Kyberšikana. Průvodce novým fenoménem. (Silvia Neslušová)
Review of: ČERNÁ, Alena (ed.): Kyberšikana. Průvodce novým fenoménem. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s., 2013. 152 s. ISBN 978-80-247-4577-0 by: Silvia Neslušová
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Review of: ČERNÁ, Alena (ed.): Kyberšikana. Průvodce novým fenoménem. Praha: Grada Publishing, a.s., 2013. 152 s. ISBN 978-80-247-4577-0 by: Silvia Neslušová
The article “Family Violence Based on the Blue Card. A Characteristic of the Data of the Police Headquarters VI in Warsaw” is presenting such issues as: the crime of abuse, effectiveness of the police in the realization of the “Blue Card” procedure, an analysis of data contained in the Blue Card of Police Headquarters VI in Warsaw; a characteristic of domestic violence perpetrator, a profile of domestic violence victim, types of domestic violence, intoxicants used by perpetrators of family violence and their effects, cases of violence towards adults and juveniles and consequences of estab¬lishing the Blue Card record.
Uvaženi reise Islamske zajednice u Crnoj Gori, uvaženi poslanici, uvaženi eminencije, dobrodošli u opštinu Plav na današnji dan, dan sjećanja na nevino stradale Bošnjake i Albance 1912. i 1913. godine. 1912, i 1913, godina, godine su Balkanskih ratova. Kao i u svakom drugom ratu na Balkanu, i tada su potekle rijeke krvi, počinjeni su mnogi zločini. Počinjeni su zločini nad muslimanskim stanovništvom Plava i Gusinja.
Zaključno sa 15. oktobrom 2008. godine, FHP je poimenično evidentirao ukupno 13.472 žrtve [9.260 Albanaca, 2488 Srba, 470 ostalih i 1254 žrtava neutvrđene etničke pripadnosti] ubistva, stradanja i nestanka na Kosovu, pred izbijanje, u vreme oružanih sukoba i neposredno nakon raspoređivanja međunarodnih snaga na Kosovu (januar 1998-decembar 2000). Od toga, podaci o 8.879 žrtava su potpuno obrađeni, potvrđeni iz najmanje dva nezavisna izvora i pokazuju okolnosti pod kojima su žrtve stradale, ubijene ili nestale. Prema etničkoj pripadnosti: 7.707 Albanaca, 822 Srba i 350 žrtava drugog etničkog porekla.
Topuzović, Zvjezdan Zuličić. Bili su sasvim obični ljudi, putnici voza 671. Na zbornom mjestu zločina našli su se slučajno - svako je po jedna sudbina. "Najteže mi je kad me pitaju koliko imam djece", kaže Mujo Babaži}. Njegov Ismet nema sina. Kad je otišao imao je trideset godina; u podstanarskoj sobi, poslije šest mjeseci braka, ostala je sama Sanela. Esad Kapetanović - ni punih dvadeset. U rodnu Bistricu krenuo zbog odlaska u vojsku. Valja odužiti dug državi - nagovorio ga otac. Znate li kako plaču gluhonijemi Hasib i Vera Kapetanović za svojim Esadom?
Dvadeset sedmi februar 1996. godine. Dnevnik započinjem riječima Meše Selimovića: "Kad mi je teško, bje`im u samoću. Kad mi je još teže, tražim dobre ljude." I ja sam jutros tražio dobre ljude - Sretena Asanovića, Vukiša Pulevića, Zorana Perovića... Idemo na željezničku stanicu u Podgorici, odakle ulicama grada treba da krene protestna povorka povodom "Slučaja Štrpci", od koga je prošlo tri godine!
U prvom broju nakon otmice u Štrpcima, u uvodniku pod naslovom "Nepodnošljiva tišina", "Monitor" od 5. marta 1993. godine napisao je: "Danas u ovakvoj Crnoj Gori, mnogima izgleda prirodno, što se predsjednik republike, čije su građane razbojnici pretvorili u taoce, nije tim povodom obratio naciji, što niko nije čak ni zatražio vanredno zasijedanje skupštine, što vlasti svojim političkim i vojnim saveznicima nijesu uputile barem javni prijekor, što niko iz republičkog vrha makar iz pristojnosti nije posjetio porodice onih koji se nijesu vratili s puta.
In this paper, the author discusses the phenomenon of mobbing, or harassment at the workplace, by focusing on the concept, phenomenological characteristics and types of mobbing, the etiological factors leading to its emergence, and the consequences sustained by victims. Considering the need to have mobbing recognized and legally sanctioned as a form of harassment, the author underscores that the social response to mobbing must be conceived as a comprehensive system of preventive measures. This paper aims to provide an insight into this negative social phenomenon as a prerequisite for building an effective system of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention. In particular, the author provides an overview of the Serbian legislation on this matter and points to the role of the non-governmental sector in the prevention of mobbing.
Nakon višegodišnje aktivnosti boračkih organizacija i nadležnih organa Općine Gračanica, te definitivnog izbora lokacije i provedene propisane procedure izbora idejnog rješenja, gradnja Centralnog spomen-obilježja poginulim borcima/šehidima počela je 2009. godine (I faza) i nastavljena početkom aprila 2010. godine (II faza). Svečano otkrivanje ovog spomen- obilježja obavljeno je na Dan odbrane općine Gračanica, 25. 05. 2010. godine. Svečanosti su prisustvovali, pored članova porodica poginulih i bivši borci Armije BiH omladina i građani sa svih područja općine.
One of admissibility criteria for accepting the application to the European Court of Justice is victim status. This criteria has a roll to prevent actio popularis in Court proceedings. Concept of victim is much more complicated than it seems. Court has developed, through its case-law, autonomous concept of victim. ECHR, brought over half a century ago, with only 14 protocols, proved to be incapable of staying in touch with modern legal life and human rights development. This is why, in some cases, we can find inadequate use of some legal terms. Those mistakes are made in good fate, in order to made ECHR applicable to some new legal situations, but regardless to that, they are unacceptable. One of them is confusion between terms of direct and indirect victim.
Depending on a theoretical approach, victimology is considered to be an independent scientific discipline analysing the problems of social mechanisms that lead to someone becoming a victim, or a scientific discipline focused on the mechanisms of victimization; that is, the process of becoming a victim of criminal offences, and working out the methods of preventing victimisation or, at least, diminishing the susceptibility to this phenomenon. The latter is understood as a factor that especially facilitates becoming a probable victim. Victimology is not by any means a science serving the justification of criminals’ deeds (e.g. rapists accusing women of provocative clothing) but it aims at expanding one’s knowledge of social mechanisms of crime, developing social awareness of the way certain behaviours or life choices favour crimes, provoking criminals into committing crimes. In other words, the article presents how one may become a victim unknowingly. One of the categories of victimology is susceptibility to victimisation. This article is focused on this particular area in the context of the methods preventing victimisation.
The trafficked persons are both the victims of human trafficking, a statute that implies protection and restoring their autonomy, not only on an individual level, but also socially, as well as key witnesses in the criminal procedures that aim to impose criminal liability on the offenders. In addition, the victims who have been physically constrained may present traces of this constraint on their body, which makes them subject to forensic examination. Corelatively, the same victims, as abused persons, a a vulnerable category of patients, with possible mental and physical traumas, which implies a special attention in balancing the victim's interest in receiving the best care, and the need to appeal to the victim, although traumatized, in a manner which does not endanger their physical, but especially their psychological state of health, in order to carry out the probation in the penal trial, because criminal procedure involves repeated hearings of the victims during the criminal investigation and the trial phase. Sometimes, the state's interest in carrying out and completing the procedure for bringing the offender to account for his crimes may come into conflict with the victim's interest of isolating themselves from the criminogenic environment, a condition for their psycho-social-affective rehabilitation. This article discusses with the way in which these two sometimes conflicting interests may affect the autonomy of the trafficked person, their consent to participate in medical procedures and their rehabilitation through social work services, beyond the status of patient or injured party, there is that of a vulnerable person who is in need and should be a beneficiary of social services.
The research paper contains key findings of the random monitoring survey of the Ukrainian students covering the period 2002-2017, in the course of which it was explored the attitude of young people to the problems of crime and the police’s activities aimed at counteracting it in the city (Kyiv). The analysis of the survey findings allowed to identify the level of students’ fear to become victims of certain types of crime, a degree of their victimization in general and their fear to suffer from particular crimes, their assessments of the character of crime dynamics in the city and the police’s activities, to learn the opinions on the situation with personal security at a given time and in future. Among the trends identified in the course of the research are a high level of the respondents’ fear to become a victim of violent and most spread minor offences; high level of their victimization that distinctly decreased in recent years; prevailing negative assessments of the crime dynamics, assessment of the police’s activities and trust to it as unsatisfactory irrespective of the improvements in these indicators in the recent three years, prevailing negative assessment of the situation with personal security and positive expectations in relation to the changes in future.
Secondary victimization is an act of further (repeated) harm inflicted towards a victim by people to whom they requested for help. The phenomenon takes on significance in reference to disabled people who due to violated mental and physical efficiency are especially exposed to experience harm. Therefore, every possible effort should be taken in order not to make a victim of crime incur further harm – also caused by people whose goal and obligation, by virtue of their occupation, is to bring help to such a victim. The article is an attempt to indicate actions which will protect disabled people from secondary victimization particularly experienced from official workers.
With moralization of politics, the presence of human interest stories and issues are more and more frequent in the public sphere as well as in politics. The scandal and the follow-up public debate of metoo started in 2017 is a perfect example. Based on a specific case in Hungary, the paper presents the ways the metoo discourses and visuals constructed victim and perpetrator, that is, the processes of victimization and vilification and the role emotions played therein. In the research, textual and visual analyses, social semiotics and qualitative content analysis were used in processing the relevant content of the main political media: television shows, online news portals, social media and also on the comments to the pieces on the Hungarian case. The study found five ways of constructing the case and six types of victim. Each type was supported by visual material and some were complemented with specific emotional components.
This paper is a philosophical meta-discussion of the current culture in psychiatry and psychotherapy that focuses on trauma as the source and predominant determinant of a large number of psychiatric complaints. Such a culture leads to increasing, rather the decreasing, the destructive role of traumatization and victimization throughout the life experiences of those affected, and (as culture) is exemplified by increasing calls by influential psychiatrists to expand the interpretative role of trauma to virtually all our experiences of social inadequacy and personal hurt. We argue here, from a philosophical and psychiatric point of view, that the transactions, semantics and affects that psychiatry and psychotherapy are concerned with in cases of trauma and victimhood are negatively affected by the culture of using trauma as an alibi and a kind of universal explanation of psychological dysfunctionality and suffering. We also argue that, contrary to the current culture of a sort of idolatry of trauma, more consistent and philosophically informed approaches to psychiatric and psychotherapeutic intervention, based on a different interpretation of less-than-radically adverse life experiences, might in fact reduce both the clinical occurrence of traumatization and the actual adverse impact of self-perceived victimization and traumatization on the prospects for achieving the goal of ‘the good
In his article, the author focuses on the issue of legal regulation of victims with specific protection needs contained in the act No. 45/2013 Coll., on victims of crimes. At this respect, he introduces the institute of the victim and the victim with specific protection needs and points out the practical difficulties resulting from the unclear legal definitions, as well as deals with the rights of victims with specific protection needs, which the legal regulation specifically grants them. The author supplements the domestic legislation with the European legislation, which in many respects is the basis and source of the current wording of the Act No. 45/2013 Coll., on victims of crimes.
Background: Cyberbullying is commonly present as affecting in adolescent population. Current research suggests that cyberbullying occurs mostly in secondary education. There was a total of 186 students who participated in this study. It was found that there was a significant association between cyberbullying and cyber victimization which suggest that cyber victims have the tendency to be cyberbullies and vice versa. Moreover, more than half of the victims do not report cyberbullying phenomena to adults. It was also found out that schools were the least medium for adolescent to learn safety strategies online.