Self-portraits dominate the work of the artist Nikolay Ruschukliev. The text analyses the stages which the genre preferences characteristic for this artist go through in the context of the relationship between self-portrait and the concept of life’s meaning and changes in its content. It also traces how the artist manages to commit to his conscious choice permeating his whole existence to create self-portraits and his reasons for having the "meetings" with himself. It is an attempt to answer questions posed by the paradoxical inverse relationship between the size of the synthesised messages to the world in which the artist lives and his ability to give sincere and honest answers to simple questions addressed to and from his self. Addressed are the issues how the ideologically provoked thresholds in life after filtering are transformed into an act of defence of personal truth, and why that very "self-awareness" is the necessary prerequisite for the achievement of this truth. The idea sustained is that the self-portraits of Nicholay Ruschukliev may be the key to understanding its transformation into genuineness about the world ... whereas the viewer who has touched this world "sinks" in the reflection of their own emotions, feelings, desires and fears.