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After the liberation Protestant churches in the Bulgarian lands lose the protection of the Ottoman Empire and must seek paths of development through direct dialogue with the Bulgarian government. Missionary activity in the nineteenth century entirely determined subject to US policy in Europe and the Balkans, which is actually aimed at providing spiritual, cultural and economic impact. Information on the withdrawal from the middle of the Baptist community are too limited to draw general conclusions about the weakening influence. But it can not deny the fact that members of one of the most devoted to the cause families – Pateva begin to return to the Orthodox faith. On the other hand, as in any community, and the Baptist deviate people with weak nerves or those who have a basic material incentive to members of the Baptist Church. But can not help noting the importance of the fact that the Protestant Church in Kazanlak survives through time and guide their followers to this day.
The article dwells on the Spanish colonial policy during the first half of the 20th century. Special attention is given to the different models of colonization employed by Spain along the Mediterranean coast and in the interior of the country. The article also focuses on the functions and authority of the local institutions in the sphere of religion, law, education, and taxes
The article analyzes the creation of the Bulgarian Trade Agency in Dedeagach as an experiment in the Bulgarian foreign and economic policy at the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century. It regards the initiative as an attempt to expand the economic influence of the Principality of Bulgaria in European Turkey in the middle of the Eastern Crisis (1894-1898). Despite the public opinion, which favored a military solution to the Bulgarian national question, the prime minister Dr. Konstantin Stoilov decided to stay neutral and to use the crisis to strengthen the economic ties between the two countries. The Agency functioned only 4 years - from 1897 to 1901, when it was closed due to financial difficulties of the Principality. The Author uses the official correspondence of the Trade Agency with the Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the local authorities and private companies to trace the activity of the commercial agent Konstantin Hadzhidimitrov and to show the main problems of the traders and entrepreneurs in the Ottoman empire. The paper presents case studies, which show the complicated trade relations in the Balkans, and seeks an answer to the question if the Bulgarian experiment was successful.
In the period between the two World Wars, the development of international trade is determined by the general conditions of the world economy, the profound geopolitical changes and the specificities of the individual national economies. In a complex and dynamic situation, the different countries and their governments are moving towards the implementation of effective approaches and forms to solve their foreign trade problems. In this context the possibilities of creating mixed chambers of commerce are also discussed. The emphasis is placed on: the prerequisites for their creation, the internal organization and membership, the main directions of their activity etc. Institutions are also viewed through the lens of bilateral economic relations and political interests.
This study is based on documents from Plovdiv State archive, newspapers, scientific researches, popular publications, handbooks, memories. The results are presented in synthesized variant. Until the second half of 30s the tourism in Plovdiv was accepted as outdoor excursions, especially in the mountains. The local tourist associations were branches of Bulgarian tourist association and Youth tourist union. The biggest achievement of Plovdiv tourists until the end of Second world war was the construction of hut “Zdravets”. The new status of Plovdiv Fair as international since 1937 initiated development of “economic tourism”. A Tourist committee was created by Plovdiv municipality and took measures for city advertisement and preservation of the cultural heritage. Unfortunately, the war ended these promising activities. Several years of economy transformations and postwar crises followed the coup d’état on 9 September 1944. The development of International fair and the preservation of cultural heritage, the main tourist resources, restarted at the end of 40s and especially in 50s. Other important area of investments was the near territory of Rhodopes. Different trade deficits and stock delivery problems accompanied the tourism during the communist regime. The termination of private entrepreneurship put a continuous trend of reduce or slow increase of tourist establishments. At the end of 1989, the beds in hotels were approximately 3000 but the Fair needed not less than 15000. The rest were supplemented by private accommodations – a paradox for socialist state and economy. Despite such disadvantages, Plovdiv was awarded with European gold medal for preservation of cultural heritage in 1979 and hosted three World EXPOs (1981, 1985, 1991). During the decade of democratic changes, last of the 20th century and this research, Plovdiv confirmed its importance as a center of cultural and event tourism. The International fair multiplied its exhibitions, the State hotels were privatized, the number of private tourist venues grew rapidly. Plovdiv municipality was the main contributing authority throughout the whole period.
Ethnic contact zone has been for centuries present along the Croatian-Hungarian border on the axis of the Drava River, stretching from the Mura River to Vojvodina. The objective of the paper is to illustrate the main factors that influenced assimilation after the First World War, and the forming of the border between Hungary and the Kingdom of the Serbs, the Croats and the Slovenes (later the Kingdom of Yugoslavia). It further shows the status of the “imprisoned” persons of the Croatian, the Slovenian and the Serbian nationalities on the Hungarian side of the border, the characteristics of their social and economic relations with homeland, political and geographical changes that influenced their everyday life, and the consequences thereof. High-quality foreign policy between Yugoslavia and Hungary and the atmosphere created by the great European politics marked their bilateral border relations in the period between the two World Wars.
In 1922, in Romania, fascist youth organizations began to undertake actions of intimidation and annihilation of Jews and of those accused of supporting them, through the use of physical and verbal violence, manifestations that continued and radicalized year after year. Sports and sports venues were among the spaces where Romanian antisemitism seemed tobe allowed to manifest itself unhindered. The systemic spread of the antisemitic ideology led to an increase of such occurrences. As of the 1930s, the foundations of the anti-Jewish legislation continued by the Antonescu regime were laid, and the war of the far-right groups against Jews and Judaism was total and concerned all aspects of life, including sports. Step by step, athletes and officials of Jewish origin were excluded from this field, meaning that the Maccabi association, as well as other Jewish sport teams, were banned from all official competitions of the Romanian State. this situation lasted four years, until the end of the Antonescu regime. Jewish associations were categorized by the police and military authorities as a cover for communist activity. In Romania, just like in other countries, persecution and discrimination of Jews continued after the end of World War II, given that stadiums in Bucharest and in the province witnessed reprehensible deeds against Jewish soccer players and sports clubs, done by the other athletes and especially by the audiences. In this article, I will present several such cases in detail, in order to show a lesser known side of Romanian antisemitism before and after the Second World War.
The paper focuses on the divergent national perspectives – Croatian and Serbian – regarding the reasons behind Yugoslavia's unification (the Kingdom of SHS), moreover on the causes of its disappearance from the historical scene, both as the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes and as the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. From the perspective of Serbian „nationally conscious“ historians, it was the Croatian separatism that should be blamed for the downfall of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia during the Italian and German occupation in 1941 as well as the inner disintegration of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia in 1991. From the Croatian perspective, the reason behind the downfall of Yugoslavia is in Serbian unitarism, which, through Yugoslavia, aimed to dominate over the other nations. While condemning the nationalistic politics of other nations for the breakup of Yugoslavia, both of these nationalistic perspectives consider Yugoslavia an artificial creation. Miroslav Krleža, a Croatian and Yugoslav writer, criticized the politics of Croatian national separatism and Serbian unitarism in the texts he wrote during the time of the Kingdom of SHS (Yugoslavia). These writings also represent his efforts to open a possibility for a new political community based on socialistic principles. Although his polemic thought was based on the recognition of national particularities, Krleža was looking for ways to overcome the national antagonisms within socialist Yugoslavia. Although Yugoslavia disappeared, his thought on nationalistic antagonisms is relevant in the current political framework, the one in which national exclusion is dominating.
This study presents some of the leading Polish researchers with their most im¬portant works on Bulgarian history in the 20th century, written after 1989, when both the priorities and approaches in historical studies changed. It identifies three thematic blocks, in which most of the research of Polish historians is concentrated: the examination of issues of Bulgarian political history in the context of Balkan history; the study of Bulgarian historical development with an emphasis on the social and political changes in the country; and the presentation of Bulgarian-Polish relations, which understandably receive the most attention.
The article explores financial aspects of the efforts to control tuberculosis in interwar Bulgaria, including the specific roles of different stakeholders involved in the process of fighting one of the main healthcare challenges during the period. Elaborating on the dependency between the overall conditions and the spread of tuberculosis, it examines it as a “social” disease which demanded complex responses in a time of different crises and a wide prevalence of the infection. The text first looks at the evolution of the Bulgarian healthcare institutions which were focused on the problem with an emphasis of the economic aspects of their functioning. It also examines in more detail the initiatives to support the fight against the disease of the biggest voluntary organization in the field, the Society for Fight against Tuberculosis in Bulgaria.
The liberation struggles during the Revival left a deep imprint on the collective consciousness of Bulgarian society. A process of searching for, preserving and popularizing evidence of the past of all kinds was being developed – including photographs, regarding the events and personalities related to the struggle for the liberation of the Bulgarians from the Ottoman rule. Celebrations were held, monuments were erected, historical events were re-enacted. Many of these events were photographed, thus the photographs became testimonies reflecting the desire to preserve the memory of the revolutionary struggle. The article examines photographs of buildings of historical significance, monuments, group and personal photographs of combatants, etc. They are found in various local and central archival collections. The descriptive method used shows how photographs participated in the process of preserving the historical memory of the movement for political independence and their role in the construction of national identity.
The article deals with the history of the emergence of the Bulgarian community in the Perm region, including an analysis of its migration and displacement at the end of the 20th century. The ethnic-dispersed group of Bulgarians in the Ural-Povolgaregion was formed as a result of a series of state-regulated migration campaigns. The analysis of the archival materials of the Perm State Archive for Socio-PoliticalHistory (PermGASPI) shows that a large part of Bulgarians ended up in the region as a result of forced emigration (dispossession (Dekulakization), deportation) from the territories of the Ukrainian SSR, the Moldavian SSR and the Crimean ASSR, and only several people are political emigrants from Bulgaria itself. In the text are used, in addition to archival materials, interviews containing memories of Bulgarians concerning their life in the Perm region.
The problem of afforestation on the area of Koprivshtitsa is not researched by historians, which makes it an interesting topic for investigation. The recent unscrupulous act of deforestation in the area of Koprivshtitsa brings to light the necessity of pine tree zone around the town. The main purpose of the present publication is to track the stages of the afforestation process in Koprivshtitsa from 1904 to 1944; to summarize the motives of local people who embarked on the first afforestation actions; to explain the benefits of afforesting the eroded soil, and to consider afforestation in Koprivshtitsa as a concrete example of the implementation of the state policy undertaken by the Ministry of Trade and Agriculture. The long-term goal of afforestation in Koprivshtitsa was to improve the climate as well as the appearance of the settlement, turning it into a small mountain resort and improving the living conditions of the local population.
The article aims to examine the role of textbooks on history and civilizations for the 9th grade in the acquisition of knowledge about modern economic life, the assimilation of economic ideas and concepts that form the economic literacy of students. The textbooks are examined, analyzed and compared with regard to the above purpose. The article draws attention to those of them that present ideas, policies and personalities in the field of economics that had a strong impact in the 20th century. The textbooks present the good examples that contribute to the orientation of the students in the complex economic life of Modernity. The economic knowledge of young people is an important part of their civic culture, which will ensure their successful inclusion in the economic and social life of Bulgarian society.
Naslijeđeni agrarni odnosi Osmanskog Carstva zadržali su se na prostorima Kraljevine Srba, Hrvata i Slovenaca sve do sprovođenja agrarne reforme (1918-1941). Regent Aleksandar je 6. januara 1919. godine izrazio odlučnost na rješavanju ovog pitanja kojim je trebalo ukinuti kmetstvo i velike zemljišne posjede. I pored nastojanja da se agrarna reforma što prije započne i sprovede, ipak se, zbog stranačkih dogovora, njeno ozakonjenje proteglo sve do 1931. godine kada je donesen Zakon o uređenju agrarnih odnosa. U ovome radu posjedi Mahmuta i Huseina Batilovića i njihovih naslednika koji su bili predmet sprovođenja mjera agrarne reforme uzeti su kao primjerove problematike u bjelopoljskom kraju.