Obraz Košíc v slovenskej historiografii v rokoch 1918 – 1938
The aim of the article is to reconstruct the image of the town of Košice produced by members of Slovak historiography, and by Czech historians working in Slovakia in the period of existence of the First Czechoslovak Republic 1918 – 1938. The article focuses on answering the questions: how was the „magyarized“ image of the town „slovakized“ by Czechoslovak historians, how they refl ected on the pre-Trianon Magyarization of the town, how they referred to importance of Košice in the Hungarian nation narrative; which processes and events in the history of Košice were emphasised, and which were obeyed. The article deals with variety of strategies in picturing the town and in reinterpretation of the respective historical events in its history. It also attempts to evaluate what role Košice played in the constructed Czechoslovak national discourse. Finally, the article aims to explain reasons, why Košice in the inter-war period, despite becoming a strategic metropolitan hub of East Slovakia, was left in the peripheral position in the context of the Slovak national narrative.