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The review of: Nikola Šimić Tonin: Umjetnička eksplozija duha, HKD Ogranak Zadar, Biblioteka Donat, Zadar, 2018.
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The review of: Nikola Šimić Tonin: Umjetnička eksplozija duha, HKD Ogranak Zadar, Biblioteka Donat, Zadar, 2018.
Upon abolition of the sultanate, proclamation of the Republic, and termi-nation of the seemingly existing caliphate position, the 1921 Constitution was replaced with the 1924 Constitution, which would remain in full force until 1961. It is observed that as a result of all such consecutive developments, the no. 677 Law on Preclusion and Abolition of Lodges, Zawiyahs, Tomb Keepers and Some Titles, which had been presented to the assembly with a bill prepa-red by Refik Koraltan, a member of the parliament from Konya province, along with his friends, accepted in November 30th, 1925 and published in the official gazette in December 13th, 1925, interrupted, in general, the religious Turkish music; and in particular, the music of Mevleviyeh and Bektashism cults -lodge/dervish music- during the production stages, which has been determined to be directly connected with the following problems to be dealt with, and which will constitute the focus of our study. Therefore, our "Music Policies in Turkish Single-party Era: Religious Music Example" titled study, as mentioned above, has been the subject of the research concentrated around especially the no. 677 Law came into force in December 13th, 1925, accepted with a bill, within the scope of transitions paving the way for the proclama-tion of the republic, and legitimacy of various revolutions implemented, and it is important that the effects of the political mobility experienced in our co-untry between 1923 and 1950 during the single-party era on our society, and the extent of such effects on the music life, in particular Turkish religious mu-sic education, culture and art in our country can be observed and evaluated.
Колико je конститутивна и, истовремено, контроверзна улога музике у књижевности европског модернизма показује студија сликара и критичара културе Виндхама Луиса Вријеме u заподни човјек (Time and Western Man, 1927), y којој ce он ca несмиљеном жестином обрушио на свог дугогодишњег пријатеља Езру Паунда због његова интереса за музику. Он његово окретање музици у поезији и поетолошким рефлексијама тумачи као знак културне индиференције, као дух резигнације.
The paper presents Jan Stroiński’s carnival songs, which were known to the old-time historians and now are considered lost. They were found in Andrzej Lubieniecki’s silva (Remonstrants’ Library in Rotterdam, MS 527, pp. 682– 691). They are entitled “Shrovetide songs” there and are accompanied by a description of circumstances of creation thereof (in Lithuania, in Łostaje, in madam Koszkielowa’s house, in 1650). The cycle consists of six works written in eight-syllable verse, in preacher-like rhetoric. The paper presents the review of their subjects and citations of selected fragments.
This article examines 44 musicians in total under the titles of “Mawlawī rite composer”, “performer” and “theoretician” with the purpose of shedding light on their contributions to Ottoman/Turkish music. Aside from other studies, this article focuses on determination of Mawlawī identity of the Ottoman musicians and analyzes them with various aspects such as Mawlawī ranks, cities they live, Mawlawī lodges they attended, and number of works they produced. In this context it has been detected that Mawlawī musicians, who have the rank of dede and dervish, which indicates competence in the mystical path, are more than the others. In this perspective, it can be said that dwelling in Mawlawī lodges influences musical talent positively. On the other hand Nayi Uthman Dede, the shaykh of Galata Mawlawī Lodge and Abd al-Baqi Nasır Dede, the shaykh of Yenikapi Mawlawī Lodge, come to the fore among the 18th century Mawlawī musicians with the framework of their triple features, namely theoretician, performer, and Mawlawī rite composer.
Folk music is an important element of the Bulgarians’ worldview. Its big role is reflected in the Bulgarian dialects and its semantic realizations in proverbs and idioms. This article analyzes the system of rituals containing the component of folk music and instruments in diachronic and synchronic perspective.
This article is devoted to the historical aspects of music education in Russia. The path on which the Russian music education system has been forming is discussed here in historical-theoretical and pedagogical contexts. Based on the available documentary material and papers by authoritativeresearchers, crucial moments in the evolution of professional music education in Russia have been analysed. The development of native musical art and music education has been progressing throughout the entire history of Russia, influencing various areas of life peculiarly and leaving a distinct mark on the country’s cultural heritage. Over the periods discussed in the article, a vast and significant historical- pedagogical experience has accumulated, fundamental to the contemporary music education in the Russian Federation. Niniejszy artykuł poświęcony został historycznym aspektom edukacji muzycznej w Rosji. Droga powstawania rosyjskiego systemu edukacji muzycznej omówiona została w kontekście historyczno-teoretycznym i pedagogicznym. W oparciu o dostępne materiały źródłowe i prace darzonych autorytetem badaczy, przeanalizowano węzłowe momenty ewolucji rosyjskiej profesjonalnej edukacji muzycznej. Rozwój ojczystej sztuki muzycznej i edukacji postępował na przestrzeni całej historii Rosji, wywierając specyficzny wpływ na rożne sfery życia i pozostawiając wyraźny ślad w kulturowej spuściźnie kraju. W ciągu omówionych w artykule okresów nagromadziło się ogromnei ważne doświadczenie historyczno-pedagogiczne, stanowiące podstawę współczesnego wychowania muzycznego w Federacji Rosyjskiej.
Due to poor socioeconomic conditions of our country, parents, but also all those who in various ways deal with issues concerning children’s rights to a healthy and happy life, are justifiably concerned for the future of the children, especially for their safe growing up that will allow them to achieve their full potential. We have entered the 21st century, and unfortunately there is still a dilemma about the actual place of music in both pre-school and school education along with its position and function. I wrote this paper in an effort to search thoroughly the position and function of music education and to highlight its importance in the overall development of the personality. In the paper I especially paid attention to the development of music education in elementary schools in Bihac, and I analysed the plans and programmes in order to give my opinion about possible options for changes and improvement of these.
The melodies were published in the last edition of the antiphonaries of the Piotrkowczyk family (1645). The author is unknown. The compositions (12 antiphons, 2 responsories, 1 hymn) are not stylistically uniform, which is not strange considering the fact that artists living in the Baroque period combined the heritage of the several centuries in which the liturgical singing of the Catholic Church had developed. They also remained under the influence of the achievements of polyphonic singing. In the collection of 15 melodies we can find elements of Gregorian chant, the neo-Gregorian style and the pseudo-Gregorian style. The entire collection is consistent with the aesthetics of the late Middle Ages and concludes the epoch of Polish monody to the Latin texts in proprium sanctorum.
In this work, the author examines three manuscripts representing neumatic notation of the 16th century. The manuscripts in neumatic notation originate from Ukrainian ethnic lands and are analysed retrospectively. The notation of manuscripts named differently znamenna or krukova, in Ukrainian sources has the name kulyzmiana. A Kyivan linear manuscript is analysed with the retrospective method. The explanation of most of the neumatic signs is given and the frequency of their occurrence is analysed. An arranged neumatic vocabulary makes it possible to establish the extent of use of neumatic signs in manuscripts.
As a liturgical and music book, the pontifical reflects the temporal transformations and so allows us to become acquainted with the register of episcopal functions connected with celebrating the sacraments and sacramentals. The object of the study is a detailed list of strictly musical content of the 12thcentury Pontificale Plocense (Płock Pontifical). The musical layer of this code was revealed through the gleaning of texts accompanied with a melody (over 200 text pieces with added melodies). Sometimes these are single words, incipits, psalm differentiation, and sometimes the musical notation covers the entire liturgical content of the work. Dominated by the cheironomic record of the melody, the manuscript seems to confirm its foreign origin. This notation is especially consistent in the case of the Preface melody. Therefore, it could be argued that the cheironomic record of Pontificale Plocense was imported from a foreign centre.
The Virgin Mary´s esteem was extended in the Middle Ages throughout the entire Christian world. Its content was transferred not only to the liturgy but also to various forms of art. From Hungary there are several manuscripts preserved from the Middle Ages that contain rare monuments – sequences with Marian themes. The poetic texts of these chants combine references to holy scripture, pictures of nature and ordinary life, the revelation of the veneration of the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God and the Queen of Heaven as well as the desire of people to protect her and the requests for her intercessions to her Son for sinners. All of these elements point to the Marian tradition, which was very developed in the territory of what was then Hungary and its main features, typical for the later Middle Ages, reflecting not only religious feelings and expressions, but also the social and existential conditions of that time.
Polish singing for the Feast of Corpus Christi contained in the cantional of Jagodyński (edition 1638, 1695) count 13 works, including 7 which are translations of Latin poetry, formed most probably at the end of the sixteenth and early seventeenth centuries; and 6 is the fruit of the work of contemporary poets and composers. The translations were modeled on the poetic structure of Latin texts, although not always fully; while the songs of Polish provenance were included by the authors in a way that fits in the general tendencies of the poetics structure of this period. We notice here mostly the songs with 4-verse stanzas and 7-, 6- and 2-verses. The stanzas binding factor is even rhyme, paroxytonic, perfect rhyme, and occasionally alternating rhyme.
The presented article is the first attempt of presentation of the vocal works of a little-known Polish composer Jerzy Gablenz (1888-1937). He composed 86 songs, written in the period from 1907 to 1928. To this day the majority of these songs have not been published. Only the single songs were published in collections, which are to be found in the National Library. The collection also includes the songs handwritten by the composer’s himself. In total, it is a little over 30% of Jerzy Gablenz’s vocal lyric poetry. The majority of his songs, rewritten by hand by the son Tomasz, are to be found in the records of individuals such as Jan Jarnicki, the director of Acte Préalable phonographic company, who does his best to record these still undiscovered works of Gablenz on CDs. The following article may become an inspiration for the musicologists and music theoreticians to conduct extensive studies upon the works of Jerzy Gablenz, who is a composer of not only songs, but also of symphonies, symphonic poems, a piano concerto or a sonata for cello and grand piano.
The article discusses the presence of religious folk songs at the last four editions of “Powiślaki” Festival in Maciejowice (Garwolin District, Mazovia Province). The Festival’s history and significance for the local culture are presented. Performers and their repertoire are described, and a source-based analysis of selected songs is carried out. The songs are discussed in terms of their function and genre, their musical elements are examined.The analysed religious folk songs have demonstrated the continuous transmission of the repertoire of distant provenance, as well as of a style deeply rooted in folk performance. A variety of repertoire, melodic versions and variants not documented before, as well as multi-stanza texts testify to a high artistic level of individual singers and vocal groups. “Powiślaki” in Maciejowice can be regarded as a festival which actively supports the oral and musical traditions of the region and which is a perfect example of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage.
The main aim of the article is to show functioning of the song Już to po zachodzie słońca (It is already after the sunset) in the living folk tradition. Originally, the song, inspired by the miraculous apparitions in Gietrzwałd and written in 1877 by Andrzej Samulowski, was passed down in oral tradition and in this way it reached different parts of Poland. During the field research 22 recordings of this song were gathered, coming from 9 different regions of our country. Research has shown that this song has 4 melodic versions, of which Version I and Version II have numerous variants; also, it has been proved that this song is multifunctional (it serves as a Marian song, a beggar song, a pilgrimage song and a funeral song). It is worth pointing out that these recordings are really varied, each of them is different, usually is defined by local conditions. It confirms a high degree of melodic, methro-rytmic, interstanza and agogic variability, various ways of vocal performance, as well as, quite high text variantability.
On the basis of source research on one of the most important, still undiscovered composers of French music modernism – Charles Tournemire, the author describes the Franciscan topos in his work. In the general perspective of the fascination with the figure of the Saint from Assisi, intensified especially in the art and music of the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, Tournemire’s Franciscanism appears as one of the main inspirations in the art and worldview of the author of L’orgue mystique and his great successor – Olivier Messiaen. The article is a part of a research project analyzing the relationship between ideological inspirations, the semantic layer and aesthetics of Tournemire’s works, as a contribution to first monograph of his music.
The article concerns the late works by Claude Debussy – three of Six sonates pour instruments divers (the only three he had finished before his death). The analysis, particularly analysis of their form, is the main topic of this paper. The author considers the form of the sonatas in the context of the political and sociological tendency to return to the “real” French music. This idea, very popular in France in the late 19th and at the beginning of the 20th century, could have had some impact on Debussy’s last works. The aim of this paper is to describe the influence of these tendencies on the form of Debussy’s sonatas and to prove that they imposed the change of his creative attitude.
In the archives of the Corpus Christi Church in Kraków there is a ledger (Expensa pecuniae) that was maintained by the sacristans during the years 1616-1676. The author or this paper analyzed the entries which reflect music-related expenses. The monks paid the singers or instrumentalists for enhancing the liturgy. The first part of the ledger refers to the period between 1616 and 1652. The Swedish invasion interrupted the process of maintaining the ledger. The document proves a high-level music culture cultivated in the monastery in Kraków.