Autonomija u simbiozi. Friedrich Engels i kritika političke ekonomije
Engels was much more than an interpreter-mediator of Marx, and cannot be reduced to the subject of deforming the writer of Capital: we want to show this on crucial ground, where it flares up the leading thought of Marx. It is a critique of political economy. Unlike liberal conception of inscribed boundaries in the social “body”, namely, for unlike the regime of establishing boundaries between politics and economics (which ends with the denial of the existence of a politics in the sphere of production), the critique of political economy points to the intersection of politics and economy at the level of totality, and finds politics in the deepest layers of the economy, denying its neutrality. And exactly in this domain Engels’s constitutive approach should be shown. It is a contribution that is dependent on Marx’s efforts, but became an integral part of the endeavor of two theoreticians. Our paper analyzes three issues: the emergence of the English proletariat, the housing issue, and simple commodity production. We show contradictions in Engels’ discourse, but we prove that Engels did not give up on the revolution that would transcend capitalism and that he remained faithful to this project.