Типологічні особливості формування парків України
Features and problems of forming of parks of Ukraine, creations of park environment, classification of parks are investigated in the article.
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Features and problems of forming of parks of Ukraine, creations of park environment, classification of parks are investigated in the article.
On database of the numerous studies of the complex of the stone buildings and monumental Rock Art in the region of Dnister Reservoir (Mezolith-Neolith-Bronze Age), which were conducted with specialists of the NGO West-regional scientific centre of Ukrainian Academy of the Informatics (Lviv) under guide of USPMIC (Kiev).
Studies show that the southern regions of Turkey, within which also Mersin is located, would be greatly affected by possible climate change. According to a report published by NASA, the most severe droughts of the last 900 years are being witnessed in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin. In this context, the study of the drought of Mersin in the Eastern Mediterranean Basin is of great importance. In this study, the drought analysis on, and the Thornthwaite climate classification for Mersin and the surrounding area was carried out (1965-2014). The Standardized Rainfall Index (SPI), Normal Percentage Index (PNI) and Erinç Drought Index were used in our study. Drought analyses on monthly, annual and seasonal scales were carried out. According to the Erinç drought index, extreme climatic conditions have been experienced frequently over the past 15 years. For example, the results of the SPI analysis show that there was a lack of precipitation in Mersin across all months of the year 2008. Again, 2009 became the driest year of the last 55 years. After 1968, the years 2001 and 2012 represent the most humid climatic conditions in Mersin. However there is a significant negative trend, especially throughout the winter months. 2001 and 2012 have been the most humid periods in recent years. If the monthly SPI values of these periods have been examined, it can be seen that the humidity of 2001 originated from heavy rainfalls which had occurred in December. The precipitation which fell in December 2001 was the highest rainfalls the last 55 years. Another drought index used in our study is PNI. The PNI was calculated using monthly rainfall data of 1965-2014 belonging to the Mersin station. It is seen that PNI results were consistent with those obtained from Erinç and SPI models. The year 2008 is recorded as being arid according to the PNI analysis. According to the PNI analysis, the year 2008 was observably arid while moist conditions for the year 2012 are worthy of note.
The plants used in Anatolia for centuries have shown diversity due to the differences in the geographical structure of Turkey. This diversity is important for plant dyeing. The aim of this research to dye the cotton, wool and silk fabrics by dyeing fresh and dry leaves of indigo plant used in vegetable dyeing and determine the light, rubbing and washing fastness of the colors obtained from the dyeings. Dyeing prescriptions were prepared for using in the dyeing process of indigo plant. In the dyeing process, 36 dyeing were performed using alum, copper sulfate, iron sulfate, sodium hydrosulfite and sodium hydroxide mordants and also without mordants. Light, rubbing and washing fastness of fabrics were measured and evaluated after dyeing process. Fastness measurements of the colors obtained were carried out in the chemistry department laboratory of Istanbul University Engineering Faculty. Light, washing and rubbing fastnesses of cotton, wool and silk fabrics are available at the desired level and as a result of dyeing process with indigo plant.
Is reality a ‘Ready-Made World’ or an entity constructed by individuals and social activity? The concept of the environment seems to be the boundary that clearly shows how we can simultaneously adhere to our apparently contradictory intuitions— that is, those about the external and autonomous features of reality independent of human intervention, and those about its undeniably constructed character. The environment, then, seems to be a concept that shows how non-epistemic and epistemic notions of reality (i.e. respectively seeing reality as independent from and dependent on us) can be understood cohesively.
Some problems like rapidly developing industrialization, irregular population growth, environmental pollution and to feel the impact of global warming as seriously, has been giving significant damage to the earth. People has realized that, after polluting to clean is harder than polluting of the measures to be taken before. And again people showed the sensitivity to the environment through different reactions and sanctions took measures and created the new concepts about the environment. "Ethical Fashion" concept was created by the conscious and responsible individuals in the last two decades. However, that are being implemented as a concept is noticeable. Textile and fashion industry cover "Ethical Fashion"; ecological product, working conditions, fair trade and sustainable product are all in that concept. "Ethical Fashion" appeared and developed especially in United Kingdom, the USA and the other European countries. Nowadays, we may see a lot of textile and fashion designers, fabric and clothing collections, fairs and some specific courses at the universities about "Ethical Fashion". In this research contains "Ethical Fashion" concept, it's development processes and fashion designers who is working for this concept at the present time, also the main target is in this research, semtinizing "Ethical Fashion" concept.
The aim of the paper is to determine the scale of agricultural land conversion in gmina (municipalities) located in selected metropolitan areas of Poland. Analyses were conducted taking into account the location of agricultural land in relation to the core of metropolitan area and its suitability for agricultural production. The research has shown that in the metropolitan areas selected for analysis, agricultural land conversion in the period 1996–2014 was over twice as fast as the average for Poland, with the most land converted in the core of a metropolitan area, little less in the first zone of gmina around the core, and the least in gmina located on the outskirts of a metropolitan area. The hypothesis saying that the distance of a gmina from the core of the metropolitan area is a significant factor in the differences in conversion processes, and high quality of environmental conditions of agricultural production does not limit (in a significant way) the process of farmland abandonment has been positively verified.
The basis of the advancement of contemporary society comprises the development of science and technology, intensified by the globalization processes. The tendency to progress further and produce more in order to improve the living conditions of people has also led to certain adverse consequences reflected in the ecological crisis, that is, the disturbance of the ecological balance. In an effort to come up with a solution, the model of sustainable development was created on the basis of harmonizing the economic needs with the preservation of the ecological balance both at the global and the local level. A healthy and high-quality living environment is not only the basic condition for economic wealth, but clean air, healthy water and healthy soil and food also present the fundamental preconditions for the good health of people. The concept of sustainable development is a relatively new notion, particularly in Serbia. However, it has neither been developed nor implemented sufficiently in our country. The reasons behind this are numerous, among which the unfavourable economic situation certainly occupies an important position, along with the fact that the concept of sustainable development still does not represent a widely accepted development paradigm in Serbia. For Serbia, as a developing country, it is of particular importance to preserve its ecological balance and ensure sustainable development, which is possible, among other things, by cooperating internationally in the sphere of environmental protection
In her novel Through the Arc of the Rainforest (1990) Karen Tei Yamashita deploys magical realist narrative technique to offer a globally-embracing ecocritical criticism that unfolds global connectivity of peoples, places, and their destinies. As such, she uses a deterritorialized environmental approach, which favors eco-cosmopolitanism over bioregionalism, drawing our attention to the shortcomings of locally-based ecocritical studies that overlook the inextricable political, social, and cultural connections between the local and the global in an age of unprecedented mobility and global modernity. Another environmental issue Yamashati sheds light upon is the fact of slow violence, a violence, as Rob Nixon argues, appears out of sight, and over time. To render this invisible violence visible, she employs magical realism. The intersection between magical realism and ecocriticism in Through the Arc fuels a representational void by giving shape not only to the insidious workings of global capitalism masquerading as “scientific development,” and/or “progress” but also to the slow, invisible environmental violence whose long-term effects bring about human and environmental cost.
The environmental assessment of facilities and equipment used for the exploitation of renewable energy sources constitutes a major challenge of the environmental scientific community. Studies conducted in this field aim to define manufacturing alternatives which could mitigate the negative environmental impacts. The purpose of this study is the implementation of a comprehensive life cycle assessment for the definition of the environmental performance of flat plate solar thermal collectors. In terms of this study four alternative manufacturing scenarios are examined and a comparative assessment of the findings of the individual analyses is performed. The interpretation of the LCA findings leads to some useful conclusions concerning the improvement of the environmental performance of flat plate solar thermal collectors manufacturing.
The quality of a concrete parking lots, floors or slabs is highly dependent on achieving a hard and durable surface that is flat, relatively free of cracks and at the proper grade and elevation. The properties are determined by the aggregate characteristics, cementitious materials and the mixture proportions. Concrete industry is one of the largest consumers of natural resources due to which sustainability of concrete industry is under threat. The environmental and economic concern is the biggest challenge concrete industry is facing. This study addressed, the issues of environmental and economic concern through the use of saw dust ash and egg shell powder mixture as partial replacement of cement in concrete. Hydraulic Cement was replaced by the mixture of Saw Dust Ash and egg shell powder at 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% and 25% by weight. The cylindrical concrete specimens were tested for compressive strength, flexural strength, splitting tensile strength, slump and density .The compressive strength of the specimens was evaluated at the 3rd, 7th, 14th, 28th and 56th days of age. The flexural strength and the splitting tensile strengths were evaluated at 14th and 28 days of age. The results obtained satisfied the minimum specifications of relevant standards and manuals. The study concluded that mixture of saw dust ash and egg shell powder is a suitable supplementary cementitious material and can satisfactorily replace hydraulic cement up to 20% by weight in the construction and maintenance of concrete parking lot placed on the ground.
Plaster is a widely adopted material in buildings. However, since the manufacturing of cement, a common component material in plaster, involves heating limestone and emits a lot of carbon dioxide, there is inherent problem pertaining to plaster that it is associated with a large amount of embodied energy and carbon footprint. One strategy to solve the problem is to employ quartz sand, an economic and abundant natural resource, to partially replace cement for plaster production to directly reduce the embodied energy and carbon footprint. To investigate the feasibility of practical use of quartz sand in plaster and quantify the effect on reducing the embodied energy and carbon footprint, a total of 30 plaster mixes with quartz sand content varying from 0% to 20% at various water/solid ratios were produced for laboratory testing, and the embodied energy and carbon footprint of each plaster mix were quantitatively estimated. Results demonstrated that the incorporation of suitable quartz sand in plaster could improve the workability for mixing and trowelling and reduce the embodied energy and carbon footprint as well as the cost at the same time.
In this paper I would like to describe the function and changes of family ties after a traumatic experience. In my analysis I compared life story interviews, which have been recorded in two periods: one and a half month after the Hungarian red sludge disaster in 2010 and three years later. As I placed this case in Ulrich Beck’s theoretical framework, named ‘risk society’, I had three main questions about 1) the changing of family ties after the disaster, 2) family’s role in trauma procession and 3) individuals’ future prospects regarding family life. This paper points out that there are definite gender differences in the individuals’ family perception, and the importance of distinguishing the perceptions about immediate and distant family. Generally, no long-term changes caused by the disaster could be observed in the analysed type of family ties. I would like to point at the possibilities in family life and family ties, which can help the trauma recovery procession and which debase it. The most important result of this paper is the main role of the entire and operable family ties in coping with trauma.
Artikkel analüüsib avalikke kunstilisi aktsioone nende toimumise koha kontekstis. Teoreetiline raamistik tugineb valdavalt Michel de Certeau ja Henri Lefebvre’i ruumikäsitlustele. Empiiria moodustavad ühes konkreetses paigas, Tallinna Vabaduse väljakul aastatel 2001–2010 aset leidnud kunstilised sekkumised. Juhtumianalüüside ning teoreetilise arutelu kokkuvõttena pakun välja üldistusele pretendeeriva loetelu seaduspäradest, mis iseloomustavad sekkuva avaliku kunsti ja sekkumispaiga vastastikust koosmõju.
Environmental crime leaves broad consequences for environment and sustainable development. Because of the growing presence and danger of environmental crime, it requires an adequate reaction of the society (the state). This paper will point out the possibility of unifying these efforts by applying community policing. This concept is based on the problem oriented policing, it means identifying and analyzing problems and finding of adequate prevention that would be realized through partnership of actors of social reaction with citizens. The main obstacle for higher results is the lack of police officers specialized in this type of crime, as well as the lack of awareness among police officers and citizens about the dangers of environmental pollution. Identified directions of countering environmental crime should be supported by appropriate normative and educational framework, with appropriate material and technical basis, which would create a suitable setting for action within the framework of community policing. Regarding environmental issues, the scientific and professional public should certainly be included. Community policing should be part of a comprehensive, coherent strategy to combat environmental crime.
The population that uses sewers and the sewer systems rate of municipalities and agglomerations have been developed. The hypothesis has been verified that the sewer systems indicators, calculated for agglomerations by the Central Statistical Office, are generally overestimated and therefore more agglomerations, than are generally assumed, do not meet the requirements of the waste directive. According to the Base Building Method, RLM using sewers higher than 90% were reported only in every ninth agglomeration, and in more than one quarter it did not exceed 30%. The relatively low sewer system rate of agglomerations is connected with the desire to cover as much of the population as possible, thus with an inadequate delimitation of the agglomeration. It is therefore recommended that the boundaries of agglomerations should be defined in GIS and the Base of Buildings and the population balances should be used as the sources of data on the number of dwellings equipped with sewerage and the population living there.
In many regions of the world, societies are in a phase of rapid transition due to political and socio-economic changes, combined with changes in the natural environment, climate change and biodiversity loss. In the case study presented here, we address the Armenian population of the remote rural area of the Javakheti Highlands in the South Caucasus of Georgia, situated next to the Turkish frontier. Actors in this region have to deal with cumulative uncertainties related to the complex processes of post-Soviet transition and its social, cultural and economic consequences. Any transformative intention that effects local population has to be embedded into everyday life context. Entering in such an unclear situation as western researchers with the mission to generate possible answers to a vital economic and socio-cultural question, asks for comprehensive approaches following primarily the needs of the local people, integrating different perspectives of scientists, stakeholders and concerned population.Mutual understanding, the identification with the defined mission and cooperative knowledge production are preconditions for robust answers to these challenges. Consequently, a stakeholder analysis is performed. Using the methodological approach of community-based participatory research, we answered the need, that the defined mission of this project is only achievable on the base of building trust and shared knowledge between the involved actors. This study describes the process of approximation to the research field as a first step to the development of sustainable solutions.
Seasonal variation in mortality has long been recognized and confirmed in diverse studies by demographers, climatologists, medics, sociologists etc. Existing research suggests that most world regions experience increase in mortality during winter period and that countries and regions in temperate climate have higher winter mortality than regions in colder climate. As well, numerous studies have so far demonstrated temperature-related mortality associations with increased risk due to both heat-related and cold-related death. The objective of this paper is to research seasonal variations in mortality due to seasonal changes in average air temperature among urban population of Novi Sad (Serbia). The analysis covered the period between 1953 and 2013 for both total and old population (65 and over) by gender and for all-cause mortality, while causes of death were observed only for the 1998-2013 period. This paper considers only cardiovascular diseases I00-I99 (CVD) according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD, version 10). Sea-sonal changes in mortality were observed using the coefficient of seasonal variation in mortality (CSVM) while the data were split into five periods in order to research temporal changes. Results for CSVM indicated that mortality in winter period was higher than mortality in non-winter periods, whilst the analysis of the temperature-related mortality suggests that low temperature caused an increase in mortality over the entire year. Despite the confirmed seasonal changes in mortality and the evidence for temperature-related mortality, this research has recognized a declining trend in population vulnerability over time.
Questions regarding the water have a specific position in the context of environmental challenges. The possibility of escalating tensions between individuals, social groups, states or groups of states may even be higher for water-related issues than with other environmental problems. According to many pessimistic forecasts in the course of the 21st century water conflicts occur, which can have tragic consequences. Even though such conflicts have not yet reached a significant regional or global dimension, the risk of such a conflict cannot be ruled out. The aim of the research is to identify other potential risk areas where the water situation will most likely worsen, which may result in a threat of violence, conflict. At the same time, we were comparing the state of renewable water resources in individual countries of the world.
Energy efficiency is crucial to ensuring a safe, affordable, reliable and sustainable energy system and is an important component of all efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GGE). It is also the fastest and cheapest way to solve energy, environmental and economic problems and challenges. In the context of facing increasing demand for energy, unstable prices, energy supply disruptions and environmental issues, the European Union (EU) has set ambitious energy saving targets of 20% by 2020 and of 30% by 2030, by directing its energy efficiency measures towards those sectors where there is the greatest potential for savings. The energy sector is one of the areas of strategic importance for the future development of the Republic of Serbia (RS). Bearing in mind that Serbia is a candidate country for EU membership, the strategic direction of its energy sector development is largely determined by the undertaken international obligations, with a special emphasis on the Energy Community membership and the EU accession process. In this sense, the country has accepted the obligations related to increasing energy efficiency. The paper analyses the relative and absolute energy intensity trends in order to determine the general trend and dynamics of energy efficiency in Serbia in the period from 1990 to 2015. The paper points out that Serbia, in terms of energy intensity, is lagging behind many EU countries, as well as for some in the region, and gives recommendations for taking measures that would increase energy efficiency in the country.