Wpływ wybranych czynników społecznych na międzynarodowy łańcuch dostaw zwierząt przeznaczenia rzeźnego
International supply chains of animals for slaughter destination is the area of multivariate analyzes. This article attempts to characterize the supply chain with the identification of parameters which it creates in the areas of international exchange, manifesting themselves mainly in the analyzes of export and import volumes. The values of these turnovers demonstrate its importance. Therefore, the aim of this article is not only to identify those values, but also to present the supply chain of animals for slaughter destination, and to indicate the influence of selected social factors on their location. The article presents the figures for turnover in live animals and meat based on the analysis of statistical data of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). On the other hand the selected social factors allowed for the identification of three models of location change of the supply chains of cells, the most typical for this area.