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Ideals and delusions. Balkan War and catastrophe of 1913. The Great European war and involvement of Bulgaria. The 1918 catastrophe, its consequences for Bulgaria and the prospects. Published in 1926 by »Кооперативна печатница Гутенбергъ,«
Author Iordan Georgiev is printed at the cover page as "Iordane Pope Guéorgieff". Second auhtor: " St. N. Chichkoff" The book is about: Aspect physique et population // Composition de la population sous le joug turc // Développement du grécisme jusqu'en 1872 // Développement du grécisme pendant les années 1872-1913 // a) Séparation des bulgares du Patriarcat . . . // b) La terreur grecque pendant les années 1902-1908 // c) Moyens divers // d) Ecoles // V. Conclusion. // VI Documents. // VII. Liste des documents // The Greek texts are translated into French. The list of documents can be downloaded in the introduction PDF file
The paper aims to acquaint the readers with the exceedingly active multifarious activity of Queen Eleonore in the field of charity and philanthropy in Bulgaria, naturally related to the political, cultural and economic life in the country in the first years of the 20-th century, marked as they were by the struggle for national unification. The subject is researched for the first time, mainly on the basis of Bulgarian sources and the till sparse contemporary studies dedicated directly to the life and work of Queen Eleonore in Bulgaria and Europe in the field of charity. For the first time, the paper follows the appearance of the new queen in Bulgaria's social, political and cultural sphere: it marks out the parameters of action in the organization of charity in this country, as well as the first more widely advertised Bulgarian efforts on the international field on the part of the Bulgarian Red Cross (BRC) and the 'Samaritan' society she founded, which also had supporters across the ocean. It also speaks of the participation of Queen Eleonore in organizing nursing activities in support of the army during the Balkan War in 1912-1913 and the opportunities she constantly sought and found to provide medical aid to the army and the front lines during the Second Balkan War and in the years of the Treaty of Bucharest, which was determental to the Bulgaria. Her preparations for the official visit across the ocean at the invitation of the United States government allows us to follow her extremely responsible attitude to this top-ranking diplomatic mission which she considered extremely important and which she undertook in the name of Bulgaria's welfare.
At the beginning of World War I Bulgaria remained neutral, waiting for favourable conditions to engage in the conflict. Its supreme political objective was national unification. The Balkan countries were under constant pressure of the warring coalitions that were trying to win new allies. No Balkan state was a master of the situation and each was afraid about it's back. Because of its geographic location Bulgaria had a strategic position in the Balkans and its joining one of the warring groups would have ensured its geopolitical advantage in the war. In the "Bulgarian summer of 1915" both warring coalitions tried to attract the country on their side, offering territorial compensations or awards. Germany's promises were taken as more reliable by the politicians and Bulgaria entered World War I as part of the Central Powers. The choice of the great allies proved wrong. What was more, the manner of selection was also wrong - not according to the possibility of final victory, but according to the bidding in the territorial auction the profit of which would be lost at the loss of the war.
Radko Dimitriev (Bulgarian: Радко Димитриев) (24 September 1859 in Gradets – 18 October 1918 near Pyatigorsk) was a Bulgarian general, Head of the General Staff of the Bulgarian Army from 1 January 1904 to 28 March 1907, as well as a general in the Russian Army during the First World War. (Wikipedia)
Zbog ne posve nerazumljivih razloga historiografija od vajkada teži urediti povijest po razdobljima koja počinju s godinama s dvije nule na kraju, po „okruglim“ stoljećima, naime. Vjerojatno u nakani postizanja jednostavnosti (kao važnoga uvjeta široke prihvaćenosti) historiografijskih interpretacija uvodi se periodiziranje koje je zapravo posve izvanjsko na vlastitoj naravi povijesnih zbivanja. U novije vrijeme Eric Hobsbawm je ipak uveo u raspravu koncept „kratkoga dvadesetog stoljeća“ (1914.-1991.), primjenjujući, zapravo, na specifičan povijesni materijal koncept „zgušnjavanja povijesnoga vremena“ (koji predznačuje Benjamin u životno zaključnim tezama „O pojmu povijesti“).
Beogradski istoričar objašnjava zbog čega je 1. decembra 1918. većina jugoslovenskih naroda oduševljeno ušla u Kraljevinu Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca, da li je već Vidovdanski ustav iz 1921. nekima od njih srušio iluzije o mogućoj ravnopravnosti unutar nove države, šta je jugoslovenskim narodima donio AVNOJ i je li SFRJ zaista bila “naša prva Evropa”.
U „građanskom ratu sećanja” ovih dana je na nov način oživljen Sarajevski atentat. Okvir je ostao tanato-politički, ali se više ne eksploatiše samožrtvovanje Principa nego smrt Ferdinanda. Ko je odgovoran za to što su mladobosanci od tiranoubica postali teroristi? Svi oni u regionu koji strepe od jugoslovenstva i svi oni iz okruženja koji žele da rasterete vlastite nacije od imperijalističke odgovornosti za klanicu Prvog svetskog rata. Da li će oni uveriti javnost da su atentatori bili teroristi? Verovatno hoće zato što Princip danas nema valjanog advokata. Srušene su one strukture koje su Principa iznedrile i koje su ga docnije opravdano heroizovale. Država Jugoslavija je Principu s razlogom dizala spomenike i po njemu imenovala ulice. Danas nikakva kohorta blistavih istoričara ne može odbraniti Principa zato što nema južnoslovenske države kao ostvarenja mutnog ideala koji je vodio mladobosance. A što se rečena država danas više shvata kao iluzija ili kao tamnica to su veće šanse da Princip o neslavnom jubileju bude stigmatizovan kao terorista.
In order to make the thorough mendacity of Putin's rhetoric about "Ukraine as a State of Neo-Nazis" fully evident, CEEOL is offering the Ukrainian Jewish journal ”Ї“ as the strongest possible proof of a habit of "modern Ukrainian and world intellectual thought". The NGO "Ї", an independent cultural organization founded in the late 1980's in L'viv, focuses on modern Ukrainian and world intellectual thought. It offers periodic forums for discussion of issues concerning Ukraine and, among others, Europe, Russia, post-Byzantium, the Muslim Renaissance. It analyzes the current situation in order to develop future socio-political strategies. The organization also publishes "Ї", a quarterly journal dealing with European and Ukrainian issues in politics, philosophy, and culture. It also examines the relationship of Ukrainians with Russians, Poles, Austrians, and Jews and places Ukraine in a modern geopolitical sphere that can further Ukraine's identity as a modern state.
Iz zbornika „Svakodnevica i društveni odgovori na epidemijske krize 1914-2020“, nastalog u okviru naučno-istraživačkog projekta „Čovek i društvo u vremenu krize“, urednik zbornika Milan Ristović, izdavač Filozofski fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu 2021. U članku se prikazuje život Beograđana krajem 1918. U danima slavlja zbog oslobođenja, stvaranja Jugoslavije i povratka u normalni život, stanovnike je kosio Španski grip. U članku se prikazuju razlozi zbog kojih je pandemija prošla gotovo neopaženo, uprkos visokoj smrtnosti.
Un sumar bilanţ al activităţii portului Bugaz pe parcursul celor aproape opt ani, între redeschiderea traficului şi cedarea ocupantului sovietic, relevă rezultate pozitive pe mai multe paliere. Populaţia locală şi cea din hinterlandul portului, care a cuprins o regiune de 100 km din sudul Basarabiei, a beneficiat de un debuşeu pentru exportul produselor cerealiere, cu preţuri avantajoase şi stimulative. Navigaţia între Marea Neagră şi limanul Nistrului s-a îmbunătăţit ca urmare a amplasării balizelor şi instalaţiilor de acostare a navelor. De aceste facilităţi au beneficiat nu numai navele care veneau la încărcat, ci şi pescarii din zonă. Numărul locurilor de muncă, stabile şi temporare, a crescut. Portul Bugaz a provocat o mişcare economică şi comercială în sudul Basarabiei cu efecte în îmbunătăţirea transporturilor pe apă cu porturile Constanţa şi Sulina, de unde cerealele luau drumul spre pieţele din Orientul Mijlociu şi Occident. La Bugaz s-a derulat o activitate „determinată şi condusă în spirit naţional românesc”, într-o zonă cu o populaţie eterogenă şi cu o utilizare pentru comunicare „din ce în ce mai întinsă a limbii româneşti” . Indubitabil, portul Bugaz a contribuit la consolidarea procesului conexării Basarabiei la economia unitară a României.
„Neka bude zapisano da ja, kao dobar Španac, protestujem protiv tog termina španska groznica“, zabilježio je 1918. godine madridski ljekar Eduardo García-Triviño López. Za razliku od ostalih (uglavnom zaraćenih) evropskih zemalja, u medijskom prostoru (neutralne) Španije nije prećutkivana pojava novog razornog gripa. Tako je prerogativ najsmrtonosnije pandemije 20. stoljeća dobio ime po jednoj državi i jednom narodu.
Iako su revizionistički udar iz devedesetih koji je, tek donekle kamufliran, ostao aktivan do danas ipak preživjele neke osobe iz komunističkog i antifašističkog pokreta, ponajprije zbog toga što su tvornice nosile njihova imena, izgleda da je Rade Končar ostao najveća crvena krpa hrvatskim desničarima. Svakako puno veća od Josipa Kraša ili Đure Đakovića. O razlozima zašto je tome tako možemo samo nagađati, ali ipak dovoljno utemeljeno. Končar je bio Srbin, komunist i partizan, što je već dovoljno za histeričan odnos prema njemu, ali nekako sam dojma da nije samo to u pitanju. Rade Končar je, naime, bio organizator ustanka u Dalmaciji i simbol otpora, čak i pred streljačkim vodom. Jednako kao Stjepan Filipović pred vješalima. Istina je da je ta organizacija ustanka često bila tragična kao u slučaju stradanja Prvog splitskog odreda i da ga je karakterna svojeglavost na kraju koštala hapšenja i odvela ga u smrt, o čemu svjedoči Vicko Krstulović u svojim memoarima, ali oni kojima je Končar trn u oku danas, ništa ne znaju o tim nijansama, niti ih one suštinski zanimaju. Za njih je Rade Končar neprijatelj jedan kroz jedan. Toliki da se pretprošlu zimu jedan od splitskih desničara poželio obračunati s njegovom bistom na Bačvicama koja mu je u ironičnom raspletu slomila nogu, da bismo ovih dana vidjeli drugi napad na njega, ovaj put u Šibeniku u kojem je Končar i ubijen. I opet jednako bizarno.
The text is dedicated to the character of the king Sigismund II Augustus in Józef Ignacy Kraszewski’s novels: "Mistrz Twardowski" ("Mister Twardowski", 1840), "Zygmuntowskie czasy" ("Sigismund’s Times", 1846), "Dwie królowe" ("Two Queens", 1884) and "Infantka" ("Infant Princess", 1884). It also refers to the portrayal of this monarch in "Wizerunki książąt i królów polskich" ("Portrayals of Polish Princes and Kings", 1888), written by the same author. The writer’s vision, sometimes contradicting historic sources, consists of portraying the king as a sentimental-romantic lover type. The evolution of the author’s attitude towards the last ruler from the Jagiellonian dynasty is shown by his ceasing to accept this kind of character type and eventually beginning to criticize it as a threat to his “manliness”. According to the writer, the lack of the latter trait make it impossible for Sigismund II Augustus to be a good monarch, which is why his achievements are undervalued in Kraszewski’s novels.
Jan Matejko (1838–1893) is the author of more than three hundred twenty oil paintings, several thousand drawing sketches, a couple of hundred projects of the polychrome, stained glass, altars, and statues. He was a collector. He was a titan, not only artistic. His paintings received the highest awards. Also, honorary memberships of the European artistic associations were bestowed on him. In 1873 Matejko became the director of Cracow Fine Arts School. The artist conducted an inventory of historical places, creating an extraordinary pictorial documentation of often no longer existing objects. He acquired artifacts related to historical figures for his own collection. His painting talent and historical passion developed in parallel. From the beginning of his artistic journey, he embarked on pilgrimages to churches, libraries, monasteries, and through the streets of cities. He filled the pages of the album "Skarbczyk". He copied, drew, documented. The important fact is that since 1856, Matejko had a permanent right to access the valuable manuscript collections of the Jagiellonian Library, and from 1864 he was a member of the Cracow Scientific Society. Matejko’ s private library proves his extensive interests. He read about art, philosophy, and history. His collection included: Marcin Bielski’ s "Polish Chronicle", works by Jan Długosz, "Historical annals", "Cracow annals", "The Templates of Medieval and Renaissance Art after the End of the Seventeenth Century in Old Poland" ("Wzory sztuki średniowiecznej i z epoki Odrodzenia po koniec wieku XVII w dawnej Polsce") by Edward Rastawiecki and Aleksander Przezdziecki, as well as many other works in the field of history, philosophy, ethnography, given to him by the authors. He actively took part in the work of the Department of Archaeology and Fine Arts of the Scientific Society. Matejko depicted events related to the figure of Sigismund II Augustus in his works, covering various periods of his life as the heir to the throne and later as the king. He created portrait sketches, compositional sketches for paintings, historical paintings, and immortalized him in the work "Polish Clothing 1200–1795" ("Ubiory w Polsce 1200–1795"). The artist collected artifacts related to the Jagiellonian era.
In the political and social circumstances of the partitions, when throughout the 19th century and until 1918, efforts were made to consolidate Polish national identity, interest in Old Polish literature and culture, and especially in the Sigismund times as the “golden age” of the Republic, did not wane. In the historiography, literature and art of the time, in numerous publications in books and periodicals, one can observe a focus on the person of King Sigismund II Augustus. A kind of summation of nineteenth-century knowledge and perceptions of him are the dramatic works, of which the king is the protagonist and which saw the light of day in print and on theatrical stages in the early twentieth century. The most outstanding of these is the unfinished, posthumously reconstructed work Zygmunt August by Stanisław Wyspiański, which seems to be an attempt to synthesize many images of the hero, taken from various sources (lover, husband, son, promoter of Renaissance culture, defender of the Polish language, ruler of the Republic). The text of the drama and the surviving documents confirm that Wyspiański made use of numerous 19th-century publications related to the Sigismund theme, which at the same time provided the context for the reception of his drama by his contemporaries: literary and visual art works, source editions, scientific and popular historical and cultural studies; some of Wyspiański’s reading can be guessed at from their time and place of publication and popularity in the era. In this article, Wyspianski’s history of Sigismund Augustus provides a starting point for observing the 19th-century reception of the figure of the last Jagiellonian, as revealed by the facts from the history of the publishing movement, which are certain or probable sources of Wyspiański’s erudition and artistic inspiration, as well as an appropriate context for analyzing and interpreting his work.
In Polish film production of the interwar years, historical films were scarce. The main reason constituted very high cost of costumes and sets, which, with the notorious lack of funds in our film industry, was a great handicap. Despite these problems, several worthwhile historical films were created. All of them told the history of Poland or were set in Poland of the past eras. We did not produce films set in other parts of the world. The earliest era which our filmmakers reached was the reign of King Sigismund Augustus. The first of these films set in this era was "Pan Twardowski" (dir. Henryk Szaro, 1936) – a screen adaptation of the Polish legend about the Cracow sorcerer. One of the film’s scenes featured Sigismund Augustus. The second is "Barbara Radziwiłłówna" (dir. Józef Lejtes, 1936) – the story of a love affair and a secret wedding between the king and a Vilnius magnate lady. Both were shot with great panache, and both were praised by reviewers, although there was no shortage of criticism regarding the historical fidelity of certain elements, costumes as one example. Another cinematic era was the time of the Swedish invasion of Poland, the so-called Swedish Deluge between 1655–1660, and the heroic defense of the Jasna Góra monastery (Polish sacred place) shown in the film "Prior Kordecki – defender of Częstochowa” (dir. Edward Puchalski, 1934). Two films told the story of Tadeusz Kościuszko – the Polish hero and leader of the uprising in 1794. These were "Kościuszko’s First Love" (dir. Jerzy Orthon, 1929) and "Kościuszko at Racławice" (dir. Józef Lejtes, 1938). Unfortunately, both were not successful. Another six films were set in the 19th century. The output of historical cinema of the interwar years is not very numerous. Many of them were accused of being inconsistent with reality or lacked attention to detail, which, given the very difficult situation of our cinematographic industry and the specific requirements of the market, should not be surprising. Despite the adversity, several films of great value were made, and some of them, such as "Barbara Radziwiłłówna" by Józef Lejtes, have permanently entered the canon of the Polish cinema.