require description, but revealing, perfect balance between thoughtfulness and emotional. Poetics of Matevski is an effort to get into the drama of existence in its trans-historical sense, leading to the identification and self-understanding. It demonstrates the "new feeling in the world" in which personal vision has two reliable constants: the yearning and the hope. The poet's hope is recognized in cosmopolitanism, in the space, not in time.
Poems by Rade Siljan - "Rugăciune pentru o zi frumoasă / A prayer for a beautiful day", "O casă binecuvântată / A blessed house".
Considering the imagological conceptions of the Other by Daniel-Henri Pageau and Gordana Đerić, this text analyses the role of literature in the deconstruction of stereo¬types that circulate in communication between Balkan neighbours. In the focus of our interpretation are three novels of contemporary Macedonian literature (Luan Starova’s Balkanvavilonci, Dragi Mihajlovski’s Mojot Skenderbej and Blazhe Minevski’s Nishan), which are paradigmatic in two ways: 1. they refer to historical events and figures, thus confirming that history is the basic mechanism for the argumentation of stereotypical images; 2. they depict processes of destereotyping both thematically and structurally, but also by their appearance in a particular sociohistorical context, with the aim of promoting supranational, universal, human, civilizational, and cultural values such as love, empa¬thy, forgiveness, dialogue, tolerance, education, love of books, optimism, humaneness, all of which are usually treated as originally European values. Literature, by articulating the processes of destereotyping through the narrative strategies in the works, confirms that it holds the potential to act correctively on systems where different forms of power are based on discrimination and submission.
Review of: Жарко МИЛЕНИЌ: ЛЕОН, УЧЕНИКОТ НА ВОЛШЕБНИКОТ, Македоника литера, Скопје, 2022.