Pierwszy model medycyny szkolnej w Polsce po II wojnie światowej
1960s was the time when the model of school medicine organization moved from the stage of theoretical disputes to years of implementation. For ten preceding years there had been numerous discussions conducted by doctors hygienists who offered various concepts. As a result a new original and Polish model of school medicine appeared. The new concept was being adjusted to everyday life realities and it was built upon new legal bases. The core of the model became an interesting presentation of school hygiene by Marcin Kacprzak who had been active in the field even before 1939. The concept was based on preventive medicine which treated preventive and curative activities of doctors as their most important tasks. Kacprzak introduced to school medicine the system of organized (dyspanserial) healthcare over children and youth and it was incorporated by doctors. In towns the health protection system was conducted by school doctors and in the countries by rural health care doctors. As a result, the whole population of pupils was under medical care. Due to it, the range of free medical service included children and youth up to the age of 14. The children were mostly from insured families (mostly farmer families) which was important from the point of view of social benefits.