Bulgares et Yougoslaves
booklet published by the "Jugoslav Association for the League of Nations". Content: Language - Religion - Traditions - POlitical Aspects - Current State of the Art - Conclusion
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booklet published by the "Jugoslav Association for the League of Nations". Content: Language - Religion - Traditions - POlitical Aspects - Current State of the Art - Conclusion
Kao stvorenje bezvremenog, ne-mislećeg ništavila, Stokerov (Stoker) grof Drakula nije ništa drugo do inkarnacija jednog fantazma koji proganja Evropu počev od njegovog književnog začeća 1897. godine. I dok se gotski vampir, poput kakve prastare, zaboravljene sile, uzdizao iz senki putem Stokerove narativne razrade evropskih trauma prošlosti, viktorijanska Engleska posmatrala je kako se tradicionalne ulične petrolejke zamenjuju novim električnim svetiljkama. Zbunjeni pripovedač Drakule morao je da se suoči s ovom zlom utvarom, koju kao da nisu ni dotakli tehnološki procesi »elektrifikacije«, i koja je i dalje bila spremna da putem nasilja toli svoju večnu glad.
Za vreme moje prve posete Zapadu 1990. godine, predstavljali su me kao »naučnicu iz Istočne Evrope«. To se dogodilo nekoliko meseci posle pada Berlinskog zida. Tri godine kasnije, u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, predstavljena sam kao »profesorka sa Balkana«. Bilo je to u doba kada su se na naslovnim stranama svih listova i časopisa mogle videti slike užasa iz Bosne.
Published in 1924 by HRV. ŠTAMPARSKI ZAVOD D.D., ZAGREB. Translated from Czech to Croatian with permission of the author by Dr. Milan Prelog
Simbolična dimenzija politike uvijek je u nekom odnosu s materijalnom osnovicom političke moći, a svako društvo ima samosvojan politički imaginarij koji ga defi nira kroz mrežu simbolično izgrađena značenja i posvećuje njegove norme; zajednica ili njeni segmenti koriste se elementima toga imaginarija u svojoj “identitetskoj borbi”.1 U tom je smislu u petstoljetnom rasponu u Hrvatskoj ključan motiv predziđa kršćanstva/Europe u značenjskim i funkcionalnim varijacijama ovisnima o odnosima političke moći, unutrašnjima i vanjskima. U njemu se zrcali združivanje i/ili razdvajanje simboličnih, kulturalnih i političkih granica; on daje kriterije prema kojima se te granice konceptualiziraju.
In order to make the thorough mendacity of Putin's rhetoric about "Ukraine as a State of Neo-Nazis" fully evident, CEEOL is offering the Ukrainian Jewish journal ”Ї“ as the strongest possible proof of a habit of "modern Ukrainian and world intellectual thought". The NGO "Ї", an independent cultural organization founded in the late 1980's in L'viv, focuses on modern Ukrainian and world intellectual thought. It offers periodic forums for discussion of issues concerning Ukraine and, among others, Europe, Russia, post-Byzantium, the Muslim Renaissance. It analyzes the current situation in order to develop future socio-political strategies. The organization also publishes "Ї", a quarterly journal dealing with European and Ukrainian issues in politics, philosophy, and culture. It also examines the relationship of Ukrainians with Russians, Poles, Austrians, and Jews and places Ukraine in a modern geopolitical sphere that can further Ukraine's identity as a modern state.
Tokom gotovo pola stoljeća socijalističkog razvoja u Bosni i Hercegovini dogodile su se značajne promjene u političkom, društvenom, privrednom, kulturnom, demografskom i svim drugim aspektima svakodnevnog života, a jedna od važnijih tekovina ove epohe jeste značajno promijenjen položaj i uloga žene u bosanskohercegovačkom društvu. Iako je emancipacija žena u društvu krenula još tokom Drugog svjetskog rata,1 ovaj proces je značajno intenziviran nakon okončanja ratnih operacija i potpune uspostave novog političkog, ideološkog i društvenog sistema, koji se nije ustručavao koristiti sve raspoložive instrumente za ostvarenje sopstvene vizije društva. Ta vizija podrazumijevala je, između ostalog, i značajno drugačiju ulogu žena u novom socijalističkom društvu koje se, barem u teoriji, zasnivalo na jednakim pravima, mogućnostima i obavezama svih članova zajednice bez obzira na nacionalne, rasne, vjerske ali i rodne razlike.
This book is the result of scientific cooperation and research by a group of historians, legal scholars, sociologists and literature historians within a project entitled “Violence against Women: Discourses, Perspectives, Lessons from BiH History”. The project was designed with the understanding that, despite the persistent and multi-layered nature of violence against women in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), as well as numerous sources where violence can be observed, this theme remains marginalised in historiography. Knowledge of the issue remained fragmented and there was no study that offered a comparative view over an extended period of time. In order to remedy this shortcoming and provide a contribution to the wider understanding of socio-cultural history of BiH, the team of researchers gathered around this project identified, researched and presented, in ten chapters, different forms of violence against women across BiH history, as well as societal attitudes towards this phenomenon from ancient times until the modern era. As members of the academic community, we hold that understanding the historical background of the culture of violence – violence against women in particular, as well as the mechanisms that maintain and reproduce it, is an important precondition for establishing greater quality dialogue on the issue of violence against women. Namely, the elimination of violence against women is one of the priority goals of the UN today. y. However, this goal cannot become operational in an area if there is no insight into the historical dimension of violence against women and how traditionally rooted it is in human society. This book is a significant contribution towards filling that void and the conclusions reached research may serve as the basis for further comparison with similar studies that are currently on the rise across the globe. What are the conclusions? What is their significance in academic research and why are they important in social strategies for combating violence against women?