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Die ersten albanischen StudentInnen gingen genau zu jener Zeit nach Österreich-Ungarn, als das Osmanische Reich bemüht war, seine Strukturen nach den großen Aufständen in den albanischen Territorien wieder zu festigen. Diese StudentInnen, die aus patriotischen Familien stammten, fanden in der Habsburgermonarchie, die ihnen Bildung und Kultur vermittelte, einen idealen Nährboden zur Entwicklung patriotischer, kultureller und literarischer Aktivitäten zugunsten der Albanischen Frage. Ihre Tätigkeiten waren anfangs individueller Natur, sowohl innerhalb der albanischen Territorien als auch außerhalb in den albanischen Kolonien.
Pisanje o sodobnih diasporičnih procesov smotrno pripomore k razumevanju vloge, ki jo ima albanska diaspora v kontekstu albanske družbe in pri opredeljevanju odnosa, ki se oblikuje “tam nekje” med domovino in Albanci po svetu. V pričujočem članku ki je sestavljen nekako iz dveh” pa pol” delov, se povzame rele vantno literaturo o globalni mobilnosti in modernih diasporah. Deloma se članek osredotoča na konkretni primer albanske diaspore, ki je, kot politični subjekt, prišla na kosovsko prizorišče šele s procesom razkosanja albanskega etničnega prostora in po albanskm osamosvajanj na začetku XX. stoletja.
The essence of this work is dedicated to the Elementary School "25. maj" in the village of DelimeĎ in Tutina, and its concrete reason is the already completed hundred years of work and existence of this school. However, wanting to cover the topic as comprehensively as possible, the author gave the topic itself a broader context. Namely, in addition to the fact that the concrete course of time and the existence of the school itself through space and time, from its foundation to the present day, is dealt with, the paper pays additional attention to the historical context that preceded the school's creation, as well as demographic trends, geographical environment, and living conditions. , peaceful and troubled times, and socio-political events and happenings in the last three centuries. In the paper, the main emphasis is placed on the elementary school in DelimeĎ and the centenary period of its existence. The essence of this work is dedicated to the Elementary School "25. maj" in the village of Delimeđ in Tutina, and its concrete reason is the already completed hundred years of work and existence of this school. However, wanting to cover the topic as comprehensively as possible, the author gave the topic itself a broader context. Namely, in addition to the fact that the concrete course of time and the existence of the school itself through space and time, from its foundation to the present day, is dealt with, the paper pays additional attention to the historical context that preceded the school's creation, as well as demographic trends, geographical environment, and living conditions. , peaceful and troubled times, and socio-political events and happenings in the last three centuries. In the paper, the main emphasis is placed on the elementary school in Delimeđ and the centenary period of its existence.