GREY Working Paper No. 1: Tackling the Undeclared Economy in Bulgaria: a Baseline Report
This working paper is an output of the European Commission’s FP7 "Marie Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways" (IAPP) project entitled "GREY - Out of the shadows: developing capacities and capabilities for tackling undeclared work in Bulgaria, Croatia and FYR Macedonia". Ms Rositsa Dzhekova, Center for the Study of Democracy and Prof. Colin C Williams, GREY-IAPP, Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield elaborated the report in April 2014. It provides a systematic review of available evidence on the extent and nature of the undeclared economy in Bulgaria, as well as on the institutional actors involved in tackling the phenomenon and their policy approach and measures used. The aim of the GREY project is to provide concrete policy recommendations, based on rigorous empirical evidence, for those seeking to tackle the undeclared economy in Bulgaria, Croatia and FYR Macedonia. The key objectives of our project are: to conduct evaluations of existing policy measures directed at enabling the formalization of undeclared work; to identify good practices and assess the extent to which they might be transferable to other countries or contexts; to develop innovative policy measures and test their effectiveness at tackling undeclared employment in the EU-27; and to train a generation of experts who will be able to act as advisors and implementers of ambitious projects aimed at curbing undeclared work.