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The file contains the abreviations used both in the article and in the indexes and the indexes of the names, of the geographical places and of the institutions that are to be found in the articles.
Considering town design with regard to the originality, identity and traditions can play an effective role in city. The study focuses on changes in organization and usage of the public space in town caused by historical, demographical and political processes, and on process of identification of citizens with urban area. Via German phenomenon of landscape exhibitions we will observe reception and usage of green areas in border town Cheb. Differences in usage of the original and the recent one were caused by massive demographical change: after war removal of German inhabitants. Transforming the public space in Cheb via landscape exhibition we compare with the same process which took place in German border town Marktredwitz. Research methods used for writing this study were analysis of documents related to landscape exhibitions in general and with Chebean and Marktredwitzean exhibition in particular, participant observation and narrative interviews.
Throughout the world cities after the fall of the totalitarian regimes deal with numerous issues that affect the everyday life of their inhabitants. The cities, which benefited from the economic direction of the totalitarian regime concerning selected sectors of the economy, may become sites on the periphery of events after several years. Conversely, the democratization of post-totalitarian societies associated with the opening of borders, free movement of persons, knowledge and technologies in a short time can affect the development of cities and towns stagnating in the previous era.
The first contacts of the Anglican Church with the Eastern Orthodoxy date from the early 17th century and launch a process of rapprochement, which is well known in the international historiography. Over the centuries, until today it has a different intensity depending on the degree of theological negotiations and political situation. The study traces the impact of this process among the Bulgarian Orthodox community and among Bulgarian society, how Bulgarians form their perceptions of the Anglican Church and to what extent the subject goes out of theological dialogue and is publicly known and discussed, and hence politically exploited. The author traces the attitudes and positions which the representatives of the Anglican Church occupy regarding major events related to Bulgaria, and Bulgarian Orthodox Church in the 19th and early 20th century; how individual public officials try to see farther than purely theological dialogue and to use sporadically, albeit unsuccessfully, the benevolence of the Anglican Church to Eastern Orthodoxy in the context of the national tasks that need to be resolved. During the Second World War and the Cold War Anglican-Orthodox rapprochement becomes part of big politics and is influenced by Stalin‘s religious policy. Initially, Stalin relies on the Anglican Church for expansion of Orthodox influence in international organizations, but later he begins to consider it as a rival and opponent. Consequently, the dialogue is restored only after Stalin‘s death, but on the part of Orthodox churches of the socialist camp and particularly Bulgaria it will be subject to the religious policy of „opening“ led by communist parties, which aims to use the churches in the big propaganda war between Orient and Occident about the existing religious freedom behind the Iron Curtain.
One of the leading methodological linguistic trends of the past 20th century is undisputedly linguistic structuralism. The Prague school, also known as the Prague linguistic circle, is one of the first structuralist linguistic schools, being properly defined as functionalist in its essence. Representatives of the Prague school from its classic period (1926 – 1945) and their disciples in the late 20th century give their invaluable contribution to worldwide development of linguistics. The text examines those key concepts of Prague functional structuralism that substantially contributed to the formation and development of functional grammar as we know it in the works of A. V. Bondarko and I. Kutsarov. First, it is R. Jakobson’s concept of binarism, also known as the theory of markedness, that plays a key role in the development of modern linguistics, underlying the morphological concepts of A. V. Bondarko and I. Kutsarov that represent the relations between grammemes of morphological categories through morphological oppositions. Second, the Prague structuralists developed the functional approach to linguistic phenomena and the theory of centre and periphery in language. Both are uniquely elaborated in Bondarko’s functional theory of semantic fields underlying his theory of functional grammar. The latter was not only promoted but also successfully implemented by I. Kutsarov in Bulgaria. And last but not least, much like the Prague linguistic circle, A. V. Bondarko, I. Kutsarov and their disciples evaluate the theoretical significance of synchronic and contrastive studies. Functional grammar, which is to meet many more scientific challenges in the future, undisputedly applies to the study of a particular language as well as to contrastive studies.
The study closely traces the fate of Church Slavonic monuments in the collections of the Basilian monasteries since the establishment of the Order of the Basilians in 1617 to the period of socialism. A full quantitative and thematic characterization of the manuscripts and books preserved until today is presented against the background of historical events. The author argues that the collections of the Basilian libraries are unique in character and represent a kind of synthesis between western and eastern traditions.
Book Review: Asen Kozhuharov „Bulgarian Naval Officers Training Abroad (1882-1944)”
In 2018 Romania will celebrate the centenary of the Union of 1918, or the Great Union, when all Romanian provinces united into one state: Great Romania, a national ideal which Romanians strove for and achieved on the battlefield and which the Trianon Treaty of 1920 confirmed. For such a time as this hundredth anniversary, it is only natural to call to mind people who made this ideal come true. Queen Marie is rightly considered one of the artisans of the Great Union, being regarded at the time and afterwards as “the living consciousness of Romanian unity, the symbol of confidence in final victory” (Boia 2001: 208). This article aims to investigate the manner in which the queen’s memory is kept alive, and draws on two distinct attempts to portray the queen: Sorin Ilieşiu’s documentary Queen Marie – The Last Romantic, the First Modern Woman and the Golden Room in Pelişor Castle, Queen Marie’s official residence in Sinaia, the royal resort in the Carpathians. These two attempts illustrate how present-day Romanian society tries to regain parts of a common memory that was purposefully obliterated by the communist regime, and strives to rediscover and remap places of their shared memory. My analysis of Ilieşiu’s portrayal of the queen is circumscribed to the field of social semiotics, mainly to the concepts of “distance”, “angle” and “gaze” which Theo van Leeuwen uses in the visual representation of social actors. In my investigation of memory remapping, I draw on Pierre Nora’s concept “lieu de mémoire” and aim to prove that the Golden Room in Pelişor Castle, a place that reflects the personality of the chatelaine and where the queen symbolically reconnected with her origins, has turned into a realm where Romanians have access to a part of their memory which communism did its best to extirpate.
The article presents the significance of Józef Piłsudski (the Head of the State and the Commander-in-Chief at the beginning of the Polish state re-established in the 20th century) for the process of regaining independence by Poland. Piłsudski acted in this direction as a socialist activist, a creator of a paramilitary movement before World War I, and a legionary commander in 1914-1916. Without his actions, both on paramilitary and purely political grounds, the process of re-establishment of Poland as a sovereign state would have been significantly hampered and slowed down.
The following study has the purpose to research the cultural and historical heritage of several neighbor villages, to present the unifying factors related to the local identity of their inhabitants and to offer opportunities for the conservation and retransmission of their traditions and culture. The villages included in the survey are: Dolni Okol, Gorni Okol, Shiroki Dol, Relyovo, Belchin and Alino. An unifying factor associated with these villages is their location. All of them are located in the Samokov municipality, in the western part of the Samokov valley, in the valleys of the Plana Mountain and along the Palakariya. The work process includes tracking the history of the villages, as well as their current condition. The main motivation for choosing this topic is related to the tendency of depopulation in the countryside. The lack of continuity regarding to local traditions is a problem that needs to be discussed by cultural institutions and that needs a solution. History, folklore and traditions must be explored and described before they are forgotten. This study outlines the opportunities for cultural development in these villages and gives recommendations for preserving the local cultural and historical heritage. In this publication the reader would find the final results of the study, and last but not least conclusions and recommendations. The main benefits of preserving the local traditions have been discussed in the publication. Moreover, recommendations for future development of the villages are given. Furthermore, the benefits of preserving the local traditions have been analyzed. The recommendations for the development of the local cultural tourism include organization of open concerts in the mountain and building eco-tracks. A main topic that has been analyzed is the opportunity to create an ethnographic collection in the “chitalishte”, in which the history of the local communities will be presented, which is of a great importance.
The objective of this article is to outline in the light of the relations between the nation-state and the various religious organizations and individuals the main tensions in the contemporary Bulgarian society concerning the intertwining of religion and secularism. The general goal is to combine the presentation of national historical context, existing legislation and the current social debate based on fieldwork.
The article aims to reveal in most general terms the police actions against one of the major Bulgarian students’ organizations during the 30s of the 20th century. Documents from the archives of the Ministry of Interior and of Sofia District Court and studies on the police and on the justice system of the period have been used. Some of the main methods of collecting information and neutralizing the activity of the Bulgarian General National Union of Students (BGNUS) used by the state and its repressive bodies are revealed. Examples of the systematic violation of university autonomy by the police are provided but also examples of the popularity, which BGNUS acquires among students despite the prosecution and the semi-legal status of the organization. In view of the revealed data, it becomes questionable whether the government of Andrey Lyapchev and of the People’s Block during whose period of office BGNUS was constituted and developed its activities, has been of democratic nature (as supposed today by a large number of modern historians).
Education is the system that allows countries to look forward to the future in a strong, confident, and hopeful way. Teachers are the practitioners of education and teaching is a skill, a competence, moreover, it is a kind of art. Giving good education at schools, the success of the society in a country can be promoted with qualified teachers. Teacher training institutions play an important role in the education of well-equipped teachers. For this reason, by 2000s, many countries have focused on educational research, and the key of this research has become “more qualified teachers for better education”. Teaching requires great dedication, skill, patience and love. Teaching has their own rules, methods and practices. The most important source by 2000s is human resources. It is human intelligence that allows unlimited as it is processed. Teachers are the pioneers of education implementations. This study will focus on the historical development of teacher training in Turkey since the foundation of the Republic of Turkey. Economic losses in the following years in particular, led to a decline in the teaching profession and social status within society. Raising this declining prestige of the teaching profession is absolutely necessary for training good teachers and for recover its economic and social status first. The paper examines some of the inadequacies in education at the beginning of 2000s in Republic of Turkey, such as having less qualified educational operations except specific cities and schools; preventing the development of critical approach abilities because of the memorizing based education system; paying less sufficient attention in student abilities in the arranged education and training programs; training consumer people instead of productive people that is needed by society in the educational institutions; professional improvement problem because of education management. However, it can be said that many of these deficiencies are resolved today.
The cemetery of the Romanian community in Plăieșii de Jos testifies by the inscriptions on the funerary monuments to the process of ethnic assimilation that has been going on here for a long time. An extended analysis of these inscriptions may bring new elements for a better understanding of this process of ethnic assimilation of a Romanian community.
The study aims to highlight the role of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in the development of the Bulgarian Studies scientific filed in the different periods and historical contexts from the late 19th century to the early 1990s. The emphasis is placed on Bulgarian Studies perceived as knowledge in view of the Academy’s structures (commissions, institutes, centers) and the opportunities before their scientific production and its distribution in the international academic space. In this perspective, the author seeks the relationship with the cultural and foreign policy propaganda, especially during the decades of the Communist regime when that propaganda was highly centralized. Therefore, the analysis is based on recent research on the history of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences and the development of Bulgarian Studies abroad, as well as on archival materials available at the Central State Archives and the Academy’s Scientific Archives, which reflect the policies of the higher party organs and institutions such as the Center for Bulgarian Studies, published laws and statutes of the Academy, and Internet resources. The author’s conclusion is that the role of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences in the development of Bulgarian Studies within the country and abroad depends on the status and tasks that the Academy sets for itself in its legal documents (statute and decisions), the tasks that the political power sets for it (in programs, laws and decrees), as well as on the extent to which the state supports its activities.
Review of: Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić, Između nebrige i neznanja. Žene, seksualnost i planiranje porodice u Jugoslaviji (1918–1991), Beograd: Arhipelag – Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2022, 276 str.