Peculiarities of Regional Development and Industrial Specialization of the Far East of Russia
The article examines the specifics of the Russian Far East regional development for 2000-2015 periods, identifies the main sources of financing economic growth in its constituent territories, and estimates the production specialization of industries and its relationship with investments in fixed capital. The aim of the study is to identify the specifics of the regional development of the region and to assess its production specialization. Methods of system analysis, synthesis, structural analysis, dynamics and concretization methods are used. In general, the conclusion is made about the unbalanced development of the Russian Far East economy, as well as inefficient regional economic policy. Certain restrictions related to the lack of official information on the GRP structure by sources of income and final product and labor costs ratio in the regions for 2014-2015 are caused by calendar features of statistical data release by FSSS of Russia. Originality/scientific or practical values are in modified methodology for calculating localization indicator. Practical application of the obtained results is also possible in the formation of regional economic policy in the constituent territories of the Far East in terms of identifying the resources for financing investment in fixed capital, as well as in identifying long-range region specialization branches.