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The article examines three manuscripts from the library of Zograf monastery – № 317, № 381 and № 400. All three manuscripts contain The Akathist Hymn to the Theotokos. The main purpose of the article is to present a comparison of the three texts and to define their belonging to one of the recensions, described by M. Momina – recension 31, whose emergence and spreading refers to the time between the 17th and 19th centuries.
The aim of this paper is to present the Bulgarian-Hungarian cultural relations throughout the centuries. To study the historical roots of the Bulgarian-Hungarian relations, we have to look to the distant past – to the ages before the foundation of the Bulgarian and Hungarian states when the two nations lived side by side and in good neighbourly relations for a very long time. This is reflected in the two nations’ legends and folk art, and also in certain linguistic facts. Important milestones in the history of the Bulgarian- Hungarian relations are John Hunyadi’s military campaigns and the Battle of Varna, the cultural activity of the Kossuth Emigration, as well as the migration of Bulgarian gardeners to Hungary.
The largest minority in Bulgaria is formed by Turkish; After the Bulgarian, Turkish is the most spoken language in the country. For multiple languages are spoken in the country, language planning is one of the country's major open or hidden agendas. In different historical periods of Turkish in Bulgaria, instances by the different approaches are possible. However, when this approach comes a time in the country, it did not continue in the same way every time it has started. Because the Turkish approach to language planning a special exhibit about the Bulgarian state, the various struggles, transformations, after changes regarding language policy has had to develop new approaches. In this study for Turkish language in Bulgaria we would like to evaluate language policy.
Bratislav Ivanov's new book is dedicated to the values and traditions of the Japanese culture. Already in the early twentieth century, French scientist Henry Dumolard draws attention to the fact that the Japanese people are guided by their logic and draw conclusions that are often incomprehensible to Europeans. To understand the Japanese people, we need to know the values that form the core of their culture. A key to their understanding is the geographical environment, mythology, religion, and Japan's history.
This modern translation of all the surviving literary compositions ascribed to Liudprand, the bishop of Cremona from 962 to 972, offers unrivaled insight into society and culture in western Europe during the "iron century". Since Liudprand enjoyed the favor of the Saxon Roman emperor Otto the Great, and traveled to Constantinople more than once on official business, his narratives also reveal European attitudes toward the Byzantine Empire and the culture of its refined capital city. No other tenth-century writer had such privileged access to the high spheres of power, or such acerbic wit and willingness to articulate critiques of the doings of powerful people. Liudprand's historical texts (the Antapodosis on European events in the first half of the 900s, and his Historia Ottonison the rise to power of Otto the Great) provide a unique view of the recent past against a genuinely European backdrop, unusual in a time of localized cultural horizons. Liudprand's famous satirical description of his misadventures as Ottonian legate at the Byzantine court in 968 is a vital source of information on Byzantine ritual and diplomatic process, as well as a classic of medieval intercultural encounter. Readers interested in medieval European culture, the history of diplomacy, Italian and German medieval history, and the history of Byzantium will find this collection of translated texts rewarding. A full introduction and extensive notes help readers to place Liudprand's writings in context.
With an 16-pages introduction of the »Société Slave en Bulgarie« acting as editor of this small booklet under issue Nr 10 of its series »Bibliothèque Slave«
This paper focuses on the way the new post-socialist cosmology is restructuring religion, shaping the religious mentalities of contemporary Romania. I am trying to investigate this by analyzing the ways the different local politics of ethnic and cultural identities remodel the perspectives on after-life and burial practices. My research aims at analyzing the symbolic architecture of the discourse that surrounds and penetrates the dead body. It focuses also on the way the cemetery is transformed into a micro-world that reflects the religious, ethnic and cultural struggles of the new post-socialist world. Along this line of reasoning I chose for research the multi-ethnic and multi-religious village of Sch., situated in the south-eastern part of Romania. Old-Orthodox Lipovenians (divided into two antagonistic religious communities, popovtsi and bezopopovtsi) and their eternal rivals, Orthodox Romanians, have to co-habit the village and share the local resources with the newly emerged community of Lipovenian-Romanian Adventists. What seems even harder to do is to share the after-life and cemetery space, where the borderlines between these four communities become even stronger. The instrumentalization of the symbolic architecture of after-life that penetrates the dead body and the fragmentation of the cemetery space that accompanied this process mirror the important transformations of the Romanian social system and the struggle to enact the different post-socialist politics of ethnic and cultural identities.
The Magyarpalatka, located on Inner Mezőség, is one of the Gypsy musicians' centers in Mezőség. Many Gypsy music families lived and live here to date, the most famous being the Kodoba family. The present case study undertook to find out how the romungro family of the Reformed Religion in Romania, with the Hungarian-speaking, Reformed Religion, romanesque, in Hungarian, no longer (or hardly speaking) in the 20th Century, still a reformed, then Orthodox family, and tries to outline the broader social contexts of this process of identity change and to answer its causal relationships. Doing this by examining the extent to which the secondary identity change (including the change of the ethnic projection of the personal name) is related to the changing social, historical and political situations, to the extent that Magyarpalatka is continually depopulated from the Hungarian point of view, dominating the local Romanian population (not just numerical) and last but not least to some extent the economic aspects of the village vocational music industry. The research carried out at the same time makes it interesting that Gypsy musician of the Kodpal Gypsy family in Budapest is a Roma mother tongue, and its primary ethnic identity (for the time being) Roma, and that for the sake of its vocation has preserved the mediating role of local Hungarian, Romanian and Roma cultures as the traditional dance music of each ethnic group mediated and provided.
This paper proposes to compare the ideological and legal frameworks of the Romanian and Hungarian Jewish labor service system. The analysis brings into focus Transylvania, a territory which was divided between Hungary and Romania in the time of the Second World War. Between 1940-1944 the northern part of Transylvania was part of Hungary, while the southern territories belonged to Romania. This territory split in two had a Jewish population with common characteristics like their Hungarian language and culture and their socio-cultural background. However, their fate in the time of the Holocaust were totally different.
Prikaz knjige Feride Duraković „Ne lažem, Tita mi!“, Nomad, Sarajevo, 2020. Pre 9 godina izašla je knjiga eseja Feride Duraković Pokret otpora: na koricama se skoro skrivao, na crnoj pozadini, jedan mali crveni mrav. Eseji su se odnosili na razne pojave života koji se pukao 20 godina ranije, i još uvek se raspadao na paramparčad, i svaki je delić još uvek bio mnogo gori i ružniji od prethodnog. U posleratnoj književnosti celokupnog područja, bilo gde da je napisana, još nije bilo takve krvave ironije i ranjenog sarkazma, takve žuči koja peče, takve presude. Malo ih je slutilo šta sve može već svetski poznata pesnikinja, autorka mnogo nagrađivane zbirke Srce tame (1994), prevedene na mnoge jezike, sjajne poezije, proze i drama za decu. I onda je došla još jedna „mravlja“ knjiga ove godine, Ne lažem, Tita mi!. Knjiga je odmah postala „knjiga za uzglavlje“, iz nje se citira, popravlja se raspoloženje, pojačava argument. Ono što je izgledalo kao ljutiti udarac misli i angažovanja u prethodnoj knjizi, ovde postaje nešto sasvim drugo. A opet, postupak, ono što bih želela da učitam kao poetiku Feride Duraković, izgleda slično u oba primera.
MIKSER, Dušan Grlja: Čija čizma imperijalizma?; ŠTRAFTA, Aleksandra Sekulić: Dani bez datuma; ZID, Apoteka: Svaka slika postaje datum bez dana; VREME SMRTI I RAZONODE, Porša Olajviola: Električni tobogan
MIKSER, Vesna Madžoski: Tamna strana globalizacije – Mađioničari Ničije zemlje; ŠTRAFTA, Aleksandra Sekulić: Sećanje sa predumišljajem; ARMATURA, Vahida Ramujkić, Debatni program ULUS: (N)i priznati (n)i slobodni (samostalni); VREME SMRTI I RAZONODE, Eboni Stjuart: Ova pesma govori o radosti; BLOK BR. V, Radovan Popović
On the slightly risen and very easily defended northern edge of the hill on which present day city of Udbina is situated, there is the locality named Gradina (▲ 849). This locality is situated on the very top of the rocky uplift under which the Krbava field is divided in two parts. Eastern part leads to Visuć and Kozja Draga, while the second part leads to south towards Kurjak and Komić. Therefore, the Gradina is situated on the location of the excellent control of those parts of Krbava field. This location was inhabited from the prehistoric period, which was confirmed by the results of the archeological excavations on the northern part of the defense wall, and the excavated items are dated in the Iron Age, that is in the period between the 8th and the 5th century BC. This position was also used in the Roman period what can be confirmed by the founding of two cententionals from the 3rd century. The life on this position was continued in the middle of the 14th century, if not even in the end of the 13th century, what still has to be proven by the excavation of the so far intact layer of the first phases of the building of the stronghold of the counts Kurjakovići. The excavations conducted after 2008 were focused on the upper area of the hill (preliminary named “upper city”) with the circular tower of the diameter of 7m (external diameter of 11m). Bellow of this round tower on its western and northern external side the foundation of even older circular tower was found. This older tower was connected with the inner room with smooth daub flooring. The dimensions of the both towers are almost identical, although the older one is slightly smaller. On the northern part of the older tower the remains of the stairs which had lad to tower were found. Furthermore, several excavation probes were open on the northern slope just beside to the remains of the entrance of the outer wall. Near to the inner part of the wall the remains of the burned beams and huge iron axle pins were found. These founding indicate the possibility of the existence of the wooden console and/or the room for guards. Besides the western part of the entrance of the outer wall the carved remains of fi re place were found also. Furthermore, in order to alleviate the hill slope, the shallow staircase was made of compact boulder. The excavated moveable material is very various and it ranges from numerous construction tools as well as axle pins and staples, to the various weapons and military equipment (rifle barrels, lead bullets, stone cannon bullets, spurs…). Finally, the various ceramic, glass and bronze dishes were also founds, and these artefacts are evidence of the civil life in Udbina castle in the period between the 15th and the 17th century.
The presented disertation deals with selected essayists associated around the polish exile magazine "Kultura" published in maisons-laffitte in paris in the second half of the 20the century (1946-2000). its managing editor was Jerzy Giedroyc. the oeuvre of the closest magazine associates (so called "kultura group") is disscussed with regard to the aspects of the art of essay. research in this paper is limited to the so called first generation of the culture associates (1946-69). apart from the spiritus agens of the periodical - jerzy giedroyc, the analysis looks in detail at these personae from the closest magazine circle: witold gombrowicz, jerzy stempowski, konstantyn a. jeleński, gustaw herling-grudziński and józef czapski. essay as such goes beyond mere literary genre. at the basis of this texts of this nature lie more general attributes and essay can be placed among texts structured by strict logic and texts so called "litterary". as such, these are grasped in the sense of a statement inferred from several basic principles, whereas literary texts as those of which structure is based on digressions.