Glasul Minorităţilor. La Voix des Minorités. Die Stimme der Minderheiten. 1937-07
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please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1937
Topic of this issue: The Pact of the Hungarian Party with the Averescan Party. The precedents, the reasons for the conclusion, the text, the changes, the consequences, the resolution and its conclusions.
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1937
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1935
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1935
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1934
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1934
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1934
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1934
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1934
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1934
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1934
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a complete Table of Content for all annual issues of 1934
Inb the Post-WW-I and, hence, the Post-Habsburg period the question of ethnic and/or national minorities became one of the main political problems - in nearly each European State, on the Eruopean scale in general and as well in the debates of the League of Nations. This is a contribution of the Czechoslovak exppert on this topic.
One year before Hitler started his campaign for the destabilisation of the Czechoslovakia, the Czech Minister for Foreign Affairs, Kamil Krofta, is summarizing the international framework of Czechslovakia's situation and the unreliabilty of the Western Allies in the role of guarantees of Czechoslovak independence and territorial integrity. Krofta deliverd this Exposé on March2, 1937 in the parliament of Prague and in the Senate.
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a detailed Table of Content for this issue
The problem of minorities at the XIVth Session of the Assembly of the League of Nations. Fourteenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly - Sixth Committee. Minutes of the fifth meeting held on Tuesday, October 3, 1933
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a detailed Table of Content for this issue
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a detailed Table of Content for this issue
please find in the » Introduction.pdf « a detailed Table of Content for this issue