Uwagi o mądrości i potrzebie zdobywania wiedzy w wybranych przekazach pisarzy kościelnych z XVII i XVIII wieku
The present article has been based on particular reflections which appeared in selected texts of ecclesiastical writing in 17th and 18th century. Those texts underscore the necessity of maintaining balance between the value of the human intellect and the spiritual needs of man, between the order of nature (the cognitive capabilities of man, the desire for domination over nature) and the order of grace (subordination to the wisdom of the Providence, wisdom as a gift, the attitude of humility). Simultaneously, the authors of that time (preachers, moralists, authors of reflections) praised human wisdom and the drive to knowledge. The same praise of wisdom finds its reflection in the ways of portraying significant figures in the Christian tradition, in particular the saints and the beatified. Moreover, valuable insight can be derived from the remarks regarding the proper ways of reasoning and, by extension, creative approach to the learning process, both on the part of the teachers as well as the students.